
Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Questions for Yoram Hazony, author of The Virtue of Nationalism

1.  If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, is Islam divine civic nationalism?

2.  Do Jews have a divine duty to teach gentiles the Noahide laws?

3.  Is the shituf of Christianity worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism?

4.  Is Conservatism kaput because Christianity is kaput?

5.  Was Christianity kaput when Nietzsche said in the 1870s that "God is dead and we have killed him"?

6.  Was Christianity kaput after the Wars of the Reformation?

7.  Did Christianity fail in 1649 when Charles I lost his head?

8.  Did Christianity begin to fail when Christians could no longer bring themselves to execute heretics for blasphemy?

9.  Was the American Revolution a rejection of monarchy and Christianity?

10.  Was this rejection of monarchy and Christianity confirmed by the French Revolution?

11.  Was this rejection of monarchy and Christianity reconfirmed by the Russian Revolution?

12.  Do only confirmed Christians have the right to call themselves Christian?

13.  How many confirmed Christians are there in America?

14.  How many confirmed Anglicans are there in Britain?

15.  Would you agree that Islam is the most Noahide religion of all the gentile religions?

16.  Have you read the Koran?

17.  If not, would you ever consider reading the Koran?

18.  Have you been advised by your rabbi not to read the Koran?

19.  Is Christianity idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God in His Commandments?

20.  If Jews were made God's Chosen People by God to teach the Noahide laws, how well have they been fulfilling their divine obligation to gentiles in the last 2000 years of Christian history?

21.  How well can Jews be said to have been teaching the Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy to gentiles bearing in mind that there have been three global Christian empires?

22.  Has Jewish emancipation been good for Jews?

23. Do gentiles have the moral authority to emancipate Jews?

24.  Is God the only one in a position to emancipate Jews from being Jews?

25.  Could it be said that God has emancipated Jews from their divine duty to live as Jews when He gave them the option of following the Koran instead of the Torah?

26.  Are you an Islamophobe if you reject Secular Koranism while refusing to discuss your reasons?

27.  Are you aware that Secular Koranism is an integrated moral and legal political system guaranteeing freedom of belief governed by principles based on the Koran? 

28.  Are you aware that the First Amendment is based on

29.  Would Jews in Israel if forced to choose between two kinds of theocracy be more likely to accept a theocracy based on the Koran or a theocracy based on the Torah bearing in mind the latter has 36 capital offences? 

30.  Has liberalism been good for Jews?

31.  Are you aware that the latest twist in antisemitism is the one of blaming Jews for the creation of Christianity to infect gentiles with its idolatry and blasphemy? 

32.  Are you aware that Christianity is the most despised religion in the West because it continues to linger on even after its raison d'etre has gone?  

33.  Are you aware that the raison de'etre of of Christianity was to support the divine right of kings?  

34.  Is a constitutional republic guided by divine laws the logical next step after most Western nations have abandoned rule by an absolute monarch?  

35.  Is America the indispensable and exceptional nation for promoting Islam globally after it finally accepts the reality of the American Revolution, which was a rejection of both monarchy and Christianity? 

36.  If Westerners think their religion is Christianity but Christianity is kaput, then aren't Westerners without a moral system?

37.  If Liberalism has replaced Christianity, is Liberalism also kaput?

38.  Is Liberalism kaput because of the failure of Conservatism?  

39.  Is Conservatism meaningless without social conservatism?

40. Is social conservatism the forbidding and punishing extramarital sex?

41.  Is patriarchy impossible without social conservatism?

42.  Is the West a matriarchy?

45.  Is patriarchy a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their offspring?

46.  Is matriarchy a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring?

47.  Are all advanced civilisations patriarchies?

48.  Are all primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies matriarchies?

49.  Are Western nations matriarchies?

50.  If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution is patriarchy. If the destination is patriarchy, is the vehicle must be theocracy. Would you agree?

51.  If good and evil come from God, is suffering punishment for sin?

52.  If you believe in the Abrahamic God who created laws for Jews and gentiles to follow, do you accept that the God of Israel is also Allah who revealed the Koran for humanity? 

53.  Is Islam the only gentile religion acceptable to God?

54.  How would you feel about an Islamic European Union?

55.  If God exists, would He be more pleased with Europeans if they had an European Union based on Islamic principles?

56.  If God exists, would He more pleased with Israelis if it remained a liberal democracy or became a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism interpreted by His Chosen People?  

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