
Monday 3 July 2023

Christianity did not suddenly fail

The quickest way to understand why the West is now where it is would be to understand the progressive failure of Christianity over the past 500 years. Christianity did not suddenly fail in the last 50 years.

As the religion used for supporting the divine right of kings, it failed to prevent the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

It failed also to prevent the open flouting of the authority of the Pope by the Christian kings of Europe during the Wars of the Reformation.

Then it failed to protect Charles I from regicide in 1649.

It was rejected in the American Revolution when the Founding Fathers rejected Christianity in order to reject monarchy.

It was rejected again in France in 1789 after the regicide of Louis XVI.

Yet again was it rejected in 1917 during the Russian Revolution when the entire Royal Family was massacred.

What will it take to make Christians understand that Christianity cannot be used as a force for social conservatism because it is fatally compromised by its unbelievable absurdity?

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