
Wednesday, 18 May 2022

White Muslim Woman considers how Secular Koranism and help white social conservatives

1:00  The role of the Noahide laws

4:00  The First Amendment is based on
6:00  "The pursuit of happiness" should be "pursuit of justice"in the Declaration of Independence.
7:00  George Washington's farewell speech
10:00  The Fourth Estate is the First Estate.
12:00  Year long Presidential Campaigns
13:00  Hindu caste system
14:00  Corporate America runs America.
15:00  Illegitimacy
16:00  Nationalism is governing in the national interest.
17:00  Democracy
23:00  Secular Koranism as rhetorical strategy.
24:00  Indifference to one's duty as a parent
25:00  Fatherless homes
26:00  Women putting themselves into danger
27:00  Toxic gender relations
28:00  Bachelors who have vasectomies in their 30s
29:00  Paternal and parental authority
31:00  Cannon fodder
32:00  White Americans need to take the lead in supporting Secular Koranism.
33:00  White American Muslims are a minority within a minority.
Conservative parents
37:00  Flower power was when America became a victim of its own success.
38:00  Boomers regard their youth to be sacred.
40:00  Federalist Party
41:00  Secular Koranism would improve the working conditions and raise the status of politicians.
42:00  Independent candidates
44:00  Consultation
46:00  If the Koran is not the best available guide to humanity, what is?
47:00  Homeschooling future generations to sort this mess out
48:00  Martin Luther King and Malcom X
Muslims becoming Jews who vote Democrat
50:00  Secular Koranism is better than becoming a prepper.
52:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.
53:00  Muslim identity
58:00  Congregation church
1:00:00  Not a neurotic nut
1:01:00  Black American Muslims
1:02:00  Founding Fathers


1:05:00  Judaism
1:07:00  Marriage is eugenic. 
1:08:00  White nationalists want Ukrainian women.
1:09:00  Christianity
1:10:00  Secular Koranism
1:12:00  Ugly Christmas trees
1:13:00  University indoctrination
1:14:00  Social Justice Warrior Muslims
1:15:00  Islam will save Western civilisation. 
1:17:00  The Culture of Disbelief by Stephen L Carter
1:18:00  The Tragedy of Oedipus Rex

1:20:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes
1:21:00  YouTubers pandering to Islamophobes
1:22:00  Neurosis
1:23:00  Secularism
1:24:00  Pre-Christian deities
1:25|:00  The anointing of kings
1:26:00   Inbred hillbillies
1:27:00  Transgenderism at PTA meetings
1:28:00  Children being gaslit
1:29:00  Transgender female
1:32:00  Pronouns
1:33:00  An abundance of choice and gaslighting
1:35:00  Gender recognition certificate
1:37:00  Transgender professor
1:38:00  Institutionalised children
1:39:00  Catholic school
1:40:00  Family values and the rejection of materialism
1:41:00  Quantity time
1:43:00  Christianity
1:44:00  Founding Father
1:45:00  Feminism
1:47:00  Hadith
1:48:00  Good cop, bad cop
1:50:00  Neighbour's son who smoked pot
1:51:00  No jails in Mohammedan times
1:52:00  Secular Koranism
1:53:00  White saviourism
1:54:00  Masjid
1:57:00  "White women are whores."
1:59:00   Muslim culture changes.
2:00:00  Who your husband is n the mosque
2:02:00   Mosques for white people
2:03:00  Teke
2:05:00  Islam
2:06:00  Immigrants
2:07:00  Sufis
2:15:00  Christianity
2:17:00  The Trinity
2:18:00  Tawhid
2:19:00  Catholicism and Unitarianism
2:20:00  Anti-Trump Unitarian Church
2:21:00  Quakers
2:23:00  Conservative Jew
2:24:00  Universal
2:25:00  No requirement for women to go to masjid.
2:26:00  Overly loyal
Secular Koranist teke
2:27:00  White House Koran
2:28:00  Anti-American Muslims
2:29:00  Gas station loans for Muslims
2:30:00   Tutu skirt maths tutor
2:32:00  White Muslims don't collectivise.
2:33:00  Secular Koranism
2:34:00  Sectarianism amongst white Muslims
2:35:00  Political platform
Secular Koranism Debating Society
2:36:00  Martin Luther King
Debating societies
2:38:00  Academics
2:39:00  White working class women were the first to convert to Islam.
2:42:00  Ugly Christmas tree
2:43:00  Her children can return to Islam.
2:45:00  Meeting places for Muslims and non-Muslims

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...