
Thursday, 30 December 2021

Gender relations explained by Justin Parker

Claire Khaw

  · 55:21
There are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

There is also drink and drugs, especially psychotropic drugs to prevent men from thinking through their problems and organising themselves.

There is also neurosis and denial.

Men have basically been feminised and infantilised.

Firstly, the problem must be explained to be understood.

Only then will the solution become obvious.

But I have been telling men for years but they are basically willfully blind and deaf.

Basically, their atheism paralyses them because of the enormity of the task. Most of them are feminised and risk-averse, skint, scared and stupid, too weak to risk even social embarrassment by talking about the things we talk about if success is uncertain.

Imagine, a civilisation dying of social embarrassment and fear of breaching of the taboos of the matriarchy.

I talk to these men all the time and it almost comic the depth of their denial and neurosis, but I guess if you care about Western civilisation, it is not that funny, huh?

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
I agree with you completely. It's a tough task, honestly. I've incurred disfavor among some of my older male coworkers for speaking on these issues. They haven't said anything to me, but I can sense it in their demeanor. The younger men, believe it or not, are actually coming around. What it is gonna take is men putting their foots down, and as bad as it sounds, abandoning the women who refuse to change. I dont know any other way. I wish I did. I'd hate to cause trouble for any person, but we are in trouble. Lots and lots of trouble.

Claire Khaw

  · 0:00
The older ones ie the boomers don't want to admit that the sexual liberation they enjoyed - their sex and drugs and rock and roll - was their way of spending your inheritance. They are more invested in pretending that they din do nuthin wrong and go to their graves thinking that than admit that they spent your inheritance.

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
I agree with that. I also see how the men my fathers age have allowed their wives to dictate their every move. They have had no say-so at all in their homes. They allow their wives to "win" every argument, no matter how wrong they are. And I don't mean to point the finger at them, or anybody for that matter. Otherwise, they are mostly stand-up dudes in every other area. But this is a fatal weakness, and like you said the other day, this can never be solved until we do away with no-fault divorce. This should be goal numero uno.

Touching on the psychotropic drugs, there has been a push to dope the men and the women up in this country. They prescribe SSRI's to the women, which enables them to feel no remorse. And they get the boys addicted to amphetamines in the youth, by prescribing Adderall. When the boys grow up, if they have masculine instincts, these are pathologized, and the men are put on dangerous drugs like Risperdal and Zyprexa that burn their brains out. There was actually a push while alot of this stuff was going on, to "commit" men who spoke put about it. There was alot of promoting of the "two signatures" thing, as I recall. Some of these people know exactly what they're doing. Afterall, they are adults.

Claire Khaw

Feminism has so utterly demoralised Western men who want to be married fathers that many of them now prefer to be transgender.

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
The entire society has gone too far.
May be an image of 2 people and text that says "Latasha Wilson 18 hrs 1:10 This just gone to far what y'all think Even if he does have gay tendencies, this is too much.. It's like his mom doesn't care about him. 

Claire Khaw

NATO - dominated by Western Men
UN - dominated by Western Women

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
Great observation. UN is run by radical feminists. But the male elites secretly control the UN.

Claire Khaw

  · 0:00
I don't think it is even necessarily a conspiracy, just how people behave when certain rules are in place. If you don't expressly forbid certain things, people will just do it.

For political and practical reasons, I prefer to present the problem as one of morality or even as a social and psychological problem.

If we talk about individuals and groups, we could find ourselves falling foul of the rules against hate speech and defamation, and predictably be accused of being a conspiracy theorist.

What I want is for people in general to understand what has happened in socio-psychological historical cultural terms without making any individual or group feel themselves to be in mortal danger from some kind of vicious and violent backlash.

Claire Khaw

Women are a resource, so men instinctively white knight to make themselves worthy of a woman they hope to attract and to compete with other men for a woman's favours.

This is something to do with there being significantly fewer eggs than there are sperm.

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
Indeed. It's biologically wired.

Claire Khaw

  · 0:00
Both men and women see each other as a means to becoming a parent and thereby raising their status, but men have to try harder than women to make themselves attractive. Women mostly need to know to look pretty and shut up but men need to do stuff and have stuff.

Claire Khaw

  · 42:46
Overpromoted female mediocrities can easily deal with accusations of incompetence by making accusations of a historic sexual offence, can they not?

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
Pretty much. And men fall for it. They shell up and become frightened of their own selves, when such accusations are leveled against men as a whole. This has to change. Men have to recognize the ways in which their minds have been trained, and they have to push past it. I did. I was just like they are at one time.

Claire Khaw

  · 47:33
Full spectrum global domination of men by feminism ....

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
Claire Khaw Indeed. It's really bad out here, but this is a global aagenda. There's a reason why the UN has an entire women's division. They don't even have an entire division devoted towards eradicating poverty or fighting climate change.

Claire Khaw

  · 0:00
Western men and Western women naturally segregated themselves into their areas of specialisation, it could be argued.

Claire Khaw

  · 1:09:16
Lesbianism is just another straw in the haystack on the camel that is Western Man. Interestingly, he often expresses interest in watching lesbian porn.

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
I plan on getting back to all of your comments. I'm currently at work. But there is a propaganda push in their private Facebook groups.

Claire Khaw

  · 0:00
Justin Parker Can I use your video on my YouTube channel?

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
Claire Khaw Absolutely. Please do.

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
Claire Khaw Thank you very much for sharing this on your channel. And also thanks for joining the discussion here. It means a lot to me to have someone to talk about these things with.

Claire Khaw

  · 0:00
Justin Parker It also means a great deal to me that someone who isn't like me agrees with me and shares my concerns!

Claire Khaw

  · 1:00:20
Pegging means the act of active sodomy can be practised by both men and women.

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
What amazes me about this, is that 10 years ago out here, we unanimously would have thought the idea was perverted and gross. We've been desensitized to it now, and guys like me who are against the practice are labeled as having an "unhealthy attitude." In 10 more years, they'll be saying this about people who oppose pedophilia.

Claire Khaw

  · 0:00
Most people can be made to believe in almost anything.

Claire Khaw

  · 1:05:38
Parental and paternal authority is only possible in a patriarchy. Apartheid in South Africa was really an attempt to avoid the problem of poor white men being unable to assert the necessary parental and paternal authority to stop their white children marrying non-whites.

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
That's very interesting. I dont know much about the situation in SA, although I have heard somewhat about it.

Claire Khaw

  · 1:08:10
Possibly, the drive to race mix is to create new breeding stock without having to import immigrants. Asians in Britain are now being accused of being racist if they don't marry out.

Justin Parker

  · 0:00
Out here, at least, the push comes from feminist circles. They theorize that the more mixed race babies that are had, the less white men will be in the future to oppress them. Their words, not mine. And I must say, this little plan of theirs has definitely come to fruition in the past several years.

Claire Khaw

  · 1:13:46
Women don't know what they want from men, but men's preferences in women has always been stable ie young, sweet natured and loyal.

Claire Khaw

  · 1:12:05
The Bhagavad Gita:
"Out of the corruption of women [ie extramarital sex eg fornication, adultery, sodomy] proceeds the corruption of races [ie degeneracy eg the decline of your civilisation]; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

Claire Khaw

  · 1:10:57
Men, stop failing all the shit tests by your women! If you fail any more, you won't even deserve to live in an advanced civilisation.

Claire Khaw

  · 22:13
Intersectionality - using victimhood to acquire and measure status with the consequence that the worst people get to have power over you

Claire Khaw

  · 15:14
The West will soon be turning into a bee colony. Men should know what happens to male chicks when they hatch in chicken farms.

Claire Khaw

  · 14:23
Only with a functioning moral system will you have this thing called male solidarity that will allow you to deal effectively with your subversive elements.

Claire Khaw

Safe spaces for men = gender segregation and single sex secondary schools
There is a reason why Muslim men don't want Muslim women in mosques.

Claire Khaw

So-called white privilege is only imperial privilege, and we all know that all empires fall because imperial privilege is predicated on military supremacy, and that never lasts because demographics is destiny. The West may have nuclear bombs but they cannot stop illegal immigrants from walking into their country.

Claire Khaw

If women think they are equal to men, then let them do all the men's jobs - not just the high status ones - and provide for a family without the option of providing sexual services to turn a trick or make things a little easier for them in the way of earning money quickly.

Claire Khaw

"As soon as they begin to be your equals, they will have become your superiors ..."

Claire Khaw

The "lust" for power is not really carnal. Children like bossing each other around as a show of status. Even non-human animals fight and kill each other for status.

Claire Khaw

There would be no problem with one world government if that government is good and rational. Unfortunately, all civilisations rot from the head down. Moral collapse always precedes imperial collapse.

Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption. Moral corruption leads to intellectual corruption leading to amnesia and dementia. Evil is no different from stupidity or lunacy in consequence.

If you throw yourself off a tall building thinking you can fly, how is it different from its consequence when you hit the ground because someone pushed you or because you accidentally fell off because you neglected to put up railings?

Claire Khaw

  · 4:26
Both men and women are to blame if they ever had sex with anyone not their spouse and didn't think there was anything wrong with that. I am by no means claiming that I was morally perfect.

We may even lapse again after knowing the truth of the role of marriage in society, but at least we would know what the rules should be, even if we break them.

The ideal is monogamy for a stable society.

The West had this once.

Feminism means gender equality ie the gender equality of having extramarital sex even if the consequences for both are different since men never suffer from unwanted pregnancy.

Gender equality leads to gender confusion.

Gender confusion leads to gender dysphoria leading to your government giving the option of transgenderism to your primary schoolchildren.

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