
Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Christianity is offensive to truth, reason, morality and God if He exists

1) Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers. 

2) Christians practise idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God in His Commandments. 

3) Christians suffer from a learning disability of  being unable to conceptualise idolatry as Jews and Muslims do.

4) Christians lack the deductive capacity to deduce how the Abrahamic God would treat idolaters and blasphemers after He has specifically and explicitly forbidden idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments in the Torah.

5) Christians - if they still exist - are indifferent to the fact that they have been practising idolatry and blasphemy since Constantine Christianised the Roman Empire, presumably because they are hypocritical atheists and nihilists only pretending to believe Jesus is God.

6) The only people who should be allowed to claim Christian identity are those who have undergone a confirmation ceremony or a credal baptism. 

7) Most people who claim Christian identity are only cultural Christians motivated by hatred ie antisemitism and/or Islamophobia wishing to return to a time when they were conducting the Crusades slaughtering Jews and Muslims at will wading waist-deep in blood and gore.  

8) Neither @Pontifex nor @JustinWelby are capable of defending the Trinity but pretend to believe it to retain their positions. 

9) People who claim to be Christian knowing it to be idolatry and blasphemy are in fact atheists and nihilists pretending to believe Jesus is God.

10) People claiming to be Christian are either corrupt atheists and nihilists pretending to be Christian or are so credulous they believe in the absurdity that an executed blasphemer can also be the Abrahamic God who created the Universe who was also born of a virgin.

11) Atheists and nihilists claiming to be Christian clearly don’t believe God exists to punish them for idolatry and blasphemy in this life or the next. 

12) Those claiming to be Christians are so lacking in self awareness that they fail to notice they have been cursed by God.

13) Tom Holland should have called Western beliefs “Christo-Liberalism” AKA “the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West”. This so-called Judeo-Christian heritage was a post war conception of the cultural appropriation by Christians of Judaism when they blended together the Trinity.

14) The Trinity is an obscene and blasphemous blending of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe with the Holy Ghost together with the corpse and wooden crucifix of an executed blasphemer those claiming to be Christian claim to worship.

15) Rabbis in the US even with the protection of the First Amendment are still too afraid to inform their nominally Christian overlords of their long-standing idolatry and blasphemy suggesting they are also just atheists and nihilists pretending to believe in God as Jews.

16) Muslims commanded by have no record of any Caliph ever admonishing @Pontifex or @JustinWelby  for claiming that God has begotten a son. It is possible that they are just more atheists and nihilists pretending to be Muslims.

17) If God exists, He would be punishing hypocrites claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims for their hypocrisy whose duration extend to over a millennium. What better punishment for them than WW3?

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