
Thursday, 22 September 2022

Drama between drama queen Jacob Faturechi and Paul Vander Klay

VanderKlay seems happy with the events he has arranged. 

27:00  "In a Christian society" - Why would Jacob be talking about a Christian society as if he were part of it?

29:00  What is the problem anyway?

35:00  Why is Holocaust Denial being mentioned? Is Jacob just doing his usual thing of extracting maximum drama over a non-event?

39:00  This community is not political?

40:00  Why is Jacob identifying as leftist?

41:00  Jacob is being like one of those irritating lap dogs who yap too much.

43:00  Paul VanderKlay publicly accused Jacob of being a drama queen.

46:00  Why is Jacob the Jew claiming to be "totally Protestant" as if he were himself Protestant?

48:00  Is Jacob paranoid?

49:00  Who slandered whom? What was the nature of this alleged slander?

50:00 Jacob clearly suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder.

52:00  Has Jacob converted to Christianity?

59:00  "This is a Christian community." So Jacob is now a Christian convert?

1:00:00  "People high in neuroticism are easy to discuss." Sam means Jacob.

1:04:00  Why does Jacob care whether VanderKlay is Protestant or not? As far as a Jew is concerned, all Christians are idolaters who worship an executed blasphemer.

1:11:00  Drama queens are bad for any community.

1:12:00  What is BOM?

1:14:00  Chad says he didn't feel "attacked".

1:26:00  Why does Paul need changing?

1:29:00  Did what?

Why is Jacob talking like he is a community leader?

1:31:00  "Something like this could have happened" - something like what?

1:32:00  "Parasitic drama" - Jacob is a parasitic drama queen.

1:35:00  "We're being way too Protestant here, we're being Baptist." What does Jacob the Jew mean and why is he talking like a Christian?

1:44:00  Jacob throws his toys out of the pram.

1:45:00  Because Paul VanderKlay was dismissive of Jacob's concerns, there is going to be another American Civil War? Sounds like narcissistic personality disorder to me!

1:48:00  "Calvinism and theological nihilism" - has Jacob converted to Christianity and become a Christian theologian as well as the Pope? If not, why are Christians submitting to the Jew?

1:51:00  Katie has been sent to mollify Jacob but why is he being pandered to to such a degree?

1:56:00  Is Jacob being pandered to by these Christians because they want to convert him?

1:57:00  Chabad

1:58:00  "In order to include you have to exclude."

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