
Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Social conservatives of the West should choose either Secular Koranism instead of rabbinically guided Noahidism

Have you ever heard someone say "White Sharia"? This is a term used by the dissident far right to describe basically something close to Islamic Sharia which would be correct on women and gays, but it has a twist in that it is also used to enforce White Nationalism. There really is nothing in Islam that would support this kind of program really so this would be an aberration of Islam, and it would not likely gain support from the wider Islamic community. 

Do you know that Malaysia is both Muslim and ethno-nationalist?

However, Noahidism is different, Noahidism actually promotes ethno-nationalism. According to Judaism, when Noah and his three sons exited the ark, the children they had amounted to 70 tribes or nations. These were the different ethnic groups of the world, each divided into their own nation. God gave each group their own distinct identity so that they could positively affect the world in a unique way. With each group giving their unique expression to human civilization, they would all work in harmony to make a better world. This is what would have happened if they had continued to follow the Noahide Laws, but they didn't

The Koran acknowledges the existence of tribes and nations at

Though the Sanhedrin over in Israel is unofficial, it is still respected and many Noahides go there to pledge their allegiance to the Sanhedrin. According to the Sanhedrin, HaShem's plan is for all of the world's ethnic groups to have their own nation, and that mass migration between nations is the plan of the secular "New World Order" (Yes, if the Rabbis admit the NWO exists so can we). While Hashem does not forbid interracial marriage, and this is a decision which is made by the individual, mass race-mixing is not HaShem's plan for humanity. He wants different ethnic groups and races to exist.

Gentiles should know that the Sanhedrin cannot be restored unless Israel becomes a Torah theocracy, and there are no signs of even Orthodox Jews wanting a Torah theocracy because even Orthodox rabbis would baulk at living in a Torah theocracy with 36 capital offences.

The best Israeli Jews can do to obey the God of Israel who is also Allah is to adopt Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics.

The point about Secular Koranism is that it can be adopted even if Israeli Jews kicked out all the gentiles from Israel.

I am not suggesting that they should or would since Jews need gentiles the way patricians need plebs the way capital needs labour. The relationship is symbiotic.

Today, especially in the west, there is increasing ethnic strife due to mass immigration. As the different races mix in America, more discontent and violence occur. While America will likely never be sorted out ethnically, Europe is actually the indigenous home to white people, and so each nation in Europe could more easily slow don't its immigration and work to increase the native population. Of course, Noahide ethnon-nationalism is not limited to white people, all races of the earth should be living in ethno-nationalism.

Even Jews are not intended to enjoy ethno-nationalism according to

In fact, whether Jews are white is an issue white nationalists cannot decide on.

As we already know, Jews can come in all races since you are Jewish through either conversion or your mother being a Jewess.

God forbids Jews and gentiles from marrying each other, but tolerates Muslim men marrying Jewish and Christian women.

This means non-Muslim men wishing to marry Muslim women must convert to Islam.

Restoring the patriarchy would restore moral order to society in all nations that have degenerated into matriarchy which is basically Western nations marinating in the moral sewage of feminism for the past 50 years.

As I have been saying, 50 years of feminism have destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity.

If this is the case, then the solution must be the most Noahide of all gentile religions: Islam.

If that is too hard for non-Muslims, there is always the Islam Lite of Secular Koranism which accommodates discreet LGBTs.

In Judaism, these nations are the "70 gates" by which the non-Jews enter the World To Come, 70 expressions of Noahidism which are created unique by the unique ethnic expression of the tribe from which it came. When all the tribes of the earth have their own home and their own culture, and are all Noahide, we will have peace
We will have peace when we have justice, and the Koran will deliver justice in spades.

Did you know Serbia was under Muslim rule for five centuries?

What happened when Serbia was annexed by Austria?


Time for Westerners to stop trying to pretend that either Christianity or Liberalism is fit for the purpose of maintaining morality and time for the West to adopt Secular Koranism starting with the world's greatest superpower.

When America adopts Secular Koranism, its vassal states in NATO will follow suit.

After the West adopts Secular Koranism, the rest of the world will follow suit.

Vincent Bruno should join me in promoting Secular Koranism because your fellow Americans need you to detoxify Islam and the terrible reputation it has acquired over the centuries. Wouldn't you like to do dawah better than Andrew Tate?

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