
Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Conditional Zionism: God is a Zionist but not a liberal democrat

Being a Zionist does not mean you are well-intentioned and well-disposed towards Jews since you can be a Nazi wanting to expel your Jews wanting a homeland so Jews have a place to be sent to. 

In reality, even Hamas are conditional Zionists. Their demands are that Jews can have peaceful enjoyment of Israel provided they live under sharia. 

God if He is a Zionist would be a conditional Zionist. appears to be saying Jews can dwell in Israel [peacefully] with gentiles if they obey God's laws. 

If the laws of God in the Torah are too hard, there are those in the Koran that are less restrictive but still Noahide.  

It does seem quite clear that Israelis are not to have peaceful enjoyment of Israel as liberal democrats, but they will as righteous Jews and gentiles. 

Time for everyone calm down and have a theological discussion instead of triggering each other with tales of atrocities while pretending to be shocked that Jews and Muslims kill and hurt each other. 

How long has this been going on now? 

Only hypocrites pretend to be surprised.  

We already know how this repeated story will end: x number of Jews killed followed x to the power of y number of Muslims killed in retaliation, affirming each other's identity of being killed and being killers competing for victimhood- all cursed by God and still not getting it. 

If Muslims think they have not been cursed by God, they should read the chapter on hypocrites in the Koran. 

Muslims who are not hypocrites should be able to discuss the 17:104 with each other and ask themselves under what conditions Jews can dwell in Israel and have peaceful enjoyment of their homeland. 

If God is a Zionist, is He also a liberal democrat?

The answer is obvious, is it not?

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