
Thursday, 3 February 2022

The latest misunderstanding of Islam by Islamophobes

The scandal of what have become known in the United Kingdom as “Muslim grooming gangs” or, to the mainstream media, just plain “grooming gangs,” is to my mind the most disgusting and disgraceful act of an establishment that has made clear — and not just through this one cover-up — that it intends Muslims to be the new masters in Britain. Whether this takes the form of micro-caliphates — which already exist de facto — or some kind of wider transition of cultural and political power takes place (as in Michel Houellebecq’s novel Submission), the Islamization of Britain, to whatever degree, seems to be its share of the Great Reset.

Is it a cover-up or just a confusion over whether these child prostitution gangs which had mainly Muslim members ran child prostitution gangs in spite of being Muslim or because they were Muslim?

Nietzsche wrote in The Antichrist that Islam had every right to despise Christianity, as Islam at least “assumes it is dealing with men.” Well, Europe is getting Islamic men at a steady pace, and so far we have seen its response, which is to bring more. Hubris is rarely so predictable. Once these sexually repressed, aggressive cowboys ride into town, it is the town that changes, not the riders.

Christianity induces self-loathing in Western Man once he realises the nature of the cosmic fraud perpetrated on him.

The behavior of the British deep state and its operatives in the near-paramilitary police force show beyond reasonable doubt that governmental priority is to protect and promote Islam and facilitate its advance guard as it strengthens its presence in Europe and the UK. Certain things have happened in the last decade which would not have happened any differently if the government had been preparing a welcome for the new caliphate. Pubs are being closed, mosques are built with increasing frequency, prisons and schools quietly turn their menus halal, thousands of white girls (and some Sikhs) are raped and trafficked by Muslim men with impunity (with the Greater Manchester Police even being bluntly told to look for men “of other ethnicities”), and prayer spaces which are clearly Islamic but masquerade as “multi-faith” are installed at airports. At the border, no effort is made to prevent thousands of co-religionist immigrants joining the advance guard, and lawyers and the British judicial system are seemingly determined both to facilitate immigration and prevent deportation, whatever the value of the social capital that comes from immigration might be. Promoting and facilitating brand Islam — and effectively funding it with tax money — is a priority task for government.

Pubs closures happen in non-Muslim areas too. 

If Muslims have a preference for halal, and non-Muslims do not have a preference, it is would be rational to provide halal meat unless there is a deliberate policy to make Muslims feel unwelcome.

If there is a requirement to provide public prayer spaces which mostly Muslims use, why not make it cater to the main users?

Isn't imperialism about getting slaves, or at least cheap labour into your country?

A surprising aspect of the whole affair is the lack of vigilante retribution. It is quite possible, of course, that there has been. If so, the mainstream media would avoid it as assiduously as they did the grooming gangs themselves. And this would not be, as they would say it was, to avoid inspiring copycat attacks, but would come out of a visceral reluctance to show the little people that, when the law not only breaks down but actively works against you, you still wield the power of the personal, street-level, violent vendetta.

Vigilante retribution was something Islamophobes wanted to take place and are disappointed that it did not.

There is something very dark about the whole affair. This is not the result of incompetence, nor is it a concern with “ethnic tensions” — always a convenient get-out. Muslim grooming gangs are a subsection of jihad. Victorious chieftains and his men would take a village’s women once the village had been vanquished in battle. Now, in many English towns, we merely adjust for the time difference. In this documentary we additionally see that the grooming gangs and the police appear to work too well together not to be working together.

How are Muslim gangs a "subsection of jihad"?  

Is there a verse in the Koran enjoining Muslim men to run child prostitution gangs? 

Were these Muslim men invaders or were they invited into Britain by the HMG?

Perhaps my vision of Islamification is overblown, but there has to be an overarching reason why Muslims are a protected species. The spotlight went off Islam in the UK during the Black Lives Matter tantrums, and it may be that the Muslim Council of Britain will have been pleased with the lack of attention. And this is not simply because it moves the problem of the grooming gangs back into the shadows. It is also because those in charge of British Islam know that the demographic game will not be won in the future because it is already won. Demographics is always about the future when one civilization with a birthrate below the replacement rate is invaded by one with a higher birthrate. Demography really is destiny and, with a religious fervor Christianity long ago grew out of, Muslims are metaphysically equipped to play the long game. As an Afghan fighter reputedly said to an American soldier, you have all the watches, but we have all the time.

Any religious group would have a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. Islamophobes being atheists do not have this protected characteristic.

How much time does the UK have before its descent into barbarism? If a society can turn away from its most vulnerable members when it is within arm’s reach to help, then that society is in serious trouble. If, moreover, that turning away is done by those specifically tasked — and paid — to do so, then you have to say that the system you are observing is amoral and cannot stand as a civilization worth the name. Those who should defend those unable to defend themselves have ceased being a social asset and have instead become a dangerous liability. If very young girls are collateral in a battle the very existence of which must be kept quiet, then the violent new Middle Ages predicted by Guillaume Faye will come to pass.

What is "barbarism"? Does Gullick the writer just mean violence and criminality? Don't we already have this?

If the grooming gangs had been white and indigenous, these Islamophobes would just be shrugging their shoulders and saying this is only the way of the world: this is the lot of unsupervised female adolescents who are the victims of neglect by their unmarried mothers.

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