
Tuesday 20 June 2023

The Heideggerian principle of authenticity applied to Jews serving as a control group

Going by the Heideggerian principle of authenticity, an observant Jew is more authentic than a secular Jew, and the more senior the observant Jew, the higher in religious authority he is. The higher in religious authority the Jew, the closer you will get to authentic religious authority. 

If you are talking to Catholics, the highest in authority is the Pope. If you are talking to Anglicans, the highest in authority would be the Archbishop of Canterbury, or possibly the monarch since the whole point of the founding of the Church of England was for Henry VIII to be his own Pope. It is said the Hasmonean Dynasty became extinct because of its failure to make the position of the monarch and the chief priest strictly separate.

Secular Jews are basically regarded as heretics by religious Jews. The interesting thing about Jews is that the secular ones are more powerful because they have assimilated with gentiles and the Orthodox Jews are not because they are alien to gentile sensibilities.

If God exists, then presumably He would favour the religious Jews and punish the secular liberal Jews.

The most egregious of secular liberal Jews would be George Soros because he is the most wealthy supporter of liberal causes, but who would be the leader of Orthodox Jews? We know they cannot agree amongst themselves. Jews tell me that they do not accept the moral authority of their chief rabbis because to be chief rabbi is to accept the position given to them by their gentile overlords. Traditionally, the chief rabbi would be rabbi chosen by their gentile overlord to collect a minimum of taxes from his community with the option of keeping anything over that for himself. 

Therefore, a more authentic Orthodox Jewish leadership selection method must be chosen. Ironically, this is a situation in which Jews have much to learn from gentiles since the selection process I propose would be the Papal Conclave rules.  

However, since it would be inappropriate for the Sistine Chapel to be used for this purpose and Orthodox rabbis wouldn't be seen dead in it since churches are places of abomination where idolatry is practised, I propose that they could be locked in the Knesset with similar accommodation or just sleeping bags or futons if they want to do it on the cheap until they choose a Chief Rabbi the way cardinals choose a Pope.  

God's attitude towards gentiles would be analogous to his treatment of Jews with Noahides ie righteous gentiles protected while unrighteous gentiles would be unprotected from corruption, sin and temptation.

My position is that Christians without guidance guilty of worshiping an executed blasphemer would be more in trouble with God if He exists than Muslims who attempt to follow the Word of God in the Koran.

If Christians have indeed been cursed by God as Jews have also been cursed because of their disobedience, then the way of lifting that curse must be to follow the Koran.

Jews are useful to gentiles because of their litmus paper like qualities serving as a control group whose behaviour can be used to predict the consequences of similar behaviour in other groups.

The problem with liberal assimilated Jews is more a problem with liberalism than with being Jewish.

Those who have been following events in Israel will know that the conditions there are now close to civil war between secular and religious Jews in rather the same way that Trump supporters and Biden supporters can be described as a culture war that may lead to violence.

It could certainly be argued that liberal democracy has also destroyed both gentile and Jewish identity.

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