
Saturday, 4 December 2021

On being accused of suffering from a Messiah Complex

On the matter of whether I do in fact suffer from mental health issues such as a messiah complex, megalomania, delusions or narcissistic personality disorder, I suppose anything is in theory possible.
My radical idea that is the antithesis of the current political orthodoxy is easily understood.  

For this reason , it would be naive of me not to expect massive resistance to my idea and already irrational people to conflate something unpopular with something that is in theory unworkable.

Obviously, I do not think my theory is in theory unworkable. In fact, I think it is the only solution that would work, in theory and in practice.  

Therefore I am quite at ease dealing with objections from people I know who are suffering from Islamophobia and allow  them to question and challenge me. The most common feature of this condition is having an irrational hatred and fear of Muslims and Islam even when they know that their current political orthodoxy has failed and have no better idea.  

If asked what religion the West is associated with, people would answer Christianity.  

If asked what political ideology, people would say liberalism. 

If asked what political system, they would say liberal democracy.  

What I propose is their replacement with an integrated moral and legal political system that is distinctly my conception which incorporates the First Amendment, which I know is unrivalled because no one else has proposed any solution that is capable of being summed up in a sentence. The person closest to doing this is Ralph Masilamani and his solution is basically incoherent in that he believes in fighting more elections and using Christian nationalism as Nick Griffin does which is conclusive evidence that they have neither understood the problem, much less arrived at a cure.  

While claiming to be a Christian nationalist, Ralph relies on the ideas of a philosopher of an atheist Jew Jonathan Haidt whose Moral Foundations Theory is nothing more than a psychological explanation of how different political groups perceive to be right or wrong with the intention of manipulating their opinion to win elections. 

Why should I expect success when it is only me and a few people who support Secular Koranism?
Because even if I do not succeed in my lifetime, I am the one in theory closest to it, all things being equal.  

If this means I have delusions of grandeur, then so be it. I do not deny that my solution is radical and ambitious nor is it only confined to one country because the entire West suffers from the same problem as well as any non-Western country that follows this model.  

I am aware that all the prophets of God were in some way revolutionaries and do not deny that my ideas are revolutionary. So if I succeed, at best my reward will be to have been credited with achieving a kind of prophethood. I am also aware that the Bible is littered with the stories of failed prophets.

As for doing something else with my life instead of this, that is frankly unimaginable. If I had had a successful legal career, I would not be giving it up to associate with social and political leprosy and therefore I would be one of the political establishment sneering at nationalists.

As for my road map to success, I truly believe that all that is required is for someone honourable in a position of influence to understand what I am trying to do, agree with what I am doing and facilitate its propagation in mainstream media.  I do not think that is in theory impossible.  

I like to think I have the instincts of a journalist and have been feeding the media stories that they would be seizing with both hands and running with, if only they were still in the business of reporting the news and human interest stories as well as analysing events. That they no longer do this is evidence of their neurosis, corruption and hypocrisy.  

The only way of breaking this deadlock is to get the people of who conceive of the Abrahamic God correctly to give it to the Western political establishment with both barrels about the unviability of Christianity and liberal democracy in the 21st century now that Islam is the most advanced model of ethical monotheism which is an adaptation of the divine ethno-nationalist religion of the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, apparently kept in existence and protected by the Abrahamic God to serve a humanitarian cause: being an irritant to gentiles.  

Why would anyone unless they were stupid or suffering from some phobia insist on using a horse and carriage when modern technology has available vastly superior modes of transport?

I have long ago given up on Christians because no one can remain Christian unless they believe Jesus is God.  Anyone who persists in doing so after being challenged by my usual questions (ie How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy? If it is not idolatry and blasphemy to worship Jesus if he is indeed God, how is Jesus the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe?) is basically corrupt or suffering from a phobia and not really worth engaging with. 

My definition of corruption is ignoring and denying Truth, Logic and Morality.  

So in a way, the way forward for me is easy, broad and straight because my political activism is merely the repetition and propagation of these simple questions and ideas.  

As things worsen because errors are not corrected, people will logically and necessarily move closer to my position, as long as I stand firm on it.

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