
Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Dugin: "If You are in Favor of Global Liberal Hegemony, You are the Enemy"

If You are in Favor of Global Liberal Hegemony, You are the Enemy

"The concept of the nation is a capitalist, Western one. On the other hand, Eurasianism appeals to cultural and ethnic differences, and not unification on the basis of the individual, as nationalism presumes. Ours differs from nationalism because we defend a pluralism of values. We are defending ideas, not our community; ideas, not our society. We are challenging postmodernity, but not on behalf of the Russian nation alone. Postmodernity is a yawning abyss. Russia is only one part of this global struggle. It is certainly an important part, but not the ultimate goal. For those of us in Russia, we can't save it without saving the world at the same time. And likewise, we can't save the world without saving Russia."

Empires can also be nations. 

Does he mean full spectrum global domination by the matriarchy when he talks about postmodernity?

"It is not only a struggle against Western universalism. It is a struggle against all universalisms, even Islamic ones. We cannot accept any desire to impose any universalism upon others-neither Western, Islamic, socialist, liberal, or Russian. We defend not Russian imperialism or revanchism, but rather a global vision and multipolarity based on the dialectic of civilization. Those we oppose say that the multiplicity of civilizations necessarily implies a clash. This is a false assertion.

"Yankee, go home and leave us alone to be ourselves."

Globalisation and American hegemony bring about a bloody intrusion and trigger violence between civilizations where there could be peace, dialogue or conflict, depending on historical circumstances. But imposing a hidden hegemony implies conflict and, inevitably, worse in the future. So they say peace but they make war. We defend justice-not peace or war, but justice and dialogue and the natural right of any culture to maintain its identity and to pursue what it wants to be. Not only historically, as in multiculturalism, but also in the future. We must free ourselves from these pretend universalisms."

What is a non-pretend universalism?

"There are different levels involved in the creation of anti-globalist, or rather anti Western, movements and currents around the world. The basic idea is to unite the people who are fighting against the status quo. So, what is the status quo? It is a series of connected phenomena bringing about an important shift from modernity to post-modernity. It is shaped by a shift from the unipolar world, represented primarily by the influence of the United States and Western Europe, to so-called non-polarity as exemplified by today's implicit hegemony and those revolutions that have been orchestrated by it through proxy, as for example the various Orange revolutions. The basic intent behind this strategy is for the West to eventually control the planet, not only through direct intervention, but also via the universalization of its set of values, norms and ethics.

Global matriarchy and the values of Transnational Progressivism and Sodom and Gomorrah

The status quo of the West's liberal hegemony has become global. It is a Westernization of all of humanity. This means that its norms, such as the free market, free trade, liberalism, parliamentarian democracy, human rights and absolute individualism, have become universal. This set of norms is interpreted differently in the various regions of the world, but the West regards its specific interpretation as being both self-evident and its universalization as inevitable. This is nothing less than a colonization of the spirit and of the mind. It is a new kind of colonialism, a new kind of power, and a new kind of control that is put into effect through a network. Everyone who is connected to the global network becomes subjected to its code. It is part of the postmodern West, and is rapidly becoming global. The price a nation or a people has to pay to become connected to the West's globalization network is acceptance of these norms. It is the West's new hegemony. It is a migration from the open hegemony of the West, as represented by the colonialism and outright imperialism of the past, to an implicit, more subtle version.

Matriarchal cultural domination

To fight this global threat to humanity, it is important to unite all the various forces that would, in earlier times, have been called anti-imperialist. In this age, we should better understand our enemy. The enemy of today is hidden. It acts by exploiting the norms and values of the Western path of development and ignoring the plurality represented by other cultures and civilizations. Today, we invite all who insist on the worth of the specific values of non-Western civilizations, and where other forms of values exist, to challenge this attempt at a global universalization and its hidden hegemony.

This is a cultural, philosophical, ontological, and eschatological struggle, because in the status quo we identify the essence of the Dark Age, or the great paradigm. But we should also move from a purely theoretical stance to a practical, geopolitical level. And at this geopolitical level, Russia preserves the potential, resources, and inclination to confront this challenge, because Russian history has long been intuitively oriented against the same horizon. Russia is a great power where there is an acute awareness of what is going on in the world, historically speaking, and which possesses a deep consciousness of its own eschatological mission. Therefore it is only natural that Russia should play a central part in this anti-status quo coalition. Russia defended its identity against Catholicism, Protestantism, and the modern West during Tsarist times, and then against liberal capitalism during Soviet times. Now there is a third wave of this struggle the struggle against postmodernity, ultra-liberalism and globalization. But this time, Russia is no longer able to rely on its own resources. It cannot fight solely under the banner of orthodox Christianity. Nor is reintroducing or relying on Marxist doctrine a viable option, since Marxism is in itself a major root of the destructive ideas constituting postmodernity.

Marxism tolerates feminism. 

Russia is now one of many participants in this global struggle, and cannot fight this war alone. We need to unite all the forces that are opposed to Western norms and its economic system. So we need to make alliances with all the Leftist social and political movements that challenge the status quo of liberal capitalism. We should likewise ally ourselves with all identitarian forces in any culture that refuse globalism for cultural reasons. From this perspective, Islamic movements, Hindu movements or nationalist movements from all over the world should also be re garded as allies. Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and pagan identitarians in Europe. America or Latin America, or other types of cultures, should all form a common front.

The idea is to unite all of them, struggling against the single enemy and the singular evil for a multiplicity of ideas about what is good.

What we are against will unite us, while what we are in favor of divides us. Therefore, we should emphasize what we oppose. The common enemy unites us, while the positive values each of us are defending actually divides us. Therefore, we must create strategic alliances to overthrow the present order of things, of which the core could be described as human rights, anti-hierarchy, and political correctness - everything that is the face of the Beast, the anti-Christ or, in other terms, Kali-Yuga". — Alexander Dugin

The battle is between Patriarchy v Matriarchy.

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