
Wednesday, 14 July 2021

I explain Secular Koranism to Muslims

31:00  Agents provacateurs on social media
33:00  Most people are sheeple who can be made to believe in anything.
37:00  I am mentioned together with Alison Chabloz and Secular Koranism.
39:00  I am a beneficiary of patriarchy. Anyone who is grateful to their father is a beneficiary of patriarchy.
47:00  Boomers

54:00  Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preference of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. 

56:00 You cannot return to patriarchy without repealing the Equality Act 2010. Since it is in fact thought crime legislation, it would be repealed under which guarantees freedom of belief because "there is no compulsion in belief."

1:04:00  Religion, good and evil

1:10:00  The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

1:14:00  Nietzsche

1:18:00  I join and define patriarchy and matriarchy.

1:21:00  The nuclear family and extended family which form communities
1:22:00  Feminist legislation has undermined marriage with no fault divorce. 
1:23:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by
1:24:00  If divorce is stigmatised, it will be considered a disgrace to have a failed marriage. 
1:25:00  Ambitious men need for a supportive wife.
1:29:00  Success is self-fulfillment.
1:29:00  Success is self-fulfillment.
1:30:00  Material success is not necessarily self-fulfillment.
1:33:00  Political wives
1:34:00  The Game is not about sex but about power. 
1:35:00  The Game of Life
1:36:00  Alpha and beta males

1:43:00  Patriarchy is not dependent on GDP but on the practice of traditional marriage ie marriage between and a woman for the purpose of having legitimate children and parenting them properly.

1:44:00  Women have always practised hypergamy. 
1:48:00  The alpha male

1:50:00  JORDAN joins and questions Ralph. 
2:17:00  REACTIONARY moderates.
2:58:00  JORDAN returns to discuss Ralph.

5:24:00  Secular Koranists
5:26:00  Restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism
5:32:00  The Noahide laws

5:39:00  I join to explain Secular Koranism.
5:42:00  I expect the government to impose Secular Koranism.
5:43:00  Monarchy
5:44:00  A one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism
5:45:00  "Parallel laws"
5:47:00  Lowering the crime rate and restoring family values with Koranic principles
5:48:00  The clear principles of the Koran
5:49:00  It is possible to arrive at Islam through reason alone. 
The Koran is the best available guide to humanity. 
5:50:00  Why I am not Muslim
5:51:00  Secular Koranism would be better than the current orthodoxy. 
5:52:00  Why Secular Koranism is called secular. 
5:53:00  The Hypothetical Supreme Authority
5:54:00  The Koran supports my solutions.
5:56:00  Freedom of belief would be guaranteed by
5:57:00  Applying the principles of the Koran without seeking the approval of Islamic scholars
5:59:00  Hadith rejector
6:00:00  More than one school of sharia
6:03:00  Ten Commandments
6:04:00  Patriarchy and matriarchy
6:05:00  Hanbali and Shafi
6:06:00  Portcullis House and Aston Martin
6:07:00  Non-Muslims work in Islamic banks
6:10:00  Hadith
6:12:00  STELLAR JAY ATKINS joins.
6:14:00  Why the Nazis and Fascists failed?
6:16:00  Secular Christianity is impossible.  
6:19:00  Polygamy
6:21:00  A Torah theocracy is much harsher than Secular Koranism.
6:23:00  Manual amputation
6:25:00  Noahide laws
6:26:00  Kabbalah
6:28:00  Ottoman Empire
6:30:00  Different kinds of Muslim countries
6:31:00  Christianity
6:33:00  The inferior scripture that is the New Testament
6:34:00  The idolatry of Christianity
6:35:00  Why I want rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws
6:37:00  Islamophobia
6:38:00  Secular Koranism is objective morality whose rules people can find in a book they have all heard of.
6:39:00  Liberalism has no official handbook. 
6:40:00  Why the American Republic passed the First Amendment based on

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How to get the globalists and Americans to adopt Secular Koranism

Muslims are so divided they cannot even discuss restoring the Caliphate for political leadership — Cyborg of Secula...