
Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Advice to diaspora Jews who want to stay in the diaspora

God if He exists would indeed sharpening His Knives of Punishment. Repentance is always an option and this must start from the top: Jews are to repent of not properly teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles and Orthodox rabbis are to repent of not ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws as I have been repeatedly urging them to do for years now.  Indeed, they should have thought of doing so 1400 years ago if they were taking their religious obligations to gentiles seriously and been recommending Islam to Christian kingdoms in Europe or urging their Muslim overlords to obey If they were frightened of about Christian persecution in Christian European kingdoms, American Jews could have relied on the First Amendment for protection when it was ratified in 1791. 

In Europe, Orthodox rabbis could have relied on the European Convention of Human Rights to state what they believed to be the truth from 1953.

Once the Noahide ranking of the gentile religions is official and agreed, the penny will drop with most reasonable Christians who will, all things being equal, renounce their blasphemous worship of an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

Even if most Westerners are not ready to make the transition from matriarchy to theocracy, Secular Koranism is the intermediate step or bridge designed to help morally degenerate Westerners undergo a moral regeneration under a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring that most parents are married parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders as prescribed by

The thing to remember about Secular Koranism is that though nominally a theocracy, it is a theocracy with the First Amendment since it is in fact based on which Islamophobes refuse to acknowledge.  

What has this to do with Diaspora Jews? I imagine most of them would rather stay in the diaspora. If we are to take seriously the narrative of Judaism and the capital offence of ir nidachat, all Jews who live and die as citizens of a city that has gone astray ie gone over to idolatry attract the penalty of death by beheading.

If this penalty is not meted out to Jews in their lifetime, it can be deduced that this punishment will take place in their olam haba, which cannot be a very pleasant thought for Jews who have citizenship in any Western nation that considers itself to be part of Christendom.

In order for Jews in the diaspora to stay in their gentile nations without risking their olam haba, they must ensure that their gentile nation is a righteous gentile nation following Koranic principles. This means Diaspora Jews must support and promote Secular Koranism together with Muslims in order to receive divine assistance in their desire to remain in the diaspora. 

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