
Wednesday, 22 February 2023

WTF is Secular Koranism? w/ Claire Khaw

2:00  Secular Koranism is intended to unify social conservatism of all races and religions in the West.
3:00  Social conservatism is the antithesis of sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. 
4:00  Social conservatism entails social disapproval of unmarried parents. 
5:00  Only Secular Koranism is radical enough to correct our culture of casual sex.
7:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders.
8:00  Western Islamophobia would make reject of Secular Koranism more likely.
9:00  Christians don't have principles.
10:00  If Christians could be said to have any principles at all, they would have the principle of worshiping Jesus, which is idolatry. 
11:00  Marriage is a universal practice supported by the world religions. 
13:00  Liberal democracy is by definition secular and comes from the ideas of the French Revolution. 
14:00  Marriage is eugenic. 
Is polygamy is eugenic?
15:00  Monogamy is more stable than polygamy. 
16:00  Polyamory
17:00  Fornication is a distraction from marriage. 
18:00  Building a beautiful society is antithetical to a high crime society whose perpetrators are the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents.
19:00  There is no law against it, is there?
21:00  What are the necessary laws?
Happiness and freedom index
23:00  Measuring happiness
25:00  Hirers of prostitutes would be overwhelmingly bachelors.
28:00  Economic migrants
29:00  China is safer than the US.
33:00  Stefan Molyneux on theocracy
34:00  Scripture
35:00  Slavery and sodomy
36:00  How to rationally choose the best religion
37:00  The Iranians got their country back by adopting Islam.
38:00  A Western judiciary can apply and interpret the Koran using a literal interpretation. 
39:00  Adar proposes a pick and mix moral system.
40:00  Basing your laws on a moral system.
41:00  Ideally, a government should be trusted by the governed.
42:00  Slavery
43:00  God did not forbid slavery either in the Torah or the Koran.
44:00  Ancient Greek philosophers who talked about human flourishing practised slavery.
45:00  Slavery is an institution, like marriage and prostitution. 
48:00  Workfare
50:00  Manumission
The Welfare Trap
Slavery was the ancient form of welfare. 
53:00  Adar is an agnostic secular humanist.
55:00  I attempt to interest Adar in Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics.
56:00  Divorce in China
57:00  China
58:00  The world religions support marriage. 
59:00  The Abrahamic God, if believed, is the Thought Police in people's minds.
1:01:00  Crime rates in different political systems and religions
1:02:00  Jews are evidence of God.
1:04:00  Christianity
1:05:00  Liberalism
1:06:00  Theocracy
1:07:00  Misalignment of incentives
1:08:00  The spiritual needs of the governed
1:09:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system that can be interpreted and applied by non-Muslims. 
1:10:00  Degeneracy
1:11:00  Distractions
1:12:00  Diet and drugs
1:13:00  Consumerism
1:14:00  Secular Koranism would be a Western interpretation of the Koran. 
1:15:00  The Doctrine of the Parliamentary Supremacy v sharia
1:16:00  Hadith
1:17:00  The First Amendment is based on
1:18:00  Thomas Jefferson owned the Koran.
1:20:00  Judeo-Christian values
1:21:00  The law against murder
1:22:00  Sexual morality is not generally agreed on. 
1:24:00  My last word
1:34:00  Slavery

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