
Monday, 29 November 2021

The Culture War is between the Marriageable and the Unmarriageable

Three global Christian empires

8:00  Catholicism v Protestantism
9:00  Degeneracy can be caused in one generation.  
E Michael Jones, the Arch Antisemite
11:00  Jews are meant to be an irritant to gentiles.
12:00  Why many Christians and Muslims are antisemites
15:00  Antisemitism is what Jews suffer when they disobey God's laws and refuse to properly teach the Noahide laws to gentiles and challenge the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.
18:00  Military supremacy is not forever. 
20:00  Will Knowland is now busily putting on all the badges of white nationalism because he rejects Islam as the solution. 
21:00  Will Knowland is sticking with Christianity. 
22:00  Jordan Peterson on Islam - 13 December 2021
24:00  The definition of marriageable
25:00  We can become marriageable by changing our own attitude to marriage. 
27:00  Is there anyone at all prepared to support and protect the institution of marriage?
28:00  Will Knowland wallowing in the forbidden subjects of white nationalism like a pig in mud.

People who stubbornly still want to indulge in the absurdity of idolatrously worship Jesus as God because the are Islamophobes

30:00  Unmarriageable people can still support the practice of marriage in principle.
31:00  Agreeing on minimum standards of sexual morality
36:00  Dysgenic policies of tolerating extramarital sex
39:00  Free love is dysgenic. 
40:00  Tolerance of extramarital sex inevitably means tolerating illegitimacy.
42:00  The longer you have been wrong, the less likely you are to admit it.  
43:00  Jews v Chinese
46:00  The Deadly Sin of Pride
47:00  Every dog will have his day. 
48:00  Marriageable v Unmarriageable
49:00  Equal pay is against the principle of freedom of contract.

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