
Friday, 2 July 2021

The implosion of multiculturalism by Brendan O'Neill

4:00  Communalism = tribalism
6:00  Identity politics = status politics
6:00  Matriarchy and its inverted social hierarchy
8:00  Divide and rule
11:00  What Brendan O'Neill is really saying
12:00  Islamophobic RE teacher
14:00  Atheism is idolatry, idolatry is blasphemy.
15:00  Buddhism is an atheist philosophy. 
Hinduism is the religion of a fallen civilisation.
16:00  The unprincipled operation of representative democracy
18:00  Blacks and Hispanics
19:00  Imperialism accommodates multiculturalism. 
A leader trusted by all groups is required. 
20:00  Politics operates on hatred and fear. 
21:00  George Galloway
23:00  Charlie Hebdo
24:00  Public intellectual
28:00  Multiculturalism
30:00  Modus vivendi
31:00  HARL STOWE joins.
32:00  Ryan Stephenson
33:00  George Galloway
34:00  Jacob Rees-Mogg
35:00  Andrew Yang
36:00  Richard Spencer
37:00  White privilege is imperial privilege. 
39:00  British class system
40:00  LEVENT YILDIZ joins in to discuss class.
41:00  Muslims moving from Labour to Tories
42:00  Labour no longer a working class party.
44:00  Hongkong
45:00  China
Causes of the labour shortage
48:00  Neoconservatism and neoliberalism work hand in hand.
Deprived white people
49:00  Feminazis hate the working man.
50:00  Sink school comps
51:00  Minorities in China
52:00  Maurice Glasman of Blue Labour
53:00  Keith Joseph
54:00  Matriarchy
55:00  Feminism
56:00  British nationalists and Muslims driven together by Labour
59:00  Gay marriage in South America
1:00:00  Ukraine and Dugin
1:01:00  Carl Schmitt
1:02:00  Religion
1:04:00  Identity
1:05:00  Agnosticism
1:07:00  Our statistical likelihood of being murdered by our spouse
1:08:00  Anglophile
1:09:00  Cosmopolitan Chinese
1:12:00  Middle class
1:13:00  Anjem Choudary
1:16:00  Birching
1:17:00  Fascism
1:18:00  The Post War British identity
1:20:00  Muslim identity
1:21:00  Christian
1:23:00  Climate Change
1:24:00  Consumerism, usury and GDP
1:25:00  Stock Exchange, mortgages, inflation
1:27:00  New Zealand
1:28:00  Russia
1:29:00  Crimea
1:33:00  Religion
1:34:00  Marriage is eugenic.
1:38:00  Islam
The effects of promiscuity
1:39:00  Muslims
1:40:00  Religion
1:41:00  Patriarchy
1:42:00  Feminism
1:43:00  Slut-shaming
1:44:00  Culture War
1:45:00  Nietzsche
1:46:00  American Republic, Protestantism, Catholicism
1:47:00  Catholicism
1:47:00  Racial anxiety, hegemonic perpetuity
1:50:00  Cultural nationalist
1:51:00  AfD
1:53:00  Immigration
2:00:00  British values
2:02:00  Rabbi Sacks
2:03:00  Orthodox Judaism v Reform Judaism
2:05:00  Alan Dershowitz
2:06:00  Woody Allen
2:07:00  Edward Dutton
2:09:00  Ralph NRx
2:10:00  Secular Koranism
The First Amendment
2:13:00  NRx
2:14:00  Nick Griffin
2:15:00  White genocide
2:16:00  Greg Johnson and the birth rate
2:20:00  China
2:22:00  Progressive Hipster Muslims
2:24:00  ISLAM4EUROPEANS AKA Rob joins.
3:19:00  Divorce
3:22:00  Polyamorous at 16
3:27:00  Arranging interfaith dialogues through Rob
3:30:00  Muslim human rights group in Canada
3:33:00  Triggering the matriarchy
3:34:00  Muslim marriage
3:35:00  Marriage is for sex and children.
3:37:00  Women of child-bearing age
3:38:00  Romance
White Muslim marriage bureau
3:42:00  First Nations
3:44:00  Inuit
3:47:00  Jews
3:49:00  Liberal democracy
3:50:00  Trump received 17% of the Muslim vote.
3:52:00  Niqab 
3:53:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
3:54:00  "Pumped and dumped"
4:02:00  Forced marriage, FGM, Sargon, Milo, Stefan Molyneux, Richard Spencer
4:03:00  Attitudes towards marriage in the alt-right
4:07:00  Boomer generation, manual labour
4:08:00  Affirmative action
4:09:00  DOMINGO joins.
4:12:00  Racial anxiety and microaggressions
4:13:00  Hypersensitivity levels
4:14:00  Domingo feeling safe with me.
4:17:00  JQ
4:18:00  The British in the Middle East
4:19:00  Lebanon, Sykes-Picot, Hezbollah
4:21:00  Islam4Europeans
4:22:00  Hegelian Dialectic
4:23:00  Christianity
4:24:00  The law is the algorithm of human beings.
4:25:00  Division and corruption of representative democracy
4:26:00  Cynthia McCarthy
4:27:00  One-party state
4:28:00  Transparency
George Washington didn't approve of political parties. 
4:29:00  Do not divide your religion into sects. 

4:32:00  China's one-party state
4:33:00  Historical revisionism
4:34:00  Israel as a fascist state
4:35:00  Non-citizens should not have the right to vote. 
4:36:00  Conditions of citizenship
4:37:00  Consultation 
4:39:00  Domingo agrees with me that nationalism is government in the national interest.
4:44:00  The beta male and the alpha Karen
4:45:00  Imperialism
4:46:00  Hitler and Hess
4:47:00  Thucydides trap
4:48:00  America
4:49:00  Robocop

4:50:00  The Lord of War
4:51:00  Domingo's song
4:56:00  Why I am not anti-Christian
4:59:00  David Irving
5:00:00  Jewish Irritation Laws
Survivors by Alison Chabloz
5:02:00  Bad Times avatar
5:03:00  Church of Entropy

From 4:34:00

5:04:00  Explanatory power
5:08:00  Geodetic

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