
Sunday, 6 August 2023

Phil Goodman on how to deal with liberals who ignore your arguments

10:00  PHIL joins.

11:00  Right-wing politics

12:00  Losing and losing


16:00  Right-wing commentators who hate MAGA

17:00  Hanania uses an alias

18:00  Bronze Age Pervert

Hanania's think tank

20:00  JQ

21:00  DeSantis


26:00  Scott Greer

27:00  Even Jews call each other Nazis these days.

28:00  Hanania will be fine?

29:00  There will always be a criminal class even if it were monoracial. 

Utah and Mississippi

30:00  Ann Coulter on a no fly list?

32:00  The liberal establishment with their business model of bombing the crap out of Muslim countries and getting Muslim migrants to come to the West as cheap labour are protecting their investment by telling  the American proletariat to be nice to migrants.

33:00  American lives are being sacrificed to their deity of democracy the way human lives were sacrificed by Aztec priests. 

35:00  Liberals just ignore argument they have lost. 

36:00  Congress and Parliament have the power of an absolute monarch over the people because corrupt and incompetent politicians control the legislature and operate a corrupt cartel to make sure policies harmful to society continue to be imposed no matter who is in power.

Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

37:00  Arthur Goldberg

38:00  Banning conversion therapy in the UK

39:00  The First Amendment has not protected the free speech of Americans.

40:00  Congress cannot be made accountable to God because America does not have an official religion. 

Feminism has destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity.

41:00  Keith Joseph's Edgbaston speech

43:00  Ann Coulter

44:00  Never mind the women, the men have to collectively agree to change the rules from matriarchy to patriarchy and choose a leader to make the arguments. If Trump is the man - assuming he is prepared to take the risk - they have to support him to the hilt. 

45:00  We should just be unrepentant sinners. 

46:00  Andrew Tate

47:00  Roosh V

49:00  MAGA cannot happen without Americans supporting marriage and family values again. 

Incel movement

50:00  Right-wing women don't really want to give up feminism.

51:00  The good message for women from nationalists is that under patriarchy - which nationalists would have to restore in order to have a government governing in the national interest again - is that more marriageable men will be produced under this system than under the matriarchy. In a matriarchy, most women and men are in fact unmarriageable. You are not marriageable if you don't want to marry. Who would want to be married to someone who didn't really want to marry them? You are less likely to be marriageable if your parents were unmarried and grew up in a fatherless home. 

Trump has alienated the female voter.

Black men also support MAGA. 

52:00  College educated women are anti-Trump.

53:00  Getting the men to agree to change the rules from matriarchy to patriarchy would be the biggest obstacle. The Dissident Right discussing Secular Koranism with each other online would shock and awe mainstream media so much they would have to interview me, so this must be done as soon and as much as possible. There is no requirement to like Secular Koranism or support it. Even if you hate it, you owe it to yourself, your race, nation, society and civilisation to discuss it with someone whose views you respect, if only to check it out, before your civilisation is over and out. The dying patient should take an interest in his disease - in this case social, moral, economical and political - before he dies of it. If you are dying, it is better to know what you are dying of than to deny you are even ill. 

54:00  The hierarchy in a patriarchy: married parents at the top followed by non-parents and sex offenders bottom of the heap.

55:00  Heterosexual men are the only people prepared to defend women against transgender men who muscle in on female spaces and sport. 

56:00  Why should sporting ability be the criterion to get a scholarship? People good at sport tend not to be the brightest bulbs in the box and probably don't belong at university. If you want to sponsor sport, why not have Sport Academies geared towards non-academic athletes? In my view, gentiles should take a more Jewish attitude towards sport. I like to think that if God exists He would disdain to take an interest in sport. 

57:00  In the girls' locker room, it is proposed that there should be a partition between girls and transgender girls.

59:00  The Dissident Right - being mostly unmarriageable men - lack the means, energy and charisma to organise car auctions or throw nice parties capable of persuading enough female voters to support them. If they want to do something to shock and awe their women, they might as well buy them a copy of Secular Koranism, assuming that the woman in question is capable of absorbing its ideas without having a meltdown. 

1:01:00  Is God homophobic, sexist, misogynist and transphobic? Should we follow God's laws in the Koran even if we are not sure He exists? Is obeying God's laws on marriage and sexual morality the only way to restore the patriarchy?

Can we have government in the national interest without patriarchy?

Isn't matriarchy antithetical to the national interest?

Is nationalism government in the national interest?

How can it not be in the national interest to support marriage and family values?

How can it be be in the national interest to tolerate matriarchy, which is to tolerate unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring? It is tolerating degeneracy, decline and dementia. 

1:01:00  Washington; "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." 

The five world religions in existence all support marriage, but Christianity is the weakest link. 

The best way to think of Christianity is that of being a fish swallowed by the bigger fish of liberalism. 

Liberalism in the 21st century means no more than sexual freedom from the rules of marriage and good parenting. 


1:02:00  All atheists understand the concept of God. You have to first understand an idea before you reject it. Therefore all nationalists have to do is persuade atheists and agnostics of the advantages of belief or at least the advantages of obeying God's laws even if we are not sure if He exists. 

1:03:00  The Church is not the highest authority in the land and was always ever a Creature of the State. The most powerful church in the world remains the Anglican Church, which was established by Henry VIII for the express purpose of being a Creature of the State. We cannot expect clergy who wish to remain clergymen to do anything other than to obey the government whether it supports marriage or globohomo, if they want to keep their jobs. 

The highest authority in the US is the Fourth Estate because it tells Americans how to think and what to do. 

 1:04:00  Local politics is a dead end because that is only tinkering around the edges. 

1:05:00  Evangelicals and sodomites

1:07:00  Christian religious leader compromised by the decision to put a paedophile in a day care centre. 

1:08:00  The media

1:09:00  Missouri, Atlanta , Texas and other swing states

Gatekeeping by think tanks prevents nationalist arguments from being made, propagated and accepted. 

1:10:00  Compromised nationalists accept bribes and submit to threats.

1:11:00  Rush Limbaugh, Jonah Goldberg, Sean Hannity and David French

Why every society needs an official moral system

1:12:00  Every time Americans have an election, they surrender more of their rights to Corporate America. 

1:14:00  One party state

1:16:00  Approval ratings of Chinese government

1:17:00  China changed from Communism to Capitalism without violence.

1:18:00  While the Chinese government wants Chinese parents to have more children, the US government discourages marriage and the birth of more American children legitimate or illegitimate. The US government is basically warehousing its welfare claimants for extinction by making as many of them die childless as possible. If you are not already a welfare claimant and are middle class, government policies will impoverish and turn you into a welfare claimant after which it will warehouse you for extinction.  

Only national chauvinism prevents the average American from noticing the stark difference between the attitude of the Chinese government towards the Chinese and the attitude of the US government towards Americans. 

The Chinese government treats Chinese citizens as a parent would treat well-parented children - as an asset and investment. The US government treats American citizens like casually conceived and casually parented illegitimate offspring it cannot wait to abandon. 
1:20:00  Debt finance
1:21:00  Panda huggers
1:22:00  The American Dream at a lower cost
1:23:00  Immigrants, debt finance and Jeffrey Sachs
1:24:00  Multipolarism and different imperial options 
1:26:00  Africans in Western cities
1:28:00  America First Book Club has George Washington's farewell speech
1:29:00  Choosing a leader to negotiate with the other side
1:31:00  Trump needs to lean into the white men.
1:32:00  Law enforcement and the military not on the side of Trump and his supporters
1:33:00  Sending signals to white women

1:34:00  Attributing suffering of Westerners to divine punishment for the desecration of marriage  is a morally satisfying narrative. Even if God does not exist, it is clear that religions supporting marriage are eugenic, and secular political ideologies promoting sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting are dysgenic.  

1:35:00  Matriarchy is opaque. 

1:36:00  Men prefer rules and think in the long term while women "reason" with their emotions and think in the short term.

The purpose of religion is group solidarity, group identity and the continuing existence of the group through the process of eugenic sexual reproduction that is marriage.

1:37:00  If Americans were Nazis
1:38:00  The practice of marriage establishes patriarchy. 
1:39:00  The American labour force is not competitive.
1:40:00  Peter Turchin
1:42:00  The God narrative
1:44:00  Speaking clearly and reasonably

1:45:00  Churches in America would have less power than any established church in Europe because America does not have a state religion. However, it was Europeans who most violently and decisively rejected monarchy and Christianity eg the French and Russian Revolutions. 

1:46:00  The CIA and social media platforms

The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.

1:47:00  Going to confession every week as a Catholic yielded less information to the state than social media platforms on which its users compulsively post their thoughts and beliefs. 

Sex and marriage is a topic no one will ignore.

1:48:00  High status females will reject low status males.  

1:50:00  Dubai and China better places for the rich to live. 

1:51:00  Media are run on a patronage system, indifferent to profit.

1:52:00  Trump represents the American proletariat. 

1:54:00  State education under Obama

1:55:00  Contemplative education

1:58:00  Student loans leading to social work - a parasitic profession

1:58:00  Job creation scheme for black women of mediocre intellect of Byzantine complexity creating opportunities for corruption.  

2:00:00  Twitter selling blue check marks as if they were indulgences.

2:05:00  Russia is in the same position as America.

2:07:00  Post liberal atheists

2:10:00  How to make money from Twitter

What is an impression?

2:12:00  Being paid to promote Secular Koranism! 

2:13:00  Most people agree with me but dare not support me because of the herd of sacred cows of hte West that I propose to slay. 

2:17:00  "The right is a spiritualist movement."

2:18:00  Waiting for the support of billionaires

2:20:00  Demise of Twitter?

2:21:00  David French and David Brooks

2:22:00  Battle of egos

2:23:00  Critique of Dissident Right leadership

2:25:00  Participating in this economy

2:26:00  Starting a national conversation and the Tea Party

Lindsey Graham, John McCain and George Bush

2:27:00  Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, Thomas Sowell

Tort reform

2:28:00  Civil rights

2:29:00  Glenn Greenwald

The Administrative State by Dwight Waldo

2:32:00  Boomers

2:34:00  GAZELLE interrupts.
2:36:00  Cancel culture
2:38:00  Nick Fuentes

2:39:00  Phil's proposed economic solution

2:40:00  Arguments are being ignored even after they are won.

2:41:00  The people who are being paid to be on Twitter
2:44:00  Qualifying to be paid to tweet
2:46:00  "Punching right is the only correct approach."
2:47:00  Being paid $100,000 to be on Twitter
2:48:00  Katie Hopkins
2:50:00  Hopkins' low IQ followers
2:52:00  Discussing what should be the new political orthodoxy

2:53:00  My approach is to shock and awe with my one-party theocracy.

2:55:00  Gazelle is not a threat.
2:57:00  Katie Hopkins

2:58:00  Secular Koranism is for white social conservatives who are the biggest group, the higher in status the better. 

2:59:00  Charlottesville
3:00:00  Secular Koranism v New Approach

3:01:00  The best debater should become leader of the Dissident Right. I know for a fact that none of them want to become leader because they don't want to be targeted and already know they are not equal to the burden of leadership. Beta males will never accept the leadership of another beta male, and this also applies to sub-beta males of the Dissident Right. For this reason, I declare myself leader of the Dissident Right again and invite challengers because I know I am the only person in the entire West who has the qualities of an alpha male prepared to be interviewed on mainstream media without backing down or fucking up. Unfortunately, I have been put on CIA media blacklist and the editors of mainstream media have basically been told  not to platform me. 

The Guardian was nearly going to do a hit piece on me, but could not get CIA clearance.

The same tactic is used by the Dissident Right who also want to deprive me of the oxygen of publicity. 

Phil was right about liberals not caring about the arguments. Unfortunately, neither do the Dissident Right. 

Secular Koranism is unrivalled and irrefutable.  

The only way to undermine Secular Koranism is to prove the following:

1)  There is no problem.
2)  I have misdiagnosed the problem
3) Secular Koranism would not work even if it were adopted.  

Predictably, my challenge will not be accepted because my idea is unrivalled. Americans are basically too intellectually dishonest to discuss whether it is a good thing that America does not have an official religion. 

I am guilty of "right-wing spiritualism".

3:03:00  Andrew Tate v Nick Fuentes

3:04:00  Is it a good or bad thing that America does not have an official religion?

3:06:00  Pointless debates
3:09:00  Katie Hopkins

I am a good listener and could moderate debates. 

3:11:00  Gazelle keeps getting herself blocked.
3:12:00  Gazelle dismisses my ideas without offering an alternative. 
3:15:00  Richard Spencer
How to choose a leader
3:17:00  Declinism

Katie Hopkins in Israel and South Africa and crying into her drink

3:19:00  Jodie Marsh and Katie Hopkins raising her son to be gay
3:20:00  Katie Hopkins is modern woman. 
3:22:00  "Katie Hopkins is a good person."
3:23:00  Producing content
3:25:00  Conflict and resolution
3:26:00  What's wrong with Katie Hopkins?
3:28:00  Katie Hopkins, Jeremy Corbyn and Peter Hitchens
3:29:00  Overreaction to Corbyn and Hopkins being photographed together
3:32:00  Al Jazeera documentary on Corbyn

3:35:00  Russell Cooper is an NPC.

3:36:00  Gazelle is fond of me?

3:37:00  Tokenism

3:40:00  Katie Hopkins the media whore


3:45:00  Family members talking to each other can say very hurtful things.

3:48:00  Glenn Greenwald

3:49:00  Robert Barnes

3:51:00  Only Allah can help the Dissident Right now. 

3:53:00  Unprincipled liberals who play dirty

3:57:00  Leader of the Dissident Right is a black guy called Zoobie from the UK, according to Gazelle.

Patrick Casey 

3:58:00  Robert Duigan on Elon Musk

3:59:00  Antisemitism

4:02:00  Balanced coverage of both sides of the culture war is all some right-wing political commentators want. They don't want to ban any of the degeneracy because they want the option of indulging in it. 

4:04:00  The hypocrisy of Piers Morgan

4:05:00  Pearl

4:07:00  The right don't elect proper leaders and haven't got a coherent argument. 

4:08:00  Andrew Neill

4:10:00  Corbyn

4:12:00  Candace Owens

4:16:00  Obesity is beautiful. 

Status and Nick Fuentes

4:20:00  Culturally significant East Coast thought leaders

4:21:00  Rush Limbaugh

4:22:00  AM radio

4:24:00  "the strongest soldier"

4:25:00  Phil quoted by the East Coast thought leaders


4:28:00  Peaceful approach to change

4:29:00  Unified effort

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...