
Thursday, 9 December 2021

5th Koraniyule 2021 with Domingo

3:00  I am not misogynistic, merely observing that originality of thought comes from men. 
4:00  Female suffrage
8:00  The rules of Secular Koranism
11:00  The female preference
12:00  White middle class college educated women could be persuaded to make the right choice.
14:00  Even the men are damsels are in distress.
15:00  Civilisation being destroyed by the matriarchy.

The Bhagavad Gita:

Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil.

17:00  The law is there to control us, and the best moral system will give us the best laws to protect us from ourselves. 

19:00  Freewill 
20:00  It is both useful and necessary to believe in God.

Voltaire: "If God did not already exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."

21:00  My faith is like a traffic light.  

22:00  The unmarriageable don't want to restore the patriarchy.

23:00  Dolce & Gabbana support the family.

25:00  The matriarchy is the eternal sea, the patriarchy is coastal defences. 

26:00  When men become women, who will protect the women?

27:00  Foreign men will be more attractive to the local women if they are more masculine. 

29:00  Gangsters who want to go straight

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

30:00  Abstract ideas

31:00  Status and reputation

32:00  Chris Rock

33:00  Stability

34:00  Remorse and repentance

35:00  We won't seek the cure until we admit we our ill. 

36:00  Christianity < Judaism & Islam

37:00  Muslims who don't read the Koran with understanding

38:00  Koranic Knowledge Exams

39:00  Islam without Sharia is a car without engine. 

40:00  Gay pride Muslim undergraduates

41:00  Will globohomo destroy Islam or vice versa?

43:00  Subversives

44:00  If not Secular Koranism, what else?

45:00  Dialectical materialism

46:00  Enjoin good and forbid evil.

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