
Monday, 4 December 2023

Do men prefer their women to be of lower intelligence than they are?

3:00  My cat analogy
8:00  My intro
10:00  Unmarried men not admitted to this stream.
12:00  Gender relations
13:00  Sexist Koran
16:00  Men are interested in things, women in people.
17:00  Men in charge
19:00  CK speaks again on who pays the bills round here anyway?
21:00  Poor quality men
24:00  Definition of a chad
25:00  Narish agrees that a wife need not be clever.
27:00  Wife beating
28:00  4:35
30:00  Working wives and mothers
33:00  Misandry
35:00  Most women want to marry a man like their father.
36:00  Marilyn Monroe
37:00  Careerwomen
40:00  No husband wants an ambitious woman.
42:00  Specialisation
43:00  A marriage is an exchange of services.
46:00  Graduate wojmen who prefer not to work
Equal pay would have to be abolished.
49:00  Options when married young
51:00  Feminised men
Ambitious women emasculate men.
52:00  Female graduates not needed.
53:00  Alpha males
57:00  Beta males
59:00  Status of men
1:00:00  Arranged marriages arranged young

We are doing things the wrong way round.

27:00  What love is

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

1:00  Carol Balizet 2:00  Jehovah's Witnesses attitude towards health and diet 3:00  Kambucha htt...