
Saturday, 9 September 2023

What is the religion of a White Supremacist?

This is a trick question. 

White Supremacists are known for their atheism and are of such low intelligence that they cannot figure out why Jews and Muslims do better than they do: because they have the protective and dignifying wrapper of religion and are protected by law while they are not. 

That is because there is not a religion called White Supremacy. 

Insofar as White Supremacists exist and have beliefs, their beliefs are based on hatred of Jews, Muslims and non-whites.  

What about Christianity?

There are White Supremacists who want to use Christianity to oppose their government whose policy of allowing mass immigration they resent.  

They do not not understand that Christianity as protection for Christians and a source social conservatism has come and gone.  

If they are American, they do not understand that Christianity will never give them protection from their government because the Founding Fathers have already separated the church from their state, nor have they noticed that most Americans are not confirmed Christians. Even if they were, their pastors and priests do not support the social conservatism necessary for the patriarchy to be restored nationwide to be an effective source of opposition against liberal government policy of the sexual liberation that has now normalised illegitimacy and unmarried parents. 

More importantly, being Christian does not protect you since the Western ruling classes show open contempt for Christians when they are not pretending to be fake Christians when they want the Christian vote. 

The White Supremacist has given up on Christianity and is in the process of reviving extinct pre-Christian deities which he feels are more "white" than the idea of worshiping a deceased Jew. 

Or he might be considering Hinduism or Buddhism as his personal religion not having reaslised their failure in Asia.  

In the main  the belief system of the White Supremacist is the idea that only when the groups he hates and fears are finally removed eg Jews, Muslims and non-whites, things will be better for people like him. 

Unfortunately, he so lacks self-awareness that he does not know how marginalised he is or how low in status. Anyone in the West professing these views would lose their job and lose sexual access to potential or current female sex partners. 

For this reason only White Supremacists not in long term relationships would express White Supremacist views and since they would be unmarriageable men, this perception would lower further their status.  

Being mostly low information low status and low education people, they do not understand that politics is not just a matter of listing your demands. They do not know that they must practise road map politics, not wish list politics. Behave like children saying "I want" is not going to create the impression that White Supremacists are rational or moral people.  

Lacking in the ability to reason in the abstract, their views and beliefs are more linked to their compulsion to say transgressive things just to relieve their feelings rather than any focused political purpose eg "They have to go." Why don't they just go?" without any means of making anyone leave and with no government support or competent leadership.

Being defective in character and intelligence responding emotionally to events and arguments, they are cannot ask the obvious next question, understand simple arguments or have the grace to concede when they have lost the argument.  

Even those who claim to follow a religion do not in fact follow their principles. Remonstrations and reminders are futile. Even if they have lost the argument, they still want to win and will just ignore arguments. 

White Supremacists retain that label even when they convert to another religion because they refuse to make the adjustments necessary to get what they want. Basically, they will want everything to change but everything to stay the same and find irrelevant and irrational reasons not to follow their religious principles, which is a shame since the Abrahamic God and His moral system contains the solution to their problems which they are too obtuse to understand. Their defective character makes them reluctant to ask obvious questions for reasons of pride. 

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