
Friday, 13 January 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about arranging an honourable retirement for Jews in favour of Muslims

1:00  Why Vincent left Christianity
3:00  God the Uncaused First Cause
4:00  If there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator.
5:00  God's laws and choosing the best religion from the best scripture
6:00  Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity
7:00  Hinduism is not obviously the best religion. 
8:00  The Koran is superior to the Torah and both are from the Abrahamic God.
Alan Cecil
9:00  The Koran > The Noahide laws
10:00  What gentiles are allowed to read in Jewish scripture
12:00  Gentiles forbidden from creating their own religion.
13:00  Gentiles following the Koran is not making up a new religion.
14:00  Jews are fewer and rarer than gentiles.
15:00  Secular by Design by Alan Cecil
16:00  David Dryden
17:00  Restoring the patriarchy with social conservatism
18:00  America is leading everyone astray.
19:00  The Noahide laws would criminalise Christians and Hindus.
20:00  Vincent plans to create a Noahide-friendly America.
22:00  Islam > Noahidism
23:00  Doooovid and Michael Brown
23:00  Jews, Noahides and Chinese
25:00  The Noahide laws
26:00  Talmudic Jews
27:00  If I were a pre-Islamic rabbi
28:00  God cares about gentiles because He made a better and final revelation for them.
29:00  The Koran is not made up by humans. 
30:00  Hidden idolatry
32:00  Gentiles should celebrate Jewish festivals. 
33:00  Jews also incline to idolatry. 
Islamic encosure
34:00  Vincent denies Noahidism is a religion. 
35:00  Noahides take instructions from rabbis.
36:00  Jews don't even live in their own theocracy.
37:00  The right kind of rabbi
Joshua Shalet
38:00  Orthodox Jew who is an anarchist
39:00  Judas
40:00  Rabbis don't denounce Christian idolatry properly.
41:00  Weak and strong Noahides
42:00  Chastising rabbis for not properly teaching the Noahide laws
45:00  Vincent Bruno: "Secular Koranism is not very offensive."
46:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

59:00  Idolatry
1:01:00  Jews and Muslims jointly denouncing the idolatry of Christianity
1:02:00  Arranging an honourable retirement for Jews
1:04:00  Secular Jews v observant Jews
1:05:00  Secular Israeli Jews are destroying their ethno-state because they don't want to live as Jews.
1:06:00  Jewish identity crisis
1:08:00  Secular Jews v religious Jews
1:09:00  Secular Koranism is the anteroom to Islam. 
1:10:00  Executions under the Noahide laws
1:11:00  Muslims pointing out to Christians that they are idolaters. 
1:12:00  Michael Dallen
1:13:00  Baked peas
1:18:00  Andrew Tate
1:19:00  Laws against sexual immorality
1:20:00  There ought to be a law against it.
1:21:00  Harry and Meghan
1:22:00  The Crown
1:23:00  Washing dirty linen in public

Jews and the British Royal Family shouldn't have to live the way they do.

1:25:00  Assimilating Jews
1:26:00  Jews are only allowed to assimilated into a righteous gentile nation.

Vincent denies that Noahidism is a religion. 

1:27:00  Noahidism is rules for gentiles.
1:30:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
1:32:00  Gentiles living in Israel
1:33:00  The Golden Rule

The Koran > The Talmud

1:34:00  Vincent was against the Noahide laws and is now a supporter of the Noahide laws.
1:35:00  Is Vincent a turkey voting for Christmas?
1:36:00  What Vincent wants and what he believes will happen
1:37:00  Vincent predicts the Noahide laws will be imposed and then rejected by humanity.
1:40:00  Christianity
1:41:00  Vincent plans to ban the Koran.
1:42:00  Idolatry and Buddhism
1:44:00  Secular Noahidism
1:46:00  Hinduism
1:49:00  Religious conflict
1:51:00  Patriarchy would be better under the Koran.

The Torah does not even mention fornication. 

1:52:00  The Bhagavad Gita on the corruption of women
1:53:00  Fornication
1:54:00  The Koran would control behaviour better. 
1:55:00  Fatherless homes
1:56:00  Sexual morality

1:59:00  Declining moral standards is caused by the bad parenting of illegitimate offspring in fatherless homes. To be illegitimate is to have sex offenders for parents.

2:00:00  The Koran has more rules than the Noahide laws. 
2:01:00  The 36 capital offences are the real reason why Jews don't want to live in a Torah theocracy.
2:02:00  613 laws v 7 laws
2:03:00  Noahidism is in practice a religion for gentiles. 
2:05:00  Moral systems include religions and secular political ideologies. 
2:08:00  Creating a new religion
2:09:00  A religion is a system of rules and beliefs.
2:11:00  Noahides don't have a tradition to draw on. 
2:12:00  Secular Noahidism for gays
2:13:00  Cottaging
2:18:00  Gay Noahide island
2:25:00  The Talmud online
2:34:00  Communism is a religion.
2:35:00  What is a religion?

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...