
Sunday, 28 May 2023

Jon Vance and William Breiannis have it out with each other, joined by Mr Pelu

12:00  JON VANCE joins declares leadership.
13:00  Obfuscation
14:00  William makes rules and invites Jon to recite Al Fatiha.
16:00  Prayer
17:00  William drops his phone.
18:00  Jon outlines his agenda. 
21;00  Audio issues
22:00  William complains about being insulted. 
24:00  Jon returns.
25:00  Subject of prayer is resumed.
26:00  Definition of imam
29:00  Atheism in Muslim countries
30:00  Punishment for adultery and prayers with prostrations
31:00  Titles
32:00  Imam or not?
33:00  Insults of William from Jon
34:00  Prayer
39:00  William still talking about prayer.
41:00  Jon rejects William's Arabisms.
43:00  First Amendment
44:00  Thomas Jefferson
45:00  Christian history
49:00  Haram and halal
52:00  Projection
56:00  Christian history
57:00  Alienating people an being the antithesis of dawah
58:00  Semantic nonsense
59:00  The Trinity and kufr
1:05:00  Holy Spirit

1:20:00  PELU joins.
1:31:00  Historicity
2:02:00  Prayer
2:03:00  William complains against about Jon's behaviour.
2:05:00  Kufr perspective
2:11:00  Whether the Koran was created

2:33:00  Just Mr Pelu and me. 

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