
Monday, 16 January 2023

The nihilism and narcissism of the Post Christian Westerner

A nihilist is someone who has no principles and is proud of it. 

A narcissist is someone who makes an idol of his own dumb opinions and worships it to the point of death.

Nihilists are narcissists co-exist in the atheist.

It is probably the case that most people claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims are really atheists if they do not really believe God exists to punish evil or reward good in this life or the next.  

If they do not think God exists, they would lie and use nonsensical arguments to justify their actions based on no known system of morality other than what they make up as they go along in their atheist, nihilistic and narcissistic lives.  

Such people would have no hesitation in lying to you since they already lie to themselves.  

Why would anyone want to lie to themselves?

To avoid coming to the conclusion that they ever did anything wrong or were fooled by anyone.  

The Post-Christian Westerner must come to terms with the fact that they have been lied to for 102 generations by their governments.

380 CE - Edict of Thessalonica
2023 - 380 = 1643
1643 divided by 16 (say a generation) is approximately 102 generations.

As for the nature of this lie, it is of course the lie that Jesus is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God who created the Universe. Christians to this day cannot explain how Jesus came to be God and can only stupidly cite the words of the Athanasian Creed as authority for their proposition that Jesus is God, recognised by Jews and Muslims as the unforgivable sin of idolatry and associating partners with God. 

Sadly, many of my associates are nihilists and narcissists who lie to themselves because they cannot bear to think that Christianity could be idolatry or that liberal democracy will probably not outlast  Judaism or Islam.  

What motivates them is their antisemitism and Islamophobia, which has become their default belief system. 

Since they cannot bear to blame either Christianity or the liberalism that replaced it for the bad government they suffer, they have to scapegoat Jews, Muslims, foreigners and anyone who does not share their toxic belief system. 

Why would these nihilists and narcissists want to identify themselves with low status despised racists, antisemites and Islamophobes who are treated as social pariahs by their governments? 

Because they see these low status identities as being in some way superior to the Christo-Liberalism that they hate even more.  

People who are only motivated by irrational hatred and fear will never be able to think through their problems properly because they are just bouncing from one irrational emotion of hatred to another irrational emotion of fear and back again, until it becomes part of their stupid pathetic low status identity.

It is on this hill most Westerners would rather die on, it would appear.

We already know what happened to Narcissus.

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