
Wednesday, 22 March 2023

The heresy of "Rabbi" Harry Waton and the honourable retirement of Jews as God's Chosen People

3:00  Waton complains about people who would rather die than change their views
4:00  Problem with boomers acknowledging that what they believed in when they were young was wrong
6:00  Become Muslim to protect yourself from Liberal Jews.
7:00  UK Muslims fear PREVENT.
9:00  Harry Waton was not a real rabbi.
11:00  The Muslim message that sharia would improve government for Westerners
12:00  Sharia would prevent the break up of America by secession, partition and civil war.
13:00  Indigenous Muslims and immigrant Muslims of America

Reading begins

17:00  Judaism is a world philosophy
19:00  Balam in the Book of Numbers
20:00  Pinchas the zealot who executed a fornicating couple in delicto flagrante with the thrust of a spear
22:00  Pagan superstition

Attributing cause and effect to the Abrahamic God is Jewish philosophy which must not be confused with superstition since His existence cannot be falsified. 

26:00  Reading continues
41:00  Spinoza spoken of by "Rabbi" Waton in positive terms.
43:00  Jewish identity and Jewish emancipation
45:00  36 capital offences are intended to incentivise Jewish observance.
47:00  Heresy is speech crime which you accuse others of in the process of purity spiralling to raise oneself in the pecking order.
54:00  Christopher and Peter Hitchens are in fact Jews because their mother was a Jewess.
1:00:00  Cousin marriage practised by Jews to avoid marrying Canaanites.
1:05:00  Race
1:20:00  Jews are superior?

Daniel Sienkiewicz posts in the live chat.

1:35:00  Communism and National Socialism

If Jews had supported Fascism and the Communism

1:37:00  Ethno-Noahidism
1:44:00  Reform Jews are regarded as heretics by Orthodox rabbis. 
1:45:00  High ranking chief rabbis appointed by gentile empires are regarded as sellouts by ordinary Jews. 

1:47:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz

1:55:00  Reading continues
1:58:00  Incoherent proposals of  "Rabbi" Waton
2:02:00  National Socialism or International Marxism?
2:05:00  Nazbol

2:07:00  Islamophobes will keep rejecting Secular Koranism. Islamophobia is rebellion from God and is satanic.The sin is its own punishment because rejecting the best available guide to humanity is foregoing the protection of our tribe, nation, empire and civilisation from the wrath of God when we could be enjoying His guidance and approval.  

2:08:00  Jews are allowed to become Noahides if they convert to Islam which is the most Noahide gentile religion, being Judaism Lite. Jews are forbidden to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised, but allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques. 

2:09:00  If Israel does not conform to the minimum moral standard of a righteous gentile nation, Jews do not have the moral authority to tell gentiles what to do and will not be heeded. 

2:10:00  Gentiles will be better protected from God's wrath if they adopt the Koran as their guide.  

2:11:00  Do Jews really think they have the moral authority to forbid gentiles from having their own religion or following the Koran when half the Jews in existence are heretical Jews?

2:12:00  The Koran is for all of humanity, including Jews.  

2:13:00  Vincent proposes to create a religion more Noahide than Islam, but that would be inventing a religion, forbidden by God! 

2:14:00  The Koran is a mercy to Jews who are finding the Torah too hard to follow in their advanced state of degeneracy after marinating for so many centuries in the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity as well as the degeneracy of sexual liberation being promoted by the matriarchy of the West.

2:15:00  Are there really any Jews asking for a Torah theocracy with 36 capital offences?

2:16:00  Alan Cecil

2:17:00  The quickest way to Noahidise the world is to get rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws making Islam the most and Christianity the least Noahide. 

Jews and Muslims should collectively ask the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God.  

A panel of rabbis and Islamic scholars should consider the answers given by the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury to see if they contain sound or at least valid arguments. 

If their answers fail this test, they should be invited to resign their position in favour of any successor who think they can more successfully defend the position of Christianity. 

If there are no candidates prepared to step into the shoes of the current Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury unable to satisfactorily answer these questions, the two most powerful churches in the world should be officially declared by global Jewry and the Ummah to be idolatry and blasphemy for which Christians should repent by urging their ruling classes to adopt Secular Koranism.  

2:19:00  If something should be done, it must be done. If it must be done, it should be done as soon as possible, preferably before the outbreak of WW3. 

2:21:00  Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. If Islam itself is not Noahide, Secular Koranism is less Noahide. However, the current political orthodoxy of Christo-Liberalism is even less Noahide. We cannot expect currently degenerate Westerners to go from 0 to 100 mph in a minute and must be patient with them, building up their confidence slowly with the Islam Lite that is Secular Koranism, then Islam that does not have a holy book requiring the execution of idolaters and blasphemers to finally reach Noahidisim which would be executing idolaters and blasphemers.   

2:22:00  Obsession

2:26:00  Secular Koranism v Noahidism

2:27:00  Gentle tolerant Islam which does not executed idolaters or blasphemers compared to Judaism which does.

2:28:00  To understand what Secular Koranism has to offer, you must first read the Koran.

Jews too afraid to tell Christians they are idolaters and blasphemers.  

2:29:00  Arranging an honourable retirement for Jews from their role as God's Chosen People when their services will no longer be required after the world is Noahidised with global Secular Koranism  

2:30:00  All Muslims have to do to obey and discharge their duty is to tweet tagging @Pontified and @JustinWelby asking them how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God. Jews should join in too to discharge their duty as God's Chosen People teaching gentiles the Noahide laws before their retirement from their roles that is clearly a burden more than their overburdened Jewish souls can bear.  

2:34:00  An Islamic American Republic with a reconstituted constitution

2:40:00  If Jews really believed in God, they would fear punishment from God meted out in the afterlife for all death penalties they incurred during their Jewish lifetime. Most Jews who lived and died as citizens of cities that have gone astray in Christendom are already guilty of ir nidachat - a capital offence.  

2:41:00  Waton is either a crank or a genius. 

2:43:00  Vincent acknowledges my political genius! 

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...