
Friday, 19 August 2022

You are an Islamophobe if you reject Secular Koranism without a better alternative

If you agree that morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence apart from others, then there is an objective way of measuring the efficacy of different moral systems. 

If you assume the existence of a Hypothetical Supreme Authority, you would have to assume that He knows what objective morality is. Objective morality is therefore divine law contained in divine scripture in the Torah and the Koran. The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles. The Noahide laws set a universal minimum moral standard and the Koran satisfies this requirement.

Atheists who wish to disobey God's laws would reject the idea of living in a theocracy because they prefer their lifestyle choice of not becoming married parents. Since atheists would also need to keep themselves in existence and apart from others to demonstrate the success of their morality, they have basically shot themselves in the foot as regards perpetuating their existence as a group. 

Atheists would be more likely to be non-parents and unmarried parents, putting them at a disadvantage from social conservatives who are more likely to marry before having children and to stay married in order to properly parent their legitimate children.  It is therefore objectively true that marriage is dysgenic and illegitimacy dysgenic because we already know that most convicted prisoners come from fatherless homes brought up by their unmarried mothers. 

If the purpose of morality is to keep a group in existence and apart from others, then Judaism is obviously the most successful religion because Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. We also know that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism and that the past three global empires have been Christian. However, Christianity is now a spent force. The next religion for the West must therefore be Islam, because it would be irrational to choose Hinduism, Buddhism or any of the other non-Abrahamic low status faiths. 

I promote Secular Koranism as an intermediate step between matriarchy and theocracy.

If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution must be patriarchy. If the destination is patriarchy, the vehicle must be theocracy.

We owe it to ourselves as rational beings to choose the best religion available. The best religion must the one worshiping the most powerful being conceivable with the clearest divine scripture applicable to most of humanity. That would be the Koran. 

If you disagree, can you think of a better guide to humanity than the Koran?

If you dislike my proposal, would you be prepared to read the Koran?

If you refuse to read the Koran but still claim that the Koran is not the best guide to humanity without an alternative to propose, are you not being an Islamophobe?

If you are an Islamamophobe, doesn't that mean you lose the argument because the sound argument should trump the illogical argument?

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