
Monday, 31 January 2022

Roosh V: From Fornication to Faith

5:37 PM
Secular Koranism
​Why has Roosh given up on becoming a married father?

5:37 PM
Johnno (Bloodfire)✞
​Married fatherism is enslavement

5:37 PM
Secular Koranism
​Is that beard meant to be a female repellent?

5:37 PM
Secular Koranism
​Did Roosh ever consider Islam?

5:37 PM
Jewel Citizen
​@Secular Koranism You’ll have come up with better bantz than that Claire ffs

5:40 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Johnno (Bloodfire)✞ Christianity and Islam are competing gentile religions to the same Abrahamic God Jews worship.

5:41 PM
Secular Koranism
​Why does Roosh want to look like a tramp?

5:41 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen I already know Western Man does not want to father legitimate offspring with Western Woman.

5:42 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen Are you saying no one is in the West is interested in restoring the patriarchy to make marriage a good bargain for men again?

5:43 PM
Secular Koranism
​The matriarchy is a danger to itself.

5:44 PM
Secular Koranism
​Lowering the price of sex has caused degeneracy and decline in the West. Fornication was the gateway sexual offence.

5:45 PM
Secular Koranism
​There should only be two prices for sex: sex with a married woman who is your wife and sex with a prostitute.

5:45 PM
Secular Koranism
​The sacred cow of the West is cheap sex. Extramarital sex is the opium of the people.

5:46 PM
Jewel Citizen
​@Secular Koranism Please don’t talk to me about “bargains” Claire, after all no one is buying Secular Koranism

5:46 PM
Secular Koranism
​What a shame Will is too Islamophobic to have me on his channel to explain sexual morality and the sacrifices we are required to make to restore the patriarchy.

5:47 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen You have no intention or prospect of becoming a married father, have you?

5:48 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen Western Man is not interested in Secular Koranism because he is not interested in becoming a married father.

5:49 PM
​White men don't want White women for wives. White men want Asian women who have respect for men and who want a relationship of equality.

5:49 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen Even if a woman of his own race could be found to marry him, Western Man would be more interested in masturbating to porn than becoming a married father.

5:49 PM
Jewel Citizen
​@Secular Koranism All you have are assumptions Claire. How do you know I’m not already married...

5:51 PM
Secular Koranism
​Western Man is not really serious about saving his civilisation because he is more interested in masturbating to porn before he goes out in his box. Western men have no shame and no pride.

5:51 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen So you are a married father?

5:51 PM
Jewel Citizen
​@Secular Koranism I don’t disclose half as many details as you Claire.

5:52 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Knowland Knows Why don't you have Claire Khaw on your channel to explain how and why Christianity is kaput and what should replace it?

5:53 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen Claire Khaw has more moral and intellectual authority than all the pathetic men complaining about feminism because she does not hide behind an anonymous avatar and a pathetic pun.

5:54 PM
Jewel Citizen
​@Secular Koranism I’m presuming Mr.Knowland is intent of developing his channel, not destroying it. Have a good evening Claire

5:55 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen Am I worse than E Michael Jones? I am not known for my antisemitism, am I? We know @Knowland Knows has no arguments against Secular Koranism so he prefers to suppress it.

5:57 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen Claire Khaw is aware of the cowardly Christian conspiracy to flee from any discussion of Secular Koranism because the Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible.

5:58 PM
Secular Koranism
​So what is Roosh's solution? Become an Orthodox Christian? But Christianity is kaput. The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.

5:59 PM
Jewel Citizen
​@Secular Koranism I can’t speak for Mr.Knowland but perhaps, like me, he simply isn’t interested in it. I still recall you speaking to a guest re: SK and laughing at how ludicrous your proposals were

5:59 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Knowland Knows The West is dying of Islamophobia and bystander apathy as well as moral and intellectual incapacity of its degenerate men to have an honest and rational discussion about religion.

6:00 PM
Jewel Citizen
​@Secular Koranism I’m pretty much Agnostic Claire but nice try

6:00 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen If matriarchy is the problem, then patriarchy is the solution. If patriarchy is the destination, then theocracy must be the vehicle. What solution have you? Whinge harder and louder?

6:01 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen You people literally have no solution at all, do you? YOU. LITERALLY. HAVE. NO. SOLUTION. These streams are just whinge fests for unmarriageable feminised whingers.

6:01 PM
Jewel Citizen
​@Secular Koranism I’m more than happy for you to do all the “Whinging” Claire… cheers

6:02 PM
Secular Koranism
​Conservatism is kaput because Christianity is kaput. Time for the penny to drop after so many rejections of Christianity in your history, Western Man.

6:03 PM
Secular Koranism
​@Jewel Citizen How many years have you been doing this without considering a single viable solution because of your moral degeneracy and intellectual dishonesty?

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