
Sunday, 29 May 2022

Discussing #SecularKoranism with Rob Dufour of Islam4Europeans and religion with William Breannis

1:00  Islamophobic zeitgeist
3:00  Secular Koranism is my baby.
6:00  Secular Koranism is "astute".
8:00  Sharia before belief in God
11:00  Adultery
Drink and drugs in Catholic school
12:00  Cart before the horse
13:00  Inciting more Islamophobia
14:00  Mecca
15:00  AfD
16:00  Hizb ut-Tahrir
17:00  Niqab, Daniel Haqiqatjou and Mark Collett
18:00  Dawah
19:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
Islamophobic parents disinheriting their children who convert to Islam
20:00  The Prophetic Method
21:00  Meccan Revolution
22:00  Eiffel Tower surrounded by minarets
23:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou and Mark Collett

25:00  Canadian Freedom Convoy
27:00  Open House in Mosque and dawah booth
28:00  Social media platforms on the internet
29:00  Islamophobes need to demonstrate their hatred and fear.
30:00  What is a better solution than Secular Koranism?
Secular Koranism is an intermediate step. 
31:00  Retreat
32:00  Christianity
34:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou and David Woods
35:00  Anti-immigration parties 
36:00  Hamza Yusuf and Jordan Peterson

37:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou nice to Roosh and Daniel Haqiqatjou
38:00  Pumped and dumped
39:00  Ali Dawah and Douglas Murray
Anjem Choudary
40:00  The Sealed Nectar
41:00  Muhammad was kicked out of Mecca even though he was being nice. 
42:00  Not everyone was Muslim even after the Meccan Revolution but the sharia imposed by Muhammad was fair enough so there was no rebellion. 
43:00  Behaving like women
44:00  Douglas Murray was called an old man by Ali Dawah.
45:00  A good game of Squash can be played with a brick wall.
46:00  A positive European Muslim identity
47:00  Secular Koranism is the intermediate step.
48:00  Secular Koranism emphasises freedom of belief.
49:00  Dating website for white Muslims
50:00  Louis Farakhan and Nation of Islam
51:00  Secular Koranism is a talking point.
52:00  The bargain of Islam
53:00  Defaulting on our debts
54:00  Good examples of white converts
55:00  Chinese Canadians who convert to Islam
56:00  Secular Koranism
57:00  Rob is writing a book.
Japanese Americans
58:00  Marriage and family values
59:00  The ruling classes prefer to worship their conceptual idols of liberalism, welfarism and democracy.
1:01:00  Talking to the government
1:02:00  Polling nationalists about Islam v Secular Koranism
1:03:00  Vindictive left
1:04:00  Caleb Maupin
1:05:00  Converts to Islam
1:06:00  Chauvinism, racism and ideological antipathy
1:07:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.
1:08:00  The Jefferson Bible
1:09:00 is the basis of the First Amendment. 
1:10:00  Andalusia, Crete and Cyprus
1:11:00  Henry II and King John threatened to convert to Islam.
1:14:00  Western culture draws Muslims away from Islam.
1:16:00  Catholicism
1:17:00  The Koran is from God, the New Testament is from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. 
1:18:00  Islamophobes can't think of a better guide to  humanity than the Koran not even after over a decade. 
1:19:00  Islamophobes must be humbled and shown that they have lost all the arguments. 
1:20:00  Nice cop, nasty cop
1:21:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou and Mark Collett
Ed Dutton and Richard Spencer
1:22:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou refuses to take the antisemitic bait offered by Mark Collett.
1:24:00  Doooovid is a liberal.
1:25:00  Funding white Muslim converts
Left wing Muslims increase Islamophobia.
1:26:00  White Muslim scholars
1:27:00  Eugenics
Abdal Hakim Murad
1:28:00  "How Islam Can Save the West"
1:30:00  How Islam Can Save the White Race"
1:31:00  White Nationalist Version of Islam
1:32:00  White culture in all its varieties
1:34:00  Hashkafa
1:37:00  Secular Koranism as dawah
1:38:00  Sharia to restore moral order
1:39:00  Prohibition
The Sealed Nectar
1:40:00  The Message
1:41:00  A Biography of Muhammad by Karen Armstrong
1:42:00  Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
1:45:00  David Woods
1:51:00  Secular Koranism is the Middle Way

1:52:00  WILLIAM BREANNIS joins.
1:54:00  Elijah Muhammad
1:56:00  New Testament of loving God and neighbour contains the message of Islam.
1:57:00  Building communities and families
1:58:00  Dictator and patriarchy
1:59:00  Married fathers
Parental and paternal authority
2:00:00  Principled men come from a functioning religion.
Tribes, factions and cliques
2:01:00  Married parents properly parenting their legitimate offspring.
2:02:00  The Amish and semi-autonomous communities
2:03:00  A Message to the White Men of America
2:04:00  Christianity, Darwinian Evolution and Scientism
2:06:00  Masons
Founding Fathers
2:07:00  First and Second Baptists
2:08:00  Southern Baptist
2:09:00  Intermixing of race forbidden by baptists.
2:10:00  Mother became a Jehovah's Witness
2:11:00  Born Again Christian
The Trinity
2:12:00  Bible thumper became Muslim
2:13:00  26 years a Muslim
2:14:00  Grand Mufti
2:16:00  The Torah and Moses
Additions to the Bible
2:18:00  Nation of Islam
2:22:00  A daee has to be a scholar.
2:23:00  Universal Prophetic Message
2:24:00  Why would God create the Devil?
Pairs of opposites
2:25:00  Evil is a consequence of freewill. 
2:26:00 Build up your family.

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AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

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