
Friday, 6 May 2022

Discussing the Trinity with Jacob Faturechi

2:00  I am praised.
3:00  The Chillul Hashem of consorting with Catholics
5:00  Nicene Creed
6:00  John Calvin and Constantine
7:00  Catholicism is idolatry and blasphemy.

8:00  "The Monarchical Trinity" is Arianism.

20:00  Noahide laws

21:00  Shituf is worse than avodah zarah.

Jews and Muslims worship the same Abrahamic God.

Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God. 

22:00  Faturechi says Muslims are murderers. Christians is a minority pursuit in the West and hardly any Westerners are confirmed Christians with the right to call themselves Christian. The question to ask is if Christianity is kaput rather than whether Muslims are terrorists since Muslims have never pretended that Muslims are never murderers.  

23:00  "The Egalitarian Trinity"

24:00  "Calvinist Judaism"

26:00  The Catholic Church would burn the proponents of the Monarchical Trinity at the stake, if it could.  

27:00  Christians need to give up their idolatry as soon as possible. 

28:00  Faturechi is too afraid to point out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity to his Christian overlords.

29:00  Westerners only pretend to be Christians because they hate Jews and Muslims.
30:00  Socinian heresy 
31:00  Hypostasis and tri-unity

32:00  Build back better with Islam.

33:00  Cold turkey
34:00  Church
35:00  Beliefs influence actions.
36:00  God will tell Christians they are idolaters.

The Trinity was cooked up by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian. 

37:00  Christians must go cold turkey about the Trinity. 

38:00  Half a century of not supporting marriage and family values in the West has caused general atheism. 

39:00  Christianity is indeed a stepping stone towards Islam.  

40:00  Regulating the morals of the ruling classes

"Christianity is false."

41:00  Nietzsche said God is dead and we have killed him. 

42:00  Christian and pagan atheism


43:00  Fudging the issue

We have to be cruel to be kind. 

44:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy. 

Western civilisation is based on Christianity. 

Would Westerners like to move on from Christianity before or after WW3?

45:00  Apocalypticism

46:00  My alleged postmodern agenda

47:00  I am accused of being postmodernist again. 

49:00  Modern Western philosophy is stupid.

50:00   Secular Koranism

51:00  Snorkelblog

52:00  I passed my Bar Exams.

53:00  "Secular Koranism is performative critical race theory."

54:00  I have destroyed the right by humiliating E Michael Jones, apparently.

55:00  Justice

56:00  Condemning Christianity

57:00  I am a postmodern neo-Marxist, apparently.

58:00  Nick Land and Sadie

59:00  Cognitive distortions, James Lindsay, Jonathan Haidt

1:00:00  Mental illness

1:01:00  Nuance = fudging the issue

1:02:00  Splitting, black and white thinking

1:03:00  I would never destroy Millennial Woes.

1:04:00  I can't get on Millenniyule.

1:05:00  My organisation and agency

1:06:00  Liberal democracy was failing since Weimar Germany.

The General Election of 1915 was cancelled. 

1:07:00  Cognitive distortion and splitting

1:08:00  Jacob's mental health issues

1:09:00  Mental illness may probably caused by the desire to remain Jewish yet wanting to fit in with gentiles.

1:10:00  Robots exploding when they cannot resolve conflicting orders

1:12:00  I deny that I am of the left.

1:13:00  Catastrophising

1:14:00  Preventing the West from being a failed state

1:16:00  Saying what I believe to be the truth

1:17:00  The obvious solution is Secular Koranism.

1:18:00  Secular Koranism is again called Performative Critical Race Theory. 

1:19:00  E Michael Jones

1:20:00  Controlled opposition
Being cruel to Doooovid
Punching down

1:21:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
Doooovid is a liberal. 

1:23:00  Is Dooovid above or below me?

1:25:00  Critical Race Theory

1:26:00  Formulating counter-arguments

1:27:00  The patient has to admit he is ill. 

1:28:00  Anthony Trollope


1:29:00  Crime and Punishment

1:33:00  The essence of Judaism

Israel means wrestling with God. 

To live rational and moral lives, we as humans are to develop a conscience and then wrestle with it. 

If God does not exist, then atheists wrestling with their consciences means their better selves wresting with their worse selves.

1:34:00  Messianic Jew

1:35:00  Revelation

1:37:00  Why don't I leave the West?

1:38:00  What's wrong with the West?

1:39:00  Westerners are suffering from amnesia and dementia.

We have to use reason to solve problems. 

1:40:00  There is no justice without truth. 

1:44:00  Principles

1:45:00  Noahide laws

1:46:00  SCOTUS

1:47:00  Repent

1:48:00  You are an idolater if you are not Jewish believing in Judaism or Muslim believing in Islam. 

1:49:00  The opportunity cost of being an idolater is that of not being rightly-guided by the Koran. 

I promote a theocracy. 

1:50:00  I am just a new School of Sharia. 

1:51:00  Christianity produced Christmas.

1:52:00  If something should be done, it should be done as soon as possible.  


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