
Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Calling Jim Bowden

12:00  Seven Deadly Sins
16:00  Jim Bowden

Jim Bowden
​Just look at those doctors & engineers ......heading for Europe soon, to enritch the White Christian countries? how lucky can you get ?

Jim Bowden
​Dennis the man has unusual BUT good taste in music & culture !

Dennis Dale Untethered Livestreams
​l like that this video combines two purely white guy pursuits

Jim Bowden
​Claire still have Not answerd my question ! I presume you are not of White European extraction, if so; why do you live in Europe & push secular Koranism , which is a contradiction in terms ?

Jim Bowden
​It's Tuesday evening 6.30 pm. here in Sydney (Winter) what's the time in Portland, Washington State ?

Jim Bowden
​Dennis, ...America/the WEST, in general has entered the Roman 4th Century A.D. 'Deocletian' period of decline, so sad but TRUE ? may God have mercy on our the way I am a Trad. Catholic.

Jim Bowden
​YES, he retired in SPLIT...Ctroatian palace, I have been there.

Jim Bowden

Dennis Dale Untethered Livestreams
​Invasions by afghan refugees

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden What else would restore the patriarchy if not Secular Koranism? You must know that Christianity is kaput.

Claire Khaw
​I wonder why Tom Anderson thinks Calvinism gives more hope of salvation than non-Calvin forms of Christianity when clearly the opposite is true if he knows anything about Calvinism.

Jim Bowden
​Claire, ...I would agree, just because Christianity is on it's way .... out that does NOT mean that Islam is the answer ?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Do you think your white skin will save you from suffering the consequences of not having a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality?

Jim Bowden
​I am a trad. Catholic from Sydney Australia.

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Are you saying you will continue to ignore the consequences of not having a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Delighted to hear you are a lawyer. My email is if you want to discuss this further. You are in theory capable of understanding what I am saying.

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Are you a believing Catholic? If so, are you not concerned that Christianity is the idolatry and blasphemy specifically forbidden by God in the Ten Commandments?

Jim Bowden
​As a Catholic, my White European skin will not save me, BUT my TRUE Catholic faith & Jesus Christ our Lord !

Jim Bowden
​Will SAVE me !

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Since you are a lawyer, you should be more intellectually equipped to understand the sin of idolatry than the non-lawyer Christian since lawyers are supposedly capable of legal reasoning.

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Do you understand the penalty for idolatry is death for Jews? So why should it be compulsory for Christians to the extent that denying the divinity of Jesus means burning at the stake?

Jim Bowden
​Claire ...what about idolatry ???? I do not understand ! what are you talking about ? equating catholicism with idolatry ??

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden I see that you would rather die an idolater and blasphemer than to enter paradise as a Muslim, such is the depth and extent of your rabid hatred for Islam and Muslims.

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden The worship of anything that isn't God is idolatry, is it not?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden If you are claiming Christianity is not idolatry because Jesus is God, then how is Jesus God?

Colin Colenso
​True @Claire Khaw

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden If you cannot explain how Jesus is God, it must be because it is impossible to explain nonsense. The Trinity is an absurdity as well as idolatry and blasphemy.

Jim Bowden
​I rather die as an idolatar, than marry as Muhammed did Ayisha 9 year old ????? What a Paedophile ?? mind boggles Calire ?

Claire Khaw
​@Colin Colenso On what were you agreeing with me?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Who is asking you to marry a nine year old girl?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Would you say that you are more invested in your identity of hatred for Islam and Muslims as well as your idolatry and blasphemy rather than anything that is positive about Christianity?

Colin Colenso
​@Claire Khaw I agree with this "The worship of anything that isn't God is idolatry, is it not? "

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Would it be true to say you would not be seen dead reading the Koran such is the depth and extent of your hatred for Muslims and Islam which is probably genetic?

Jim Bowden
​I rest my case

Colin Colenso
​I'd still suggest that worshiping God is a kind of misnomer. If one knew what God is, they would be a part of him. Perhaps better verbs exist to describe how men ought to consider God.

Jim Bowden
​I read the Koran & hidats....BUT I would not hold myself as an Islamic scholar .

Claire Khaw
​@Colin Colenso I am delighted that we are agreed on idolatry.

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden What is your case?

Jim Bowden
​My case is each to their own....Islam out of EUROPE PLEASE

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Secular Koranism ignores the Hadith where it contradicts the Koran.

Jim Bowden
​You see Claire why are you living in England Europe & spreading your brand of islam amongs us Christians ?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden You don't see it as a possibility that God might have sent Muslims to punish and correct Christians for their idolatry and blasphemy?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden I think you know as well as I that Christians are virtually extinct in the West. It was the First Amendment of the American Republic that destroyed Western belief in the Trinity.

Jim Bowden
​Theological Evidence Claire....EVIDENCE

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Are you not aware that as long ago as the 1870s Nietzsche said "God is dead and we have killed him"?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden What do you mean by "theological evidence"?

Jim Bowden
​ are conflating many issues ! it's impossible to have a civilised SOCRATIC discourse ?

Jim Bowden
​Clais...Neitzsche....then said once GOD is killed MAN will have to invent a new GODm ?

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden If you email me I shall schedule a Socratic discourse for us.

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden I shall await hearing form you so we can arrange that Socratic discourse.

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Will you be getting in touch to arrange a Socratic discourse on my channel?

Jim Bowden
​ dear, I do NOT want to boast, my private library is 6,000 + books ...philosophy, law , anthropology, sociology, history ,,..etc. please enlighten me !

Cognitive Dissonant
​Australia has always had a police state aspect since inception

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden Sounds like you will not be accepting my challenge any time soon.

Claire Khaw
​@Cognitive Dissonant Australia began as a penal colony.

Jim Bowden
​YES, clair I will accept your challenge

Cognitive Dissonant
​Melbourne is where they cracked down the hardest prior to the Sydney stuff

Jim Bowden
​let's make a contact & have a civil debate ?????

Colin Colenso
​Yeah, inner city areas worst affected in Melbourne.

Claire Khaw
​Basically, the white working classes were convicted of crimes on trumped up charges so they could be sent to the other side of the world to people British colonies. The Danes did something similar.

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden I'll go live after this to prepare the ground.

Jim Bowden

Claire Khaw
​@Jim Bowden I discovered recently that the Australian Legal System only goes up to High Court. There is no Court of Appeal!

Jim Bowden
​HHHHHaaaa lol !

18:00  Motivated by hatred
19:00  In-group and out-group
20:00  Catholicism
22:00  Traitor
23:00  Takfir and Epikoros
24:00  Status seeking within the group
26:00  Jews supposed to thank God even for misfortune
27:00  Secular Koranism
29:00  The Abrahamic God addresses humanity in the vocative through the Koran.
30:00  The Torah
31:00  Jim Bowden does not understand idolatry.
32:00  Christians worship a Jew. The Ten Commandments forbid idolatry.
35:00  Forced conversion of Europeans to Christianity
36:00  Inquisition
37:00  Declaration of Independence
39:00  Anglican/Episcopalian Church
45:00  Christianity is an interregnum.
46:00  The best vehicle to God

CONOPS joins.
1:10:00  Jim Bowden
1:12:00  How is Jesus God?
1:13:00  Gas, liquid, solids
1:14:00  God changing his mind about idolatry.
1:15:00  Torah
1:17:00  Man was created from a clot of blood, according to the Torah.
1:18:00  Jews don't want a Torah theocracy.
1:20:00  The Holocaust
1:22:00  The "fake survivors" of Alison Chabloz
1:23:00  Peter the Liberal Dutchman who doesn't believe in free speech
1:25:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:28:00  Antisemitism in Muslim countries
1:29:00  The Damascus Affair and Granada Pogrom 
1:35:00  God must have created antisemitism to punish Jews for disobeying His law.
1:37:00  Existence of God is not falsifiable.  
1:38:00  Our moral imperative to behave as if we believed in God
1:39:00  The mystery of Jewish suffering
1:40:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People.
1:41:00  Noahide laws
1:42:00  With privilege comes responsibility
The aristocracy of humanity
1:43:00  Gilad Atzmon and black people
1:44:00  Jewish emancipation
1:45:00  Jesus is not as scary as God.
1:47:00  The Black Death
1:48:00  Two different ways of looking at dying of the plague
1:49:00  Agnosticism is the most intellectually respectable position.  
1:51:00  A likely story!
1:53:00  Mens rea
1:56:00  Noahide laws
1:58:00  Voltaire
1:59:00  Black Pete
2:01:00  Santa is idolatry.
2:02:00  Jim Bowden's Islamophobia is his identity.
2:04:00  Atheists have a more correct idea of God than idolaters.
2:05:00  Cowardly men
2:06:00  Genghis Khan
2:07:00  Lowering standards of sexual morality
2:08:00  Extramarital sex only allowed in brothels.  
2:10:00  Rahab married Joshua the Old Testament Prophet.
2:12:00  Vincent Bruno and incest
2:16:00  One night stands
2:19:00  Alison Chabloz
2:22:00  British government more invested in Holocaust Denial than Jews.
2:23:00  WW2
2:24:00  A J P Taylor
2:25:00  Belgian neutrality
2:27:00  Franco-Prussian War 1870
2:28:00  WW1 and WW2 was Britain falling into its Thucydides Trap twice.
2:29:00  The Second Thirty Years War
2:31:00  The Thirty Years War 
2:34:00  China
2:36:00  European Wars of Religion
2:38:00  Edam-Vollendam
2:40:00  Ancestral hatreds
2:42:00  Imperial rivalry
2:44:00  Islamic European Union
2:45:00  Brexiteers
2:46:00  Hungary, Poland and Belgium
2:51:00  White urban proletariat and egalitarianism
2:52:00  David Goodhart
2:54:00  Nation-state
2:55:00  Non-white Western citizens
2:57:00  Blacks in the West
2:58:00  Back and White American Muslims
3:01:00  Islam is an imperial religion.
3:02:00  Secular Koranism is intended for non-Muslims. 
3:03:00  Israel should be a theocracy. 
3:04:00  Nationalists should approve of Secular Koranism.
3:05:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
3:06:00  Islamic European Union
3:08:00  Tradition is what we do to please our fathers. 
3:09:00  Nationalism
3:13:00  Declaring independence from the neoliberalism and neoconservatism of the American global empire
3:15:00  Women voting against the interests of men
3:16:00  The female vote
3:17:00  Women benefit from patriarchy.
3:18:00  Secular Koranism would allow people to default on their debts.
3:21:00  Useless elites and the gig economy
3:22:00  The flat rate income tax and the reintroduction of slavery
3:23:00  Censorship and being marginalised
3:26:00  Feminism
3:28:00  Jim Bowden
3:29:00  Christians cannot explain how Jesus is God.
3:30:00  Muslims don't get
3:31:00  Aceh Province
3:35:00  Muslims believe the Koran came from God.
3:36:00  Takfiri
3:38:00  Stoning
3:39:00  Alcohol
3:46:00  Holocaust Denial
3:47:00  Doooovid
3:49:00  Holocaust history
3:50:00  Ursula Haverbeck
3:51:00  Alison Chabloz's grandfather died in WW2.
3:54:00  Britain and Secular Koranism
3:55:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority and Jon Vance
3:56:00  Unprincipled
3:57:00  Jay Walker
4:00:00  Black American 
4:02:00  Ladies who lunch
4:03:00  Secular Koranism
4:04:00  Divine authority
4:05:00  Hitler's rise to power
4:07:00  The John Murphy translation of Mein Kampf 
4:09:00  Poland and imperial traditions
4:10:00  Germany > French
4:11:00  American history
4:12:00  Hate mistakes
4:13:00  Terrorism is provoked by bad government.
4:14:00  Gavrillo Princip and Pan-Slavism
4:15:00  Self-esteem is linked to national identity.
4:16:00  People fight and kill each other over status.
4:18:00  A sense of grievance is not white supremacy.
4:19:00  Pan-Slavism
4:23:00  The rule of law is breaking down.
4:24:00  Alison Chabloz
4:25:00  Holocaust Denial
4:27:00  Wansee Protocols

DOMINGO joins.

4:29:00  Terrorism
4:33:00  OV
4:37:00  Rape
4:47:00  The Anglosphere
4:48:00  Holocaust Denial in Holland
4:49:00  David Irving's libel action
4:51:00  Deborah Lipstadt
4:52:00  Auschwitz
5:02:00  Fake survivors
5:11:00  Family of faggots
Baptised and confirmed
5:12:00  Vincent Bruno
5:14:00  Andy Scyth
5:18:00  OV
5:23:00  Pederasty
5:25:00  Western IQ lower.
5:28:00  The female voter
5:29:00  The unmarried mother
5:30:00  Secular Koranism
5:31:00  Afghanistan
5:35:00  Trump
5:39:00  Jay
5:41:00  Nationalism
5:43:00  Jen denies she promoted a theocracy now.
5:44:00  Transgender
5:48:00  Bearded transgender man
5:50:00  The Birdcage
5:51:00  The Crying Game
5:52:00  The cover
5:54:00  Volcel
5:55:00  PUAs and sexbots
5:56:00  A rapidly ageing society with a declining birth rate
5:57:00  Vincent Bruno
6:02:00  OV and Thomas White
6:06:00  Online relationships
6:07:00  Speakers Corner
6:09:00  Secular Koranism
6:10:00  Muslims should approach rabbis. 

6:18:00  The gay accent

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...