
Monday, 15 November 2021

Talking to Cultured Thug and posting about social mobility, patriarchy and Islam in his chat

9:56 AM
Claire Khaw
​How did my life change? I am no longer accepted in polite society.

9:56 AM
Claire Khaw
​It is quicker to answer questions in the chat rather than waiting my turn to speak.

9:58 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw Nietzsche declared morality to be expressions of morality as personal taste and the life affirming embrace power in this world and impose their "lie" unto others.

9:59 AM
Einzel Wolf
​fascism is a little more compelx. its a hegelian position which states the nation and state are manifestations of a collective will. very basic take since this a limited live chat

9:59 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others.

10:00 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Fascism is just one-partyism with social conservatism.

10:00 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw do you think morality is a function of evolution? its biological?

10:01 AM
Running Free
​All metal head fans go through the phase of doubting Christianity

10:01 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Biology is the study life. Morality is about ensuring that your group identity stays in existence through religion eg Judaism.

10:02 AM
Einzel Wolf
​well One Partyism entails a very particular concept of State. for example One Partyism is incompatible with pre 19th century monrachism and aristocracy

10:02 AM
Claire Khaw
​@John Howard There is a reason why Constantine replaced Roman paganism with Christianity.

10:03 AM
Claire Khaw
​The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections by Westerners of Christianity and monarchy.

10:03 AM
Einzel Wolf
​well it seems that you believe morality is only a function of ethnic function. so you could call it judiams, but you could also call it aryanism right? at that point moraliy is only a survival strateh

10:04 AM
Claire Khaw
​The last three global empires have been Christian.

10:05 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Race is not enough to bind your group together. You need rules for the group, which is basically what religion is about. All the ancient religions promote marriage.

10:06 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw so do you think there is real spiritual reality or is religion only a surival strategy for genetic groupsm

10:06 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf George Washington disapproved of political parties, but not many Americans seem to know this.

10:07 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw remember America's founding is prior to Nationalism as an ideology. america is unique because our spirit is prior to 1850s nationalism

10:07 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf All religions are group survival strategies with Judaism being the exemplar producing Christianity and Islam.

10:08 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw i hope its not too personal a question but I'm curious. are you atheist personally? do you use religion as political or do you genuinely believe?

10:09 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf I define nationalism as government in the national interest and want to rehabilitate/universalise nationalism. I assume everyone wants their government to govern in the national interest.

10:10 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf I am agnostic who sees the utility of theocracy in order to make societies more stable. Without some respect for tradition, our politicians will change good laws for bad with us helpless.

10:10 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw i agree with your definition of nationalism. that makes sense to me.

10:10 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf My beliefs are like traffic lights, going from belief to doubt to disbelief to doubt to belief, rinse and repeat.

10:11 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Once the reputation of nationalism is rehabilitated, nationalists will get the necessary moral and intellectual authority to speak without being accused of antisemitism, Islamophobia etc.

10:12 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Caire Khaw well if you accept the immaterial as real then everything changes. when you introduce God into a worldview, your basic fundamentals are different. i think God is essential for that reasom

10:12 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw wish I could make longer comments but I'm constrained by text limit. you seem like a clever person

10:13 AM
Claire Khaw
​The perception of nationalism is basically that of the upper class on the lower class. The division is not Jew and gentile or male and female, but of snobs against the lower classes.

10:14 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw should we reintroduce the aristocracy? laity/clergy distinction?

10:14 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf I managed to pass by Bar Exams and have always been interested in politics. I suppose I consider myself a political scientist but not one that would be accepted by academia.

10:15 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Islam dispenses with a priesthood because all priesthoods are inherently corruptible and under Islam they are unnecessary. The closest thing to a priesthood in Islam is the judiciary.

10:15 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw we are all here because maintream academics and culture has rejected us. I'm glad there's still places for us to talk

10:16 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf I see the priesthood as an extra layer of corruption and parasitism. Morality can function without the need for a corruptible priesthood.
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10:17 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw so what exactly is Islams socio-political structure that we should imitate? why is it good? more fundamentally, what is our first principles?

10:19 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Islam would restore the patriarchy by protecting the institution of marriage which is meant to forbid extramarital sex. The West is currently a matriarchy. Marriage is eugenic, basically.

10:19 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf The first principle of a non-dysgenic next generation is the practice of marriage.

10:20 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw is the promulgation of genetics the highest priority of the state?

10:20 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf The Koran is the best available guide to humanity because, apart from restoring the patriarchy, it has something for everyone: rich/poor, male/ female, young/old, majority/minority.

10:21 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf I don't know what you mean by "promulgation of genetics".

10:22 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw so you think we should have a caste system? we are assigned postions by birth? i dont disagree, personally, but im interested in your view, especially why you think so

10:23 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf I absolutely reject the caste system. The best societies are in theory meritocracies which entails social mobility.

10:23 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw clearly you indicate marriage and patriarchy as a good for the production of good children. is good children the end of the states function?

10:24 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf If you want your tribe, group and nation to remain in existence you must have offspring, mustn't you? Even non-human animals understand this biological imperative.

10:24 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw your view on castes is interesting. you said islam provides roles for people. are these "roles" distinct from castes? should there be equality in gender for merit basef systems?

10:25 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf At the very least, the state that is governing in the national interest would support marriage though it would need to do more than that to do better than other nations.

10:26 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Islam would enforce the male/female distinction as well as forbidding and punishing extramarital sex, discouraging drunkenness, gambling and other social evils.

10:26 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw do you think thr nation js downstream from state, or state downstream from nation?

10:26 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw islam doing that wants to enforce roles. are those social roles distinct from Castes?

10:28 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf I am afraid I don't really understand your question about which came first, nation or state.

10:28 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf A sharia theocracy would in theory have more social mobility than the Hindu caste system.

10:29 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf The most important thing about restoring patriarchy would be the reintroduction of a hierarchy, necessary for efficiency and accountability.

10:29 AM
Einzel Wolf
​my question about state and nation comes from the difference of italian and german fascism. germany thought the state comes from the natiom and italy thought the nation came from the state

10:30 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw but do you think social mobility is an ethical good? should a society try to maximize social mobility?

10:30 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf As far as I am concerned, a nation state is a defined piece of territory in it. Government is about how to govern those people entitled to be there.

10:31 AM
Einzel Wolf
​i guess my confusion is is that whether hierarchy or social mobility is more important. these seem mutually exclusive to me

10:31 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Social mobility is about social justice. Industry and enterprise should be rewarded and sloth and criminality punished. Religion defines these terms.

10:31 AM
Einzel Wolf
​on what basis does religion define these terms?

10:32 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf You need a clear hierarchy but also social mobility to reward and punish people.

10:32 AM
Einzel Wolf
​hey give Claire some credit. she's chatting with me, saying jnteresting stuff

10:33 AM
Einzel Wolf
​@Claire Khaw i have trouble reconciling mobility to hierarchy. functionally it doesnt make sense to me

10:34 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Einzel Wolf Good government would release the potential of the people and make the best of available talent. The caste system is about protecting the interests of those already on top.

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