
Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Snorkelblog and I talk about Joseph, the uses of Christianity, the abolition of no fault divorce and the role of Western Man

Claire Khaw on Politically Provoked

Claire Khaw in conversation with Jacob Faturechi

12:00  Secular Koranism is for non-Muslim Western nations.
13:00  The West
14:00  Russia
15:00  The American Revolution
16:00  Constantine the Great and the Edict of Thessalonica
17:00  The Reformation 
18:00  The English, American, French and Russian Revolutions
19:00  Christianity cannot be reformed. 
20:00  The purpose of Christianity is to support the divine right of kings to rule.
24:00  Ritualised showmanship of the Christian service
25:00  The Fourth Estate divides the generations. 
28:00  What does it mean to save the West?
30:00  Marriage and patriarchy
31:00  Cathedral cities
35:00  Christophobia
36:00  Sponsorship of church music by Christian monarchs
39:00  Constantine the Great would have chosen Islam if that had been an option. 
40:00  What should replace kaput Christianity and Islam?
41:00  How would Secular Koranism work?
42:00  The Noahide laws
43:00  Why didn't Jews teach the Noahide laws to gentiles
44:00  Idolatry defined
45:00  American Revolution
46:00  Torah references to God
47:00  13 Principles of Judaism
Spinoza excommunicated
51:00  Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God.
52:00  Jews have no quality control over their tribal membership.
53:00  Division between observant and heretical Jews
54:00  Jews in the Israeli just want to be Israeli citizens.
55:00  Which religion will whites use now that Christianity is kaput?
56:00  Book of Joshua and the religious obligation of Jews to exterminate the Amalek
57:00  Paganism destroyed by the Abrahamic faiths
58:00  Historical materialism
59:00  The existence of Israel is an offence to its Muslim neighbours.
1:00:00  God v lesser gods
1:02:00  The conquest of Canaan
1:03:00  Fleeing slaves
1:04:00  Purim
1:05:00  "Christianity has a superior understanding of God."
1:07:00  If Jews had been allowed to practice idolatry
1:08:00  The Father of Jesus
1:09:00  The New Testament is not from God according to the Christian narrative.
1:10:00  The Torah and the Koran
1:11:00  Islam is Judaism Lite.
1:12:00  Secular Koranism

1:14:00  The rules
1:16:00  A stable society
1:18:00  White atheists without religion are always complaining about Jews and Muslims with religion.
1:19:00  Conservatism alone cannot withstand liberal whynottery.
1:20:00  Marriage is a burden and a sacrifice. 
1:21:00  Secular Koranism
1:22:00  Why people change their religion
1:23:00  What if the Middle East had been devastated by two World Wars?
1:25:00  Traditional Man
1:29:00  Meccan Revolution
1:30:00  Khums
1:32:00  Idolatry is thoughtcrime and God can read our minds. 
1:33:00  There is no responsible adult in charge of Western civilisation.
The Deep State
1:35:00  My answer to the Jewish Question
1:50:00  Monopoly
1:52:00  Manufactured famines
1:54:00  Gates of Toledo
1:59:00  Wage slavery
2:00:00  Stockholm Syndrome
2:02:00  The lives of our ancestors
2:06:00  Fighting the ideological war
2:07:00  Principles
2:08:00  Nationalists are mostly unmarriageable bachelors.
2:09:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
2:13:00  German men
2:14:00  Boomers
2:15:00  Being Japanese
2:18:00  Lamb's blood on doors
2:22:00  Joseph
2:24:00  Identity

2:33:00  Swedish

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