
Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Vincent Bruno talking to Joshua Shalet, Claire Khaw and Stephen J James about the Noahide laws and Secular Koranism

1:00  Working in retail
2:00  Vincent Bruno no longer shadow banned.
5:00  Vincent appearing on TradCatKnight
8:00  Alan Cecil is anti-democratic. 
9:00  Return to tribalism
10:00  Arbitration
12:00  No legislature, no Parliament. 
13:00  No taxes.
14:00  Erin Brokovich
16:00  Vigilantism
17:00  Second Amendment, the British state and the British monarch
18:00  Chabad 
200,000 Noahides in the world
19:00  Esavian Protocols
20:00  Faustian bargain
21:00  Jews not promoting the Noahide laws cause antisemitism when they worship the idol of liberal democracy.
22:00  Education and Sharing Day
24:00  Liberal Jews v Orthodox Jews
26:00  Building the Temple and getting rid of the draft
28:00  Messiah
29:00  World peace
30:00  Up to Noahides to establish their own sharia courts. 
31:00  "Christianity stamps out pagan honour."
32:00  Maimonides and Nachmonides
34:00  Guide to the Perplexed
36:00  Inventing a new religion
38:00  Animal sacrifice
39:00  The nascent Sanhedrin is government-approved.
41:00  The Messiah is not the maid of all work. 
42:00  Noahide Arabs
43:00  Al Aqsa
44:00  Alan Cecil has his mind in heaven but his feet o the ground. 
45:00  Gentile Messiah
46:00  Cecil's mispronunciations of Hebrew words
47:00  Greg Johnson and Curt Doolittle
48:00  Paganism is not an option. 
49:00  White Noahidism
50:00  Hitler worship
51:00  Laws against Holocaust Denial opposed
53:00  Accelerating antisemitism
54:00  Noahidising the world then expelling liberal Jews
55:00  Liberal establishment in Israel
56:00  China is better than Israel for home ownership.
57:00  Abolition of usury
58:00  Peak oil and global warming
59:00  "Solar flares are controlled by God."
1:00:00  Theft
1:02:00  The Welfare State
1:03:00  Caring for the poor
1:04:00  Bitcoin
1:05:00  We are made of carbon. 
1:06:00  Chem trails and the Sabbath
1:10:00  Idolatry and monarchy
1:11:00  Josh is an anarchist and libertarian.
1:12:00  The Torah and Talmud
1:13:00  Hinduism and shituf
1:16:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis, Reform infiltrator
1:17:00  Corrupt rabbinate and freemason Chief Rabbi
1:18:00  Lockdown
1:19:00  Secular Koranism
1:20:00  You must be a linguist to be a member of the Sanhedrin.
1:22:00  Rabbi Coffman
1:23:00  Islam is the most Noahide gentile religion.  
1:28:00  Mega-project in Australia of a giant canal. 
1:30:00  Jewish obligation to teach gentiles the Noahide laws
1:31:00  British gentiles
1:32:00  Josh did not grow up Orthodox.
1:34:00  The Time of Concealment
1:35:00  The Messiah has to come by the year 6000.
1:36:00  Abortion is child sacrifice. 
1:37:00  Generation Y and Z are screwed.
1:38:00  The gig economy
1:39:00  Marxism and the meaning of words
1:40:00  "True capitalism" is commerce without usury. 
1:43:00  Profit-sharing is also practised by Muslims.
1:51:00  Roosh V has now become an Armenian Orthodox priest. 
1:53:00  Rapist forced to marry his rape victim
1:54:00  Making a slave out of thief
1:58:00  Prison life
1:59:00  Sorcery
2:10:00  John Gischala
2:11:00  If all Jews behaved like Joshua Shalet and spread the Noahide laws there would be no problem. 
2:13:00  John Gischala

2:15:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
2:16:00  The Torah and Tanakh

2:21:00  People cannot be social conservatives without religion. 
2:27:00  Jews and Muslims can't agree with each other and don't have a Pope.
2:28:00  The Catholics lost the Wars of the Reformation.
2:29:00  WASP supremacy began after the Spanish American War.
2:30:00  The American Republic does not have an official religion. 
2:31:00  Secular Koranism > Rabbinically guided Noahidism
2:32:00  Orthodox rabbis might be worth listening to if they replaced the Israeli Supreme Court with a restored Sanhedrin. 
Sam Samuels
6 elections in 6 years.
2:33:00  Jews are a microcosm of humanity.
2:34:00  Sex offenders
2:35:00  Punishing a rapist by forcing him to marry his rape victim. 
2:37:00  Gold diggers seducing wealthy men into raping them.
2:38:00  Supporting patriarchy
2:40;00  Lower status for gay people in a patriarchy
2:42:00  WW3 ins punishment for sin.
White people will be blamed for three World Wars.
2:43:00  Secular Koranism won't be overly strict.
2:44:00  My interpretation of Secular Koranism should be supported by Vincent to encourage his fellow Americans to do so too. 
2:45:00  The majority of Americans are white non-Muslims so they should be able to control the interpretation.
2:46:00  If Secular Koranism is adopted, most Americans will be Muslim in two or three generations.
2:47:00  WW3
2:48:00  First gay American Secular Koranist
2:49:00  Gay supremacy will be a failure.
2:50:00  Secular Koranism is a hybrid solution.
2:51:00  The media will not be demonising Noahide any time soon.
2:53:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People to serve humanity. 
2:54:00  Jews are supposed to be light unto the nations by trashing the Trinity.
2:55:00  The Koran
2:56:00  Chabad
2:57:00  I need American social conservatives to see that Secular Koranism with American Characteristics is the only way they can get their country back. 
2:58:00  Muslims > Jews
2:59:00  Jews must reject democracy. 
Alan Cecil
3:00:00  Joshua Shalet and Judas Fly
3:01:00  Jews who worship liberal democracy
3:03:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
3:04:00  Israelis would have to ask permission from Uncle Sam to become a theocracy.
3:05:00  Agree on a book of rules, fight over the interpretation later. 

Forbidding fornication is necessary to prevent the delaying of marriage.

3:07:00  Patients tend not to enjoy invasive surgical procedures.
3:08:00  Equalising effects of Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics for secular and religious Jews
3:10:00  Tovia Singer
3:11:00  Talking about Jesus in the present or future tense means you are Christian. 
3:12:00  Messianic Jews
3:14:00  Israelis living under sharia after withdrawal of US funding
3:16:00  Even educated Jews like Henry Abramson don't know why Spinoza was excommunicated. 
13 Principles of Judaism
3:17:00  Double think, Multiple Truth Hypothesis, having your cake and eating it
3:19:00  The Koran > Babylonian Talmud

Politically inert Christians who don't really believe in anything

3:20:00  People who really believe in God would martyr themselves.

3:21:00  The crucial difference in attitude between atheists and theists who believe in the Abrahamic God who rewards good and punishes evil in this life or the next

3:22:00  Americans of the future

Gentiles should use Secular Koranism to protect themselves from liberal Jews and liberal gentiles.

3:23:00  Jews guilty of hidden idolatry

Isn't shituf worse than idolatry?

3:24:00  The soonest Jews could have properly taught the Noahide laws to gentiles was when Islam became successful in the Middle East.

3:25:00  Jews no longer have moral authority over gentiles because half of them don't want to obey the Noahide laws. Muslims have more authority over non-Muslim gentiles because a higher percentage of people identifying as Muslim observe the practices of their religion ie eat halal, observe Ramadan etc.

3:26:00  Rules are made to be broken.

3:27:00  Jews and Muslims guilty of hidden idolatry have no moral authority to smash the idols of idolaters or close down their places of religious worship.

3:28:00  The sin is its own punishment.

3:29:00  If most countries were Islamic republics, most people would be Muslim. If most people were Muslim, they would be less likely to be guilty of hidden idolatry being more likely to discuss it and warn each other against it. 

3:31:00  Hidden idolatry is unprincipled behaviour.

3:32:00  You are guilty of hidden idolatry when you refuse to do what your scripture clearly command you to do. Jews and Muslims have been guilty of hidden idolatry for centuries. 

Rabbi Schneerson

3:33:00  Vincent's husband disgusted by Drag Queen Story Time.

3:35:00  The Noahide laws executed gentiles for idolatry and blasphemy while the Koran does not.

3:36:00 protects the rights of idolaters. 

3:37:00  Adam Green

3:38:00  Secular Koranism is for gay people.

3:39:00  Vincent is afraid of liking the Koran.

3:40:00  Vincent originally agreed to read the Koran because it was only fair to make a comparison between the Noahide laws and the Koran.

The First Amendment is sacred to Americans. 

3:41:00  Mujahid wants Vincent to adopt Secular Koranism

Alan Cecil and David Dryden

3:42:00  Murder and idolatry

3:43:00  Reverse psychology

3:44:00  Actus reus and mens rea

Adam and Eve would never have thought of eating from the Tree of Knowledge if God hadn't put the idea in their head.

3:46:00  Socialism and Fascism

3:48:00  Joshua Shalet

3:49:00  Arbitration

3:50:00  Gentiles are commanded to establish a court and legal system to administer justice and enforce the Noahide laws. 

3:52:00  Muslims are the only ones with a theocracy.

3:54:00  Hidden idolatry and private morality

3:55:00  Shaming Jews, Christians and Muslims with hidden idolatry

3:56:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.

4:00:00  "Joshua Shalet's insane ideas"

4:03:00  As far as I know, it is still legal to advocate for capital punishment.

4:09:00  Secular Koranism would reintroduce slavery as an alternative to the welfare state.

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...