
Thursday, 18 August 2022

White Muslim Woman informs Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden Karl Marx is not one of the Founding Fathers

Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption. Moral corruptions leads to intellectual corruption. Intellectual corruption leads to neurosis, amnesia and dementia.  

This is disastrous if this is suffered in the ruling classes.  

3:00  The Hypothetical Supreme Authority

5:00  Approximately half the total population of the world claim they believe in the Abrahamic God.

6:00  God > Man

7:00  God is an infinite resource.  

The suffering of America

8:00  The rule of law is breaking down in America.

The rule of law is the desire to obey the law just because it is the law. 

10:00  The sin is its own punishment.
11:00  Seesaw analogy
12:00  Seven Deadly Sins
16:00  Western identity
17:00  Non-whites in the West feel stupid and dismayed.

19:00  RALPH joins.
22:00  Secular Koranism is not Arab culture.
23:00  Church bells ringing as a call to prayer?
24:00  Mosques issuing walkie talkies to their congregation
25:00  British culture has changed over the centuries.
26:00  Secular Koranism would be voluntarily accepted. 
27:00  Europeans were forced to go to church. 
29:00  Westerners seem no longer capable of practising marriage. 
30:00  Zoomers
31:00  Education and training for the next generation school leavers
32:00  Democracy and the Thirty Years War
33:00  Restoring the patriarchy to avoid the need for cheap foreign labour
34:00  Ralph quotes Goebbels.
35:00  8% of world population are white.  
36:00  Christianity is kaput.
37:00  Christians don't even know what Christian principles are and have no functioning moral system.
38:00  Only confirmed Christians have the right to call themselves Christians. 
39:00  Ralph makes claims about the number and wealth of Christians. 
40:00  Ralph only cares about the artefacts of Christianity.
41:00  Ralph denies the existence of heterosexuals.
43:00  Ralph denounces liberal tolerance.
44:00  Secular Koranism respects property rights. 
45:00  An Englishman's home is his castle. 
46:00  Secular Koranism would respect the right to property and privacy. 
47:00  Ralph supports the Prevention of Terrorism Act and the Patriot Act.
48:00  Secular Koranism respects due process. 
49:00  Trump supporters are now being routinely accused of being domestic terrorists.  
50:00  White Americans
51:00  Ralph blathers on about White Anglo Saxon Protestants.
53:00  Moral motor neurone disease
54:00  Whites don't want to be cured of their matriarchy because they don't want to restore the patriarchy. 
1:01:00  More black people than white people say race is important. 
1:03:00  Secular Koranism would repeal the Equality Act 2010.
1:04:00  Race cannot be your religion. 
1:05:00  Ralph proposes to ban every religion other than Christianity. 
1:06:00  Allocation of council housing would privilege married fathers in stable jobs. 
1:08:00  Meritocracy and the national interest
1:11:00  If ethno-nationalists get the upper hand
1:12:00  Ralph and Mrs Jones of Wales
1:14:00  Islam has been used by Malaysia as a system of ethno-nationalism. 
1:15:00  Confirmed Christians are vanishingly rare.  
1:16:00  Ralph avoids answering whether he supports Truss or Sunak.
1:17:00  Nationalists can't get on with each other. 
1:18:00  I repeat I would repeal the Equality Act 2010.
1:19:00  If the white majority cannot make things work for them even after the repeal of the Equality Act 2010, then it is just to bad for them. 
1:20:00  I state my intention to be impartial. 
1:21:00  If morally diseased white people incapable of supporting marriage cannot cure themselves of their moral disease even with Secular Koranism repealing the Equality Act 2010 to advantage them, then we will just have to give up on them.  
1:22:00  My loyalty is to the principles of Secular Koranism.
1:23:00  My loyalty is to the national interest. 
1:25:00  I am anti-bastardy. 
1:26:00  The rules of marriage and good parenting must be followed by those who wish to remain in existence from generation to generation. 
1:30:00  Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic. 
1:32:00  Ralph plays the role of Hannibal Lecter.
1:34:00  Patriarchy
1:39:00  ISIS
1:40:00  A patriarchy cannot be mostly unmarried parents and bastards.
1:41:00  Patriarchy cannot exist without the practice of marriage. 
1:44:00  Islam supports patriarchy and so the other world religions. 
1:46:00  Is Germany a patriarchy?
1:48:00  What Christian principle does the government support?
1:49:00  What is a principle?
1:53:00  Ralph lists three Christian principles: Asking God to forgive our sins; love thy neighbour; forgive others who have wronged you.  

1:54:00  Foreign aid is a Christian principle, according to Ralph. 

1:55:00  I state the principles of Judaism and Islam.
1:57:00  The Trinity is the only uniquely Christian principle.  
2:01:00  Why I need to maintain with my agnostic identity. 
2:03:00  As a Principled Agnostic, I need to have both a theist and atheist explanation for events and phenomena.
2:11:00  Godless Girl dismantles Doooovid's positions quickly and cleanly.

2:14:00  Luke Ford saying most Jews, Christians and Muslims only pretend to believe in God. 
2:16:00  Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden call themselves Christian.
2:17:00  Ralph repeats that foreign aid is an example of  a Christian principle.
2:18:00  White supremacy
2:25:00  I am the Critical Friend of White People. 
2:27:00  Secular Koranism was created for White People.
2:28:00  India
2:33:00  Reading the Koran
2:34:00  Every translation is an interpretation. 
2:35:00  Ralph says he can read Sanskrit. 
2:37:00  If only people would read the Koran in order to engage properly with me on the subject of Secular Koranism.
2:38:00 is non-negotiable in Secular Koranism. 

2:39:00  WHITE MUSLIM WOMAN joins.
2:40:00  Selfless love is a Christian principle.
2:42:00  Law and order
2:44:00  How mean can you be to someone without breaking the law?
2:45:00  Self-defence
2:46:00  Judaism and Islam are codified but not Christianity.
2:47:00  Totalitarian Christianity was about forbidding a monarch's subjects from asking too many questions. 
2:48:00  Why the Founding Fathers rejected Christianity as an established religion
2:49:00  Christianity supported the divine right of kings.
2:51:00  The priesthood maintaining the mystique of the monarch
2:52:00  Manifest destiny and Mandate of Heaven
2:55:00  The vision thing and national narrative
2:57:00  America nationalism
2:59:00  The vision of the Founding Fathers
3:01:00  Carol says ambition is not vision.
3:03:00  Atheists can have a vision too. 
3:04:00  A pattern to the American, French and Russian Revolutions
3:06:00  Belief gives conviction and courage.
Men undergo a personality change when they marry.
3:09:00  Men too lazy to leave home to find a woman
3:10:00  Men are primarily motivated by sex.
3:11:00  Monogamy is the most stable form of society. 
3:13:00  The government should abolish no fault divorce. 
3:14:00  Learning from our mistakes
3:15:00  Having a plan
3:16:00  A poverty of expectations in many Americans
3:18:00  Atheists and theists behave differently because they have different expectations.
The clarity of the Koran
3:20:00  The principle of the thing
3:21:00  Social conservatives tend to believe in God.
3:22:00  Politicians who pretend to believe in God eg Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi.
3:24:00  Insulting the men by insulting the women
3:25:00  Familiarity breeds contempt.
3:26:00  Men defending their community.
Carol and her sisters not allowed to babysit the children of divorced mothers
3:28:00  Promiscuous women have the effect of making sex even cheaper forcing more women to perform degrading sex acts in order to just stay in the game of having a relationship with a man.
3:28:00  The shaming of sluts and slut-fuckers with
3:30:00  Is corporal punishment cruel and unusual punishment?

3:32:00  Shotgun weddings
3:33:00  The origins of the pill
3:34:00  Welfare mums
3:35:00  Finding marriageable American women to support Secular Koranism
3:36:00  Changing your religion to find a spouse
3:37:00  White working class women in Britain converted to Islam first.
3:38:00  MRS Degree
3:39:00  Graduate women without men
3:40:00  Forbidding and punishment extramarital sex
3:42:00  The female biological clock
Falling Western IQ 
3:43:00  Hitler's eugenics had nothing on marriage.
3:44:00  Solving problems within the rules
3:45:00  Marriage as a life expectation
3:47:00  Family businesses
3:48:00  White nationalists
3:49:00  Drug cartel shootout
3:50:00  Human trafficking
3:51:00  Across the border
3:52:00  Maintaining a civilisation
3:53:00  Family loyalty
3:55:00  Declining civilisations have low standards of sexual morality.
3:56:00  "We are not pedigree dogs."
3:59:00  Blended DNA
4:00:00  Founding Fathers
4:01:00  Islamophobia
4:02:00  If white people don't respect their own country, non-whites won't either.
4:03:00  Most men are not married fathers with children in primary school children.
4:04:00  Cow and chicken
4:05:00  The Simpsons
4:06:00  Hollywood
4:07:00  American Gods
4:07:00  The Sopranos
4:10:00  Make do and mend
4:12:00  The marriageable v the unmarriageable
4:13:00  Having children won't ruin your life.
4:14:00  Douglas Murray
4:15:00  Ralph's pie in the sky idea of inviting African Christians to remove non-Europeans
4:18:00  Slavery and tomboys
4:21:00  School as free babysitting

From 21:00

4:23:00  Is Ralph for real?
4:25:00  Karl Marx is not one of the Founding Fathers!

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...