
Sunday, 11 December 2022

The mind of the neurotic white nationalist

Every time antisemites blame Jews, they raise the status of Jews to just below God and lower their own status to below even cattle.

But should you try to change the minds of these antisemites, they will treat you like a heretic. 
I know one whose parents were Christian missionaries has convinced himself that Joseph caused the famine in Egypt, and subsequent human history has all been about Jews conspiring to exterminate gentiles or harm them whenever possible out of sheer malice. 

Interestingly, this antisemite claimed to have Jewish friends. I later discovered that he would engage with them for a while, but choose the worst and craziest ones he can find and then use their behaviour as an excuse to confirm his hatred of Jews. 

The most fanatical of these antisemites blame Christianity and Islam on Jews.  

These would be pagan white nationalists who want to create a new religion but don't want any Eastern religion of non-whites and have rejected all the Abrahamic faiths because they are "Jewish". 

Since they hate Jews and blame them for everything, they will not be converting to Judaism. 

Since they hate Muslims, they will not be converting to Islam.  

Since they already see Christianity for the failure it is, they will not be  clinging to the religion of their ancestors who worshiped an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah. 

They are too dumb to see that there is no advantage in a religion being newly created and too lacking in self-awareness to know that no one is going to follow the religion of low status, low information, low education low income people, including other such lowly people. 

Some of them are already familiar with my arguments and even say they privately agree with me, but cannot publicly agree with me because to do so because they fear the wrath of the others who oppose me.  

It is heresy in the quasi religion of antisemitism to say that perhaps Jews might not all be malign and perhaps gentiles should take some of the blame when they have been spreading their shit of Christo-Liberalism all over the world.  

How about they take some blame for corrupting the morals of Jews after corrupting the morals of their own women who have now corrupted the morals of men?

If non-whites should start blaming whites for all the stuff antisemites blame Jews for, do they think they can collectively and convincingly acquit themselves?

White nationalist pagans should beware because their own governments already hate them and are now ramping up the state machinery against them.

Recently, Westminster City Council decided to change what they call non-white people in the UK from BAME - Black Asian Minority Ethnic  - to "global majority".  

If that is so, white people in their own homeland are now considered the GLOBAL MINORITY and will be treated as such. 

We also know what happened to 83 year old Lady Hussey at Buckingham Place who has been labelled a racist for asking a black woman where she came from.  

Interestingly, Buckingham Palace hung her out to dry even though she was the godmother of William Prince of Wales and has been Lady in Waiting for 60 years. 

There is such a thing as honour amongst thieves, and white people, who have no religion, cannot even manage that.

The reason why members of the aristocracy are supposed to have codes of honour is because they needed to maintain group solidarity against those below them who hate and envy them.

This is presumably why Jews have higher standards of proper speech than gentiles.  

The Lady Hussey affair has shown that white people literally cannot defend themselves. They are either too stupid to do so, or are afraid to even defend themselves.  

It would appear that white people cannot save themselves to save themselves.  

It would appear that only the minorities living in the West have any capacity at all to engage in a dialogue.

As for Christians, they already know that they cannot remain Christian if they stop believing that Jesus is God - because that is a condition of being Christian - and most of the politically active ones I have engaged with already know I am gunning for their Trinity which they know to be morally and intellectually indefensible. 

This means Christians all the way up to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope would rather avoid me than engage on whether Christianity is the idolatry explicitly and specifically forbidden by God. 
Otherwise, they would have to submit to Islam.  

The entire narrative of the Abrahamic God and the history of His dealings with mankind is that we have no choice but to obey His laws if we know what is good for ourselves. 

Reading between the lines, it is obvious that those who refuse to engage are in fact saying "We would rather die and go to hell than do the obvious honest, rational and moral thing."  

This means white people are in effect handing over their country to immigrant Muslims.

Should non-whites rejoice that they can just take over so easily or feel just a little sorry for these people so deep in their denial and dementia?

It should be obvious that if you have a shit religion that is basically absurd and enforced by violence, you are going to reject this as soon as you practically can, and this the Founding Fathers did by rejecting monarchy in order to reject Christianity or rejecting Christianity in order to reject monarchy which was supported by the divine right of kings. 

Most Westerners have not believed in Christianity for centuries and have been operating under liberalism for 250 years. Christianity is now so kaput that even its replacement of liberalism is now kaput. 

Westerners who identify as nationalists are of course neither Christian nor liberal, but have either consciously or unconsciously embraced the twin religions of antisemitism and Islamophobia.  

I know there is talk of Christian nationalism because some Westerners have decided that they would like to try the Christianity of President Putin ie Orthodox Christianity. 

Such is their ignorance that they do not seem to realise that the three global Christian empires were acquired by Christian nationalism, or Christian imperialism, to be more accurate. 

I have been very patient with antisemites and Islamophobes but it seems that they are literally beyond reason and cannot be expected to see reason, let alone act on it.

You are irrational if you reject the idea of using the idea of the Abrahamic God because it has obviously worked for Jews and Christians in the past.  

It is working for Muslims because the fact that Westerners hate and fear Muslim immigrants is undeniable evidence of its power.  

It is after all religion that dignifies and protects group, which is why those whose religion is antisemitism, Islamophobia and xenophobia are leaderless, lowly, plebeian and despised. 

On the question of race, these white nationalists do not seem to realise that white supremacy is only the consequence of imperial supremacy which is only the consequence of military and economic supremacy. But all empires decline and fall and the American Empire is tottering under the weight of its own hubris. 

These white nationalists have more or less told me that they would rather die and go to hell than engage with me in any way.  

And that is why I will not be in Millenniyule again this year. This is because I have an idea that they cannot argue against while having no idea of their own that is in fact more viable than mine other than dark mutterings of vengeance after law and order has broken down in failed states.

I will be reconsidering my options over the Christmas season.

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