
Saturday, 30 July 2022

My proposed administration of justice in the afterlife in an incoherent exchange with an atheist

7:00  Atheist and Agnostic
10:00  God exists external to Creation.
12:00  We are limited in space and time.
13:00  The afterlife: heaven, hell, reincarnation
14:00  We are promised an afterlife. 
15:00  Atheism is a category of idolatry ie self-worshiping narcissism. 

17:00  If I were Administrator of the Afterlife, there would be Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist, atheist, nihilist sections of Hell. Individuals would be judged according to the principles that they said they had and how well or badly they followed them. Nihilists - who are proud they have no principles - would be graded according to how much harm they did.

19:00  Judgement of atheists in the afterlife
22:00  Noahide laws
25:00  James confuses the situation that existed after the Flood with the Noahide laws.
26:00  The Noahide laws as a measure of universal morality
27:00  Babylonian Talmud
28:00  Prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy
30:00  Burping while I list the Seven Noahide laws
32:00  Objective morality
33:00  Even murderers and thieves agree that there should be laws against murder and theft.
34:00  The principle of reciprocity is do unto others as you would others do unto you.
36:00  Surprises
37:00  The existence of enforceable laws against robbery
Incomprehensible questions
41:00  Due process under a court and legal system
42:00  James claims that the Koran states that life is produced by clay.
43:00  James is unable to cite the verse in the Koran which supports his claim.
46:00  Every educated household in the West should contain a copy of the Koran.
49:00  A righteous gentile
50:00  Atheist morality would be derived from the Noahide laws, whether they admit that or not.
52:00  No need for morality if we are utterly alone in the Universe.
55:00  There is no escape from God and His laws.
56:00  Life can still be enjoyed even if we obey God's laws or live in a theocracy.
58:00  A perfectly moral deity would support marriage in order to support the family in order to create a stable society that we all want and need.
59:00  America is not a righteous Noahide nation.

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