
Sunday, 25 September 2022

Will my offer to speak at the October 2022 Traditional Britain Group Conference be accepted?

Sent: Sunday, 25 September 2022 at 10:20:34 BST
Subject: Speaking at your 2022 October conference on The Nature and Purpose of Religion

Happy to speak at this event on the nature and purpose of religion, if you think it will help the delegates understand better the predicament of Western Man.  

Claire Khaw

PS  I have tried calling Sam Swirling but it seems his number is now out of service. I do hope he is all right.  

2:00  Sam Swirling
3:00  Gregory Lauder Frost and John Kersey

5:00  Jews and Muslims have a religion while the people who are always complaining about them don't.

6:00  You have no right to identify as Christian unless you are a confirmed Christian. 

8:00  Morally compromised men who have been feminised and infantilised by half a century of feminism suffering from learning disabilities and neuroses

9:00  Infantilised and feminised men who bury their heads in the sand tend to get their bottoms kicked

People who think their race can be their religion are white supremacists.  

People who think that their race does not need the protective and dignifying wrapper of a religion whose principles are supported by law are white supremacists in denial that they are white supremacists. 

10:00  The Trinity is a child's tricycle.  
Denial is a feminine vice.

11:00  Morally compromised men unable to come to terms with the nature of their predicament are like toddlers shutting their eyes thinking if they cannot see the thing that is frightening them, the thing that is frightening them cannot see them.  

TBG is a hug box and echo chamber for Islamophobic white men with unacknowledged white supremacist tendencies.  

12:00  Objective morality is public morality is enforced by divine law. 

A viable moral system is one that allows you to deal with your internal and external enemies. 

13:00  Morally dishonest men too dishonest and neurotic to acknowledge the nature of their predicament

Jews try to learn from their mistakes, but Christians are just idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers. 

14:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible. Morally compromised men would be too dishonest to acknowledge this.  

15:00  While I am proud to count people who are politically prisoners as my friends, Gregory Lauder Frost was never a political prisoner, unlike like Alison Chabloz or Simon Sheppard. 

16:00  Ed Dutton and Millennial Woes

18:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes

19:00  The absurdity of the beliefs entailed by the Trinity

20:00  The burned and bloody history of the Trinity

28:00  How is anti-zionism not antisemitism?

31:00  If you don't think white people need a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality, you are a white supremacist.  

33:00  Hitler and Mussolini tried to govern in the national interest but failed. The legal positivism of Nazism and Fascism should be superseded by Secular Koranism which has significant elements of Natural Law. 

Nationalism is government in the national interest. 

34:00  Universalising the appeal of nationalism

35:00  Social conservatism is in the national interest. 

36:00  There will be no retrospective legislation under Secular Koranism. This means unmarried fathers like John Kersey will not be lashed 100 times per illegitimate offspring.

37:00  Secular Koranism will have a period of grace for unmarried parents before it starts meting out the punishment of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring. 

38:00  Morally compromised men with learning disabilities refusing to see the nature and purpose of religion 

39:00  Morally compromised by half a century of feminism

40:00  Keith Joseph's Edgbaston speech

41:00  The nature and purpose of religion is to protect its members from each other. 

42:00  The purpose of having moral principles

43:00  Western men must acknowledge that they live in a matriarchy.

45:00  Replacing the current failed moral system

46:00  Only the late Rabbi Sacks cared that liberalism was pronounced "obsolete" by President Putin.

48:00  A corrupt, incompetent, evil and insane ruling class.

The BBC is part of the ruling class. 

Morally compromised men suffering from a learning disability caused by their neurotic denial won't be able to discuss Secular Koranism rationally or honestly

49:00  The morally compromised men of the Dissident Right

51:00  The morally compromised men of the Dissident Right who are mostly not married fathers do not care about posterity and are low enough to consider it a win if they manage to go to their graves without having to endure the correction that is Secular Koranism.

Most of the bachelors of the Dissident Right are not married fathers and have no biological investment in the next generation ie posterity. For this reason they are unable to bestir themselves to protect their non-existent progeny.

52:00  You cannot expect unmarriageable men to care about the abolition of no fault divorce. 

Is Simon Webb Jewish?

53:00  Theology

54:00  Naveem Parvini kicking the can down the road

56:00  The problem with Western men is that they are overwhelmingly atheists and nihilists.

57:00  A warning to white people

58:00  How antisemites drive themselves mad with their insane antisemitism

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...