
Wednesday, 1 June 2022

The problem of the failure of liberalism began with the failure of Christianity

I am surprised anyone can bear to call themselves Christian these days. While I am aware most Westerners are atheists and nihilists, I am aghast that not more Westerners take more active steps to distance themselves from Christianity more decisively.

If Christianity is not officially renounced, it remains the official religion of European kingdoms and even the American Republic because Jews and Muslims remain a minority in America. Christianity and Liberalism march hand in hand because the West still identifies with both.

The only people who have the right to call themselves Christian would be those who have been confirmed and who have undergone adult baptism. How many Westerners have actually undergone adult baptism or a confirmation ceremony? Their numbers are vanishingly small.

Let the Catholic Church, Anglican and Baptist Church release the number of confirmed and baptised Christians. Only they would have the right to call themselves Christian. If questioned, they would be unable to defend Christianity against the charge of idolatry and blasphemy.

Can you guess the number of confirmed and baptised Christians in Europe and America? Once these figures are finally published, their percentage should be worked out as against the total number of adult citizens, which would be pathetically small in both Europe and America.

Those of you who object to intersectionality are really objecting to the effects of failed liberalism which replaced failed Christianity. To be saved from the degenerate and dysgenic consequences of intersectionality, you would have to go to the root of the problem: Christianity.

The moment a public intellectual publicly engages with me on the subject of Christianity, the solution of #SecularKoranism will be inescapable, logical, moral and, most importantly of all, welcomed and gratefully received. Name the public intellectual you want me to engage with.

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