
Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Neurosis is the inability to submit to Truth, Logic and Morality

1:00  Moral systems
5:00  Psychiatry
14:00  The Kirkbride Plan
16:00  Freud

4 emotional disorders: 

1:  fear and anxiety
2.  anger and aggression
3.  sadness and depression
4.  obsession

19:00  Freud
20:00  Exorcism
21:00  The homeless tramp
23:00  Yetzer Hara
26:00  The straight white male
28:00  Obstructionists
29:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
30:00  God is a lie, an idea or actually existing. 
32:00  Abrahamic God
33:00  Personal relationship with God
35:00  Reprogramming ourselves
36:00  Political vandals
37:00  Nihilists
38:00  Pecking order of priorities
40:00  Neurosis
41:00  The cure is worse than disease.
41:00  The Abrahamic God
43:00  This life is an examination hall.
44:00  Pantheism
45:00  Schadenfreude
47:00  Magic Invisible Friend
48:00  Prayer concentrates our minds.
50:00  Serial killing sex offender
51:00  Imperial nations becoming victims of their own success.
52:00  Indulging in the Seven Deadly Sins
53:00  Noahide laws
54:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions
56:00  Cultivating our relationship with God
59:00  Islamic heaven
1:01:00  Biblical stories
1:03:00  Fairy stories
1:03:00  Knowing what you want

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Discussing Noahides, the Noahide laws and Hinduism with @vincentbruno2514

Wrongthink 1:00  Moral imperative Another interview with a Hindu Noahide -  @MilkTriceps  on X