
Monday, 20 November 2023

My first Hindu British Secular Koranist

1:00  Idolatry
2:00  Dayanda Saraswati
3:00  The Canaanites ie pre-Israelite inhabitants
8:00  Opportunity cost
9:00  Book of Rules
10:00 Dharma
11:00  The common feature of the five world religions
12:00  Rabbis refusing to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
13:00  Genuflecting
14:00  Jesus
16:00  Holy Spirit
17:00  Constantine the Great
Arians v Athanasians
18:00  Holy Spirit
21:00  The Trinity explained.
23:00  Associating partners with God
24:00  Holy Spirit
25:00  Iblis
27:00  Devas
Hidden idolatry
28:00  Hidden idolatry is manifested through hypocrisy.
29:00  People who prefer to believe in lies
30:00  Bollywood
31:00  Corrupted by feminism
32:00  No places of worship will be closed down.
33:00  Slavery and licensed brothels
34:00  Judiciary to identify, list and number the list of verses containing the Commandments of Allah capable of being made into legislation.
35:00  Enjoining good and forbidding evil
36:00  People need permission to support Secular Koranism.
37:00  Prostitution
40:00  Women who are neither wives nor prostitutes
41:00  Degeneracy
42:00  Licensed brothels
43:00  Transitional arrangements
47:00  Underage sex
49:00  Giving it away for free
50:00  Rahab
51:00  Book of Jeremiah
54:00  Underage sex
55:00  Who should we have sex with?
56:00  Immigrants are rats clambering on board a sinking ship.
58:00  Sheep dog
59:00  Performing your gender role is a way of displaying your marriageability.
1:00:00  The marriage license
1:01:00  We must no longer be guided by our loins.
1:02:00  Dysgenic breeding
1:03:00  Keith Joseph
1:05:00  More money as a lone parent
1:06:00  Slut-shaming
1:07:00  Dysgenic choices of promiscuous women
1:09:00  Bonobos
1:11:00  China and malign encouragement
1:12:00  Going to university could destroy your life.
1:13:00  A military run on egalitarian principles
1:14:00  America is mad, stupid or evil.
1:16:00  Gallipoli
1:19:00  Suez Crisis
1:22:00  Australia
1:23:00  Protecting Jews
1:24:00  Aliens Act
1:25:00  Israel
1:26:00  Monroe Doctrine
1:27:00  Dog in a manger foreign policy
1:29:00  Europe is a US vassal state.
1:30:00  First gay marriage in India
Free radio for a vasectomy
1:31:00  Controlling the birth rate
1:34:00  We are destroying our inheritance.
1:35:00  Secular Koranism
1:37:00  Birching
1:38:00  Theft
1:40:00  Slut-shaming
1:41:00  Failed shit tests
1:43:00  Sex segregation
1:44:00  Leaders and pecking orders
1:45:00  No need for women to compete against men.
1:47:00  Margaret Thatcher
1:47:00  Tony Benn
1:50:00  One-party state
1:52:00  Ukraine
1:53:00  New system
1:54:00  Democracy
1:55:00  American overlords
1:56:00  Average age of America
1:58:00  Young men with problems with authority
2:02:00  Satanic
2:03:00  Bestiality
2:05:00  Policies of Sodom and Gomorrah taught to school children
2:07:00  The Rational Female
2:09:00  Parental authority
2:10:00  Male and female role models
2:11:00  Big boys don't cry.
2:12:00  Gender roles
2:13:00  Early marriage in India
2:16:00  Idiocracy was prophesy.
2:17:00  I'm versatile.
2:19:00  My rejected ideas are absorbed and come up later from the rejector.
2:21:00  Jews and Muslims
Noahide laws
2:24:00  Secular Koranism is better than the Conservative and Labour Party.
2:25:00  I am the Messiah Substitute.
2:26:00  Religions
2:28:00  Bad Muslims

4 components of religion:
Theology, sharia, philosophy and mysticism

2:29:00  Low tax, low crime
2:31:00  New Age religion
2:32:00  Competing religions
2:33:00  Matriarchy wants us to become extinct.
2:36:00  Short term thinking of atheists
2:37:00  Army A and Army T
2:38:00  The government needs to make it OK to believe in God again.
2:39:00  The Jews
2:40:00  Jewish emancipation
2:41:00  Register of Jews
2:44:00  Zionism
2:46:00  Haavara Agreement
2:47:00  The Post War narrative
2:48:00  Killing non-combatants
2:51:00  America does not have an official moral system.
2:52:00  George Washington's farewell speech

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