
Sunday, 19 September 2021

Belief in God is divine Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

8:00  Stoicism
9:00  Liberalism replaced Christianity.
10:00  Wrong beliefs
13:00  Know ourselves and keeping the channels of communications open
17:00  Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality
19:00  Secular Koranism a ready-made system of rules
20:00  Cheap imitation or a more advanced model?
21:00  Scapegoating the people we have always disliked
22:00  Narrowing the scope of our action within the bounds of decency, reason and truth
23:00  Choosing the best moral system
24:00  Female prophets
26:00  Maladaptive
27:00  Acknowledging our mistakes
28:00  Democracy
29:00  The First Amendment
30:00  People suffering from amnesia, dementia and personality problems
31:00  People only pretending to believe in God
32:00  Jews and Muslims and their extinct Christian overlords
33:00  The female prophet of Secular Koranism

36:00  Without Judaism, there would be no Jews.
37:00  Islam is the most and Christianity the least Noahide of all gentile religions. 
38:00  Jews suffer because they won't properly teach the Noahide laws.
40:00  Jews have it in their power to improve the government of gentiles if only they would properly teach the Noahide laws, but they are no longer fit for the purpose for which God chose them. 
41:00  Jews no longer prepared to martyr themselves to make a point about the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.
42:00  Three strikes and you're out? Three global Christian empires unopposed by Jews and Muslims.
44:00  The Christian and Liberals overlords of Jews and Muslims
45:00  Liberalism which replaced Christianity is now failing. 
46:00  The Post-War British narrative that Alison Chabloz blasphemed against
47:00  British government hiding the failure of British foreign policy and diplomacy from their own people 
48:00  The greatest achievement of the British people
49:00  Alison Chabloz
52:00  Aaron Amihud and Dennis Dale
54:00  Stumbling into the dying room
55:00  Intergenerational conflict amongst Westerners
56:00  The failure of Christianity and Western imperialism in the middle of a moral collapse
58:00  Westerners victims of a massive fraud
1:02:00  Dennis Dale
1:04:00  Coming to terms with the massive fraud
1:06:00  The American and French Revolutions moved the West towards the inevitability of Islamic Republics.
1:07:00  Secular Koranism is the Jefferson Bible. 
1:10:00  Belief in God is divine Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

1:12:00  DOMINGO joins.

1:15:00  RALPH joins.
1:16:00  Christians are extinct.
1:21:00  Jonathan Haidt
1:24:00  The good definition of liberal
1:27:00  Secular Koranism
1:28:00  Moral Foundation Theory
1:34:00  Surprise, surprise! Atheists, women, liberals and Muslims don't like Secular Koranism.
1:35:00  If no one accepts Truth, Logic and Morality or sees any virtue in doing so, then they will not be accepting Secular Koranism.
1:37:00  Christianity only worked when governments supported marriage and family values.
1:38:00  Fighting elections is a sign of not getting it. 
1:39:00  Moral Foundation Therapy
1:40:00  Top down and bottom up model
1:41:00  Modelling morality
1:42:00  "Morally accurate"
1:45:00  Model
1:47:00  Modelling morality

My scores:

Care 81%
Loyalty 58%
Fairness 75%
Authority 78%
Purity 81%
Liberty 92%
Your strongest moral foundation is Liberty.

Your morality is closest to that of a Conservative.

1:52:00  Authority conflict problem

1:54:00  Secular Koranism v Islam

1:55:00  Atheists agreeing with some of the Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws

1:56:00  The law's power to punish and impose compliance

1:59:00  "Secular Patriarchy" 

2:01:00  If it is enforced, it would be legitimised as law.

2:04:00  Parking restrictions

2:06:00  The law's power of compulsion

2:08:00  Why would any Western politician want to adopt Secular Koranism?

2:09:00  Even rich people don't want to be seen to be fleeing from failed states.

2:10:00  Proscription

2:12:00  Democracy 

2:14:00  The Abrahamic God is my Hypothetical Supreme Authority.

2:17:00  Nationalists would care about the national interest. 

2:22:00  The American Republic first rejected Christianity and monarchy before the French did. 

2:29:00  Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good enough.

2:30:00  Protecting our children, grandchildren and descendants from the moral sewage of globohomo

2:31:00  Atheists, agnostics, nationalists and non-Muslims

2:32:00  Boomers

2:34:00  Ralph is still thinking of using democracy as a process through which to acquire power.

2:35:00  High average national age

2:36:00  The sexually sated male is politically inert. 

2:38:00  Belief in a Hypothetical Supreme Authority

2:39:00  OV foresaw the eventual and gradual Islamification.

2:40:00  Atheist parents using God to frighten their children

2:41:00  Committing to the idea of Secular Koranism

2:42:00  Committing to a cult

The First Amendment was based on

2:45:00  Nationalist

2:48:00  Sacrilegious to propose the First Amendment

2:52:00  Freedom of belief is inseparable from freedom of expression.  

2:54:00  People's beliefs are sacred and I do not propose to trample over them. 

2:55:00  Israeli Jews could control the interpretation of Secular Koranism by forbidding gentiles from entering the legal profession. 

2:57:00  Alexander the Great, Hitler and Napoleon

2:58:00  Groups competing wanting to control the interpretation

3:01:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 

3:02:00  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

3:02:00  Secular Koranism is only a legal system. 

3:07:00  Dealing with my detractors: atheists, women, liberals, Muslims.

3:13:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by and the abolition of no fault divorce would restore the patriarchy.

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...