
Friday, 22 April 2022

The four sacred cows of the West

2:00  Faturechi
3:00  Jews
4:00  Antisemites reject Christianity for pre-Christians. 
5:00  Antisemites worship their idol of antisemitism which means hatred is their practice. 

6:00  Antisemites reject the Abrahamic God because they hate Jews even as they complain about Jews and Muslims who worship the Abrahamic God. What can they be missing from the lives of these antisemites if Jews and Muslims can have a higher status than they do in their own gentile non-Muslim majority country?  

7:00  Antisemites who cry crocodile tears over the idolatrous Canaanites because Jews conquered Canaan and they hate hate Jews

Why would you pretend to cry over civilisations practising idolatry you never knew about just because Jews conquered them? Because you hate Jews! 

8:00  Rejecting the Abrahamic God means rejecting three global Christian empires. Isn't empire an achievement? If you are a white supremacist, isn't white supremacy predicated on military supremacy,  and empire predicated on military supremacy?

9:00  Jews and Muslims are hated by antisemites and Islamophobes because Jews and Muslims have a higher status than antisemites and Islamophobes in their gentile non-Muslim majority nation.  

10:00  By blaming everything on evil Jews that they equate with Satan or even God, antisemites raise Jews in status high above themselves. The perpetrator always enjoys a higher status to the victim until he is brought to justice.

12:00  The Abrahamic God is supposed to reward good and punish evil. Antisemites either have to accept God's decision in making Jews His Chosen People or reject Him altogether and be without a functioning moral system which is the cause of their inability to organise themselves politically because they are apparently unable to understand the nature and purpose of a moral system or pretend they do not understand.  

13:00  Low status low education low information antisemites question the wisdom of the Abrahamic God in making Jews His Chosen People.

14:00  Many Jews don't want to have been chosen by God. 

15:00  Islam is Judaism Lite.

17:00  Lesbianism is not an offence in Judaism.

21:00  Most of the 36 capital offences are sexual offences.

22:00  Gentiles who feel themselves to be victims of Jews have the option of appealing to the Abrahamic God who is supposed to be morally perfect.  

23:00  If you believe in the Abrahamic God, you would have to believe that He is morally perfect. A morally perfect God is superior to a morally imperfect God.Why would you worship a lesser God than the Abrahamic God? You would have to be actively evil or incapable of logical thought because you hate Jews so much you can't think straight.  

The explanation for the end of Christian civilisation is that it is cursed by God because of its idolatry and blasphemy.  

Even if you think Jews destroyed Christianity, the fact remains that Christianity with its Trinitarian deity cannot defeat the Unitarian deity that is the Abrahamic God worshiped by Jews and Muslims.

If you can't beat them, join them, or die on the hill of a dead Jew on a stick or the post-Christian paganism of Post Christian Westerners who return to the corpse of a pre-Christian pantheon. 

Indeed, the Trinitarian deity is caught in a pincer movement between the Unitarian God of the Jews and Muslims.  

Christianity is basically busted but Christians are in denial, don't care or really don't know.  

24:00  All priesthoods are corruptible. 

The Church of England was established to be a Creature of the State whose head would always be the monarch. 

26:00  British monarchs no longer have freedom of belief while their subjects do.  

28:00  This generation should be kicking out Christianity and liberalism.

29:00  Because Western men have no agreed moral system, they are incapable of organised and effective political action.   

30:00  Antisemites are content to share antisemitic content and support each other's antisemitism, but they have no plan.  

31:00  Christianity, Liberalism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia are the Four Sacred Cows of the West.  


2022 - 380 = 1642

1642 divided 16 - 102 generations of Europeans have been lied to by the Church

33:00  Liberalism was a reaction against Christianity. 

34:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.

35:00  A republic has a wider and deeper pool of political talent.

37:00  A people's democratic dictatorship

39:00  Restoration

40:00  The Puritans

42:00  Thinking is work too.  

43:00  Confirmation bias of antisemites

44:00  Hart-Cellar Act

45:00  Because antisemites worship the evil of the Jew, they can never deny it.  

46:00  Jews cannot be blamed for liberalism.  

48:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes unmoved by Truth, Logic and Morality

49:00  The Abrahamic God is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority even for atheists.

50:00  Idolaters are illogical. 

51:00  The perfectly moral Abrahamic God

52:00  A moral and political choice to establish a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism

53:00  The Four Sacred Cows of Christianity, Liberalism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia

54:00  The imperative of a group moral system

55:00  The purpose of a moral system is to keep a group in existence.

56:00  The incompetence of Daniel Sienkiewicz and his fear of alienating women

59:00  The wrong religion and political ideology

1:00:00  Western identity

Minimum moral system of the Noahide laws

1:01:00  Idolatry

1:02:00  The opportunity cost of idolatry

1:03:00  Islamophobe cannot think of a better guide to humanity.

1:04:00  Not my job to threaten or bribe anyone

1:05:00  The sin is its own punishment. 

1:06:00  Jews are known for their ability to think in the abstract and their powers of deduction. 

1:07:00  My proposal to Alison Chabloz that she rejected.

1:08:00  I don't give Jews an easy ride.

1:09:00  36 capital offences of Judaism

1:10:00  Secular Koranism

1:13:00  Antisemites worshiping their idol of antisemitism

1:14:00  Lifetime religion only

1:15:00  13 Principles of Judaism

1:16:00  Roosh

1:17:00  Western civilisation hinges on whether the numbers of marriageable people are greater or fewer than the numbers of unmarriageable people.

1:18:00  Alison Chabloz

1:19:00  Jews will use the legal system to deal with their haters.

1:22:00  The three things I think of antisemites

1:23:00  Category errors

1:24:00  Holocaust denial laws

1:25:00  Thoughtcrime

1:27:00  Antisemites who worship a Jew

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