
Friday, 18 March 2022

Snorkelblog muses on what the Jews have done for and to gentiles

All the things you accuse Jews of doing, non-whites could accuse whites of doing. It is white people who are promoting globohomo, isn't it? Would you be one of the white people who say "Oh, but it was the Jews who made us to do it!" Is that what you are really saying?

Or are you saying "But we are not really like that! Not all whites are liberals, some whites are nationalists."

"So you are the minority and your political system is a democracy."

I guess in a democracy, the majority wins, and the majority of people are liberal and you are in the minority, because that is the rules of the game. You support democracy, don't you?"

I think the problem with antisemitism is that you assume they are guilty as charged without having really conducted a fair trial.

If they are indeed guilty as charged, they would all have to think as one and submit to one authority.

If this were the case, the Sanhedrin would be restored and Israel a theocracy with all Jews in Israel submitting to his theocratic authority. All Jews living in any non-Muslim country would be subject to the capital offence of ir nidachat

 What a pity Hitler dd not know about this, or he could be telling Jews that he was expelling them for the good of their immortal souls and be praised by them for his concern and care for them!

I don't know if you are aware that Israel is a secular state whose authority the Haredim do not accept.

 For this reason, they do not join the Army.

It is all very well for you to talk as if Jews are all acting on the orders of a Jewish leader to undermine the civilisation of the gentile, but you should know that Israel is a divided society, rather like the West. The division in America is Trump v Biden ie Nationalists v Liberals, in Britain it is Leavers and Remainers of the EU.

Do you know how many elections Israel has had in the last two years?

 is an article that is evidence of liberal hegemony in Israel.

Haters of Israel should also be aware that 20% of Israeli citizens are not Jewish.

You have basically conflated Jews with liberalism. If the liberal Jew is a problem, then so is the liberal gentile, and there are significantly more of them.

If liberalism is the problem, then you should say so. In fact, Putin himself said so in 2019, but was more or less ignored.

You talk about the beauty of Christianity, but Christianity is a religion worshiping a Jew as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

I first made this observation decades ago at a dinner party, but no cultural Christian I ever met was troubled much by the fact that Christians are supposed to worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

The penalty for idolatry and blasphemy for Jews is death, which was why Jesus had to be executed.

Christians were known for the Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake. The last person to be burned at the stake in Britain was Edward Wightman in 1612.

The last person to be hanged for blasphemy was Thomas Aikenhead, a 20 Scottish student from Edinburgh whose execution was in 1697.

Less than 80 years later, the American Revolution rejected monarchy and Christianity.

The success of the American Revolution began a process that has been undermining Christianity for centuries.

The most world-changing achievement of the American Republic was the First Amendment, based on the of the Koran. We already know that neither Jews nor Christians enjoyed freedom of worship when they took their religion seriously.

The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.

In 1912, China also became a republic when the Qing Dynasty fell.

What laws are these republics supposed to have now that they have broken free of absolute monarchy?

There is only one moral and rational choice if you want to choose the book of rules from the most powerful being conceivable, if you believe in that sort of thing, or even if you don't.

3:00  Secular Koranism would allow Western Man in his restored patriarchy and one-party state to reject the pro-immigration policies of the matriarchy. I really have no idea why people assume Secular Koranism would be pro-immigration with the intention of flooding Western countries with brown Muslim immigrants.

3:30  When you talk about "the Jewish influence in all this", do you mean the God of Israel who is also Allah? Don't Christians and Muslims claim to worship the same Abrahamic God while claiming that their way to Him is best of all?

5:00  We live in the Age of Liberalism, and I am saying Liberalism is the problem. Before that, Christianity was the problem, which was why it was replaced by Liberalism. What liberals think of as the greatest achievement of liberalism ie the First Amendment of the American Republic was in fact based on

7:00  "A foreign media" - I have said that the Fourth Estate is now the First Estate. Do you know what I mean by this?

8:00  Tkkun olam = repair of the world

Jews are not agreed on what this means. Assimilated Liberal Jews think this is supporting the fashionable causes of Western gentiles eg LGBT rights, gay marriage, transgenderism, and Orthodox Jews think it is about teaching gentiles the Noahide laws.

Do you think there is just a chance that non-white people might be talking about white people in the same way antisemites talk about Jews?

"Oh, those Anglo Saxons, they are all neocons and neoliberals! They have started two World Wars and are going to start a third!"

By the way, this is exactly what Alexandr Dugin is doing, racialising the situation in the Ukraine as a Slav v Anglo Saxon conflict.

9:00  Jews are a minority but I have never said they are a minority like any other. You have yourself acknowledged that I acknowledge that they are God's Chosen People. I do not see how any adherent of the other two Abrahamic faiths can deny the status of Jews. Christians have incorporated the Old Testament ie the Tanakh which is the scripture of Judaism. This means that they accept its authority.

 is very clear that God will put up with any misbehaviour of Jews and will not take away their status though He can periodically punish them in the same way that Zeus punished Prometheus by keeping him alive so he can be tortured daily by having an eagle eat his liver which would grow back so the eagle can do the same thing the next day.

The Koran confirms this because it has not taken away their status in

10:00  The Chinese did not call themselves the Middle Kingdom for nothing. Whether they want to take over the world or not, America clearly thinks that is their intention.

10:00  I have already argued that Islam is the most Noahide gentile religion. Are Muslims Noahides? Noahide just means righteous gentile. Are all gentiles righteous? Are all gentiles who claim to be righteous in fact righteous? How would you know anyway? You would only know if a gentile is righteous if he follows the Noahide laws. He is more likely to follow the Noahide laws if he comes from a righteous gentile nation. Which nations are righteous? In my humble opinion, the Abrahamic God if He exists would rank the religions of gentiles in the way I have proposed at

If you agree with this ranking system, you would have to acknowledge that God if He exists would only regard Muslim nations as nominally righteous gentile nations. There are only seven Islamic theocracies in the world that operate sharia.

If I am right and Chrsitianity is considered least Noahide because Christians worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah, then I am afraid the world has far more unrighteous gentile nations than righteous gentile nations.

It is not clear whether the American Republic is part of Christendom, but it has the casting vote. Is America a Christian nation? Are most Americans confirmed Christians? It seems to me that Christianity is very much a minority pursuit in the West.

11:00  Neonconservatism is just a euphemism for American imperialism. The problem would be solved if Trump became President in 2024, wouldn't it? We already know his position against neocon wars.

11:00  Marx was technically Christian but what one might call an assimilated Jew. If he were an Orthodox Jew, he would not have conceived of Marxism whose principles are antithetical to Judaism.

Karl Heinrich Marx was born on 5 May 1818 to Heinrich Marx (1777–1838) and Henriette Pressburg (1788–1863). He was born at Brückengasse 664 in Trier, an ancient city then part of the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine. Marx's family was originally non-religious Jewish, but had converted formally to Christianity before his birth. His maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx. His father, as a child known as Herschel, was the first in the line to receive a secular education. He became a lawyer with a comfortably upper middle class income and the family owned a number of Moselle vineyards, in addition to his income as an attorney. Prior to his son's birth and after the abrogation of Jewish emancipation in the Rhineland, Herschel converted from Judaism to join the state Evangelical Church of Prussia, taking on the German forename Heinrich over the Yiddish Herschel.

Little is known of Marx's childhood. The third of nine children, he became the eldest son when his brother Moritz died in 1819. Marx and his surviving siblings, Sophie, Hermann, Henriette, Louise, Emilie, and Caroline, were baptised into the Lutheran Church in August 1824, and their mother in November 1825.

12:00  Jewish ideas have enormous power since Christians and Muslims have culturally appropriated the God of Israel. Gentiles, having appropriated the God of Israel and produced scripture in support of their gentile religion, would have to follow the logic of their narrative and rules. The Koran has never taken away the status of Jews. Just as gentiles have no authority to remove the status of Jews, they have no right to emancipate Jews, which was what Napoleon did. Hitler, if he had been wiser and aware of the 36 capital offences of the Torah, would have used the capital crime of ir nidachat to expel Jews, saying it was for the good of their olam haba.

If he had been even wiser, he would as German dictator have converted Germany to Islam. After all, he did want to ban usury, which could only have been done by adopting Islam.

13:00  You say the wars being fought in the Middle East are being fought for religious reasons. My position is that the difference between religion adn politics is a distinction without a difference.

If European monarchs had already been Muslim, the Wars of the Reformation - also known as the European Wars of Religion - would not have been fought.

If Henry VIIII had been Muslim, he would not have needed to divorce his first wife Katherine of Aragon or behead Anne Boleyn so he could marry Jane Seymour who gave birth to his only son.

If Britain had been Muslim and following the Koranic rules of warfare and international relations, it would not have declared two World Wars on Germany.

Having suffered two ruinous World Wars, Britain could have replenished its population using the racial stock of indigenous white people if it had been Muslim, since the Koran allows Muslim men to have up to four wives.

14:00   Israel is an American colonial outpost and an America Protectorate in receipt of American military funding. Do you think the Americans would have nothing to say if Israel decided to become a theocracy? Do you not think there might be an assassination or regime change if this were being proposed by a prominent Israeli politiician? Rabbi Kahane proposed just such a thing, and was assassinated.

Do you know Israel is being required to take in Ukrainian refugees infamous for their antisemitism?

15:00  These Jews in Japan that you mention - are they acting for liberalism or Judaism? If they are not Orthodox Jews, the answer should be clear: they are acting on the instructions of American imperialism. Japan is an occupied country, after all, as is Germany.

16:00   Black Rock has been having bad publicity recently.

Was Bogle, founder of Vanguard, a Jew?

16:30  You talk about the Jewish names on the board of a powerful company as if it were conclusive evidence that Jews control the world. My position is that a person should not be judged by the colour of his skin or his ethnicity, but through what they do. Whether they subscribe to a righteous and ethical moral system and have moral principles that they follow would be my measure. If the behaviour of Jews is a problem for you, then ask yourself whether the are in conformity with the principles of Judaism. The same applies to Christians and Muslims. Clearly the principles of Judaism with its 36 capital offences is too hard for even Jews to follow now since only half the Jews in existence are observant and only obsrvant Jews are allowed to live because even breaking the Sabbath is death for Jews.

Since the defining feature of Christianity is its idolatry and blasphemy as far as Jews and Muslims are concerned, we cannot use Christianity as a guide. The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming to have met an executed blasphemer. It is not by Jesus, let alone God. The Pauline letters were from a heretical Jew who instigated seven different communities to practise idolatry. If the Sanhedrin were restored and Paul could be resurrected, he would be found guilty of seven separate death penalties. Christianity was founded by a heretical Jew and its beliefs are considered idolatry and blasphemy by Judaism and Islam.

All the things antisemitic gentiles accuse Jews of, non-whites could similarly accuse Anglo Saxons of doing.

Should people living in glass houses throw stones?

17:00 Jewish, Christian and Islamic eschatology are not the same. They all assume that the world is going to end at some stage, but Jews do not expect Jesus, and it is not clear who Muslims expect to arrive.

17:30  Jews and gentiles are just as divided as each other about on politics and religion. Just as there are social conservatives who are Jew and gentile, there are those who want to break the rules of marriage and good parenting too who are both Jew and gentile.

18:00  The Feminist and Sex Revolution and their supporting legislation did have its legislation enforced around the same time, but it could just as easily be blamed on the global American Empire as the Jews. You say Jews are the puppeteers, but they could be just the servants of American imperialism.

19:00  Immigration laws that you say Jews approve of - why would Jews want to import antisemitic Muslim immigrants who want to kill them? Are they stupid or something? Oh, but 70% of Jews are registered Democrat voters. I guess they are not so clever after all! 

21:00  How have Jews been involved in more genocides than gentiles?

23:00  Most gentiles in the West are liberal, aren't they? Wouldn't you expect Jews who live in the liberal West to be liberal too?

25:00  I have spoken to Jacob Faturechi twice. He is certainly not an Orthodox Jew.

33:00  Skin colour is one of the badges of our identity. In my view there are more than one: religion, race, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, class and political affilidation as well as current residence. All these are factors in predicting someone's behaviour.

36:00  Some Chinese have a horror of the countryside, thinking it stupid and full of hostile natives!

38:00  Christianity was certainly the engine of European culture, music, literature and architecture.

22:00  We already know that most black parents in the West are unmarried parents and that the prison population comes most from the fatherless homes of unmarried mothers.

Americans who rape Japanese women

44:00  I am indeed saying that the logic of the Jewish citizen in any Western nation if he took the Torah literally and believed it absolutely would be for him to convert to Islam so he does not face a beheading in his olam haba for being a citizen of a city that has gone astray. All cities in Christendom are cities that have gone astray because all nations in Christendom are nations that have gone astray.

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