
Friday, 2 June 2023

Talking to White Muslim Woman about Ann Coulter and Daniel Greenfield talking about the US military

29:00  Carol and I speak.


41:00  General Brown told by Biden to do what he is doing.

43:00  Air Force

50:00  Zelensky

47:00  Aztecs


59:00  Philosopher King, General Paton and the Soldier's Bible

1:00:00  Vietnam

1:03:00  Quartermaster

1:07:00  Paton

1:10:00  Racial segregation

1:11:00  Public school and Will Knowland

1:12:00  Religion

1:17:00  French Revolution

1:21:00  Buddhist meditation group

1:22:00  Teacher prying into child's family life

1:23:00  Homeschooling

1:36:00  White culture

1:38:00  No official religion

1:44:00  Middle class

1:45:00  The rules

1:49:00  Hostage negotatiators

1:50:00  UPS going on strike

1:53:00  Integrated curriculum

1:55:00  Distinguishing between disease and symptons

1:56:00  Muslims

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