
Friday, 13 January 2023

Rearranging the furniture in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Christians have complained about my proposals to rearrange the Christian furniture in Christendom, saying how dare I, if I don't like it leave etc.  

But I am just trying to be helpful since it is becoming abundantly clear that Westerners do not have a functioning moral system because most of them are neither Christian nor Liberal. 

While Western governments claim to be promoting Christian and Liberal values, collectively known as Western values, these values are never properly defined. 

To the extent that the British government has attempted to define them as the four fundamental British values, it is in the following terms:

1.  Democracy (even when elections are suspected of having been stolen)

2.  Rule of Law (only in favour of those who support so-called liberal values, whatever that means these days)

3.  Respect & Tolerance (only for the pets of the ruling classes but not for dissidents who will be called white supremacists, domestic terrorists, extremists, Nazis, fascists, racists, misogynists without being given the opportunity to defend themselves by a biased media) 

4.  Individual Liberty (only for those who wish harm themselves by indulging in sexual promiscuity, drug-taking, gluttony or deciding to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex encouraged as early as primary school)

If the government is not trusted to enforce these values fairly and equally, then the entire project is doomed.  

You can make any number of rules you want, but if no one enforces them or they are enforced unfairly, then you will have only partial and irregular compliance, bringing the law and ruling classes into contempt drawing rebellion or breakdown closer. 

It is only when there is the perception of a genuine desire to fix things rather than covering up mistakes of the past will things start to improve. 

I don't think Christians or Post-Christians can solve the problem by themselves and Westerners also require the input Jews and Muslims. However, I already know even saying this will provoke controversy since Christians suffer from antisemitism, and Jews and Christians suffer from Islamophobia as well as theological ignorance.

Jews won't be able to agree between themselves who should represent Jewry. Since half the Jews in existence are secular and the other half observant, Jews won't be able to agree on which Jews should represent Jewry.  

The question seems obvious to me: only religious and observant Jews have the right to claim to be authentically Jewish in the same way that only those who have undergone a confirmation ceremony have the right to claim to be authentically Christian. 
I am saying that since Christianity is kaput and the West is in need of a new religion that is at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring that most parents are married parents, it must be Islam because it cannot be Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism.  

Traumatised Christians and Post-Christians won't be able to arrive at the conclusion that Christianity is kaput by themselves and need Jewish assistance.  

Since Jews are themselves divided on whether the religious or secular Jew should represent Jewry, Muslim assistance is also required, but it does not seem that Western Muslims are capable of carrying it off until and unless they start promoting the Islam Lite that I have been urging them to do.

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