- The Messiah is not coming because he is not the maid of all work tidying up the rooms of Jews, Christians and Muslims.
- Jews can tidy up their room by doing what God made them His Chosen People to do.
- Righteous Jews should be able to agree amongst themselves that if God has any purpose in mind for Jews at all, it is to remind gentiles that idolatry and blasphemy are forbidden in His Commandments.
- Righteous Jews should be able to agree amongst themselves and with righteous gentiles that both the Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws repeat the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy.
- Jews must do teshuvah for not ranking Islam most and Christianity least Noahide centuries ago, bearing in mind so many historical tragedies could have been averted by Europeans following the correct religion properly eg the European Wars of Religion, the Inquisition, the Albigensian Crusade, WW1, WW2 and WW3 if it breaks out as well as the early 21st century neocon wars of an evil empire promoting globally the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same divine punishment. https://radicalisedrabbi.blogspot.com/2020/02/noahide-ranking-of-other-four-world.html
- There is no point talking to Christians because they must make themselves deny Truth, Logic and Morality in order to remain Christian worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.
- Because Jews were so hopeless at teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles, Muslims were sent as their auxiliaries.
- Muslims have proven to be just as disappointing as Jews in discouraging idolatry by refusing to obey quran.com/18/4 with the consequence that they have also been cursed by God suffering the Crusades and being the apparently eternal victims of Western imperialism.
- While it is understandable that Jews and Muslims would be too much in fear of their Christian overlords to put them on notice that Christianity is idolatry compounded by blasphemy, their fear reveals their hidden idolatry of worshiping their idol of fear of their Christian overlords when they should have as believing Jews and Muslims fear disobeying God and been prepared to martyr themselves defying the idolaters and blasphemers instead of doing business with them since the Middle Ages. "In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews." https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-seven-noachide-laws
- Hypocrites calling themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims are cursed by God whose final destination is hell unless they repent. The most efficacious way of public repentance is rabbis and and imams jointly publishing a letter in the Church Times asking the Archbishop of Canterbury to explain how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God. Individually, @justinwelby who is Archbishop of Canterbury can be contacted on Twitter and asked the same question. https://www.al-islam.org/enlightening-commentary-light-holy-quran-vol-6/section-9-allahs-curse-hypocrites https://www.churchtimes.co.uk

THE VOICE OF REASON Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
Thursday, 30 November 2023
I, the Messiah Substitute, have been sent to tell you that the Messiah is not coming
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