
Sunday, 17 December 2023

Snorkelblog on the 16th Koraniyule 2023

2:00  Judaism
4:00  Different strokes for different folks.
8:00  The rules of religion
9:00  Gentiles culturally appropriated the scripture and God of Jews.
10:00  Joseph Atwill's Caesar's Messiah
12:00  The supremacy of the Abrahamic God
14:00  The oneness of God
15:00  Atenism
17:00  Light unto nations
18:00  The lion and the lamb
20:00  Have you ever seen a Jew in the woods?
21:00  Israel is an American colony.
23:00  Uganda and Madagascar
24:00  Hamas Charter

"Americans were a passive people."

25:00  CIA and Jew
Avril Haines
26:00  Who owns Mitsubishi Bank?
27:00  Substitute Jew for American, and American for Jew.
28:00  Holocaust Denial
29:00  America is Zionist.
31:00  Millenniyule
33:00  Supersessionism
34:00  Caesar's Messiah
37:00  Christianity has acquired three global empires.
39:00  Christo-Liberalism is now kaput.
40:00  Imperialism is irresistible.
European Wars of Religion
41:00  Constantine the Great
42:00  Christianity failed to support the divine right of kings.
43:00  Australia is useful to America.
44:00  Neocons
46:00  Black Americans who rape Japanese women
47:00  Catholic Church
49:00  The chickens have come home to roost.
54:00  No fault divorce
56:00  Rotherham
59:00  Turkey
1:00:00  Instant citizenship for non-Americans who fight wars for the American Empire
1:01:00  White only immigration
1:03:00  Chickens coming home to roost.

"Go forth and multiply."

1:04:00  Enoch Powell
1:07:00  An ageing and shrinking society
1:08:00  Men of fighting age - 18 to 40
Joseph and Jeremiah

1:11:00  "Our ruling classes are not us."
The ruling classes of the West pander to the female preference.
1:13:00  Israelis also suffer from the same social policies as liberal democrats of the West.
1:14:00  A Roman bridge
1:17:00  The Chinese build.

1:22:00  WW1 and WW2 was Europeans destroying themselves as the Greeks destroyed themselves in the Peloponnesian War.

1:24:00  History is written by the victor.
1:25:00  The narrative is changed after every war and every revolution.
1:26:00  All global empires want a slice of Israel's ass.
1:27:00  The zenith of British power was reached in the reign of Victoria. 
1:29:00  Jewish scripture and the God of Israel were culturally appropriated by gentiles.

1:33:00  Only God gets to say what is good or evil.
1:34:00  The Book of Isaiah and Jeremiah
That would be the milk of a shiksa who is an unmarried mother.
1:36:00  The world is controlled by Americans.
1:37:00  The British narrative is that they sacrificed their empire to protect the Jews and the burden has now passed to the Americans.
1:38:00  The rason d'etre of the American Empire is to protect the Jews.
1:40:00  The female voter
1:41:00  Hidden idolatry
1:43:00  Turkish guest workers
1:44:00  Keith Joseph
1:45:00  Marriage
1:47:00  The marriage license licenses the parties to the  marriage to have sex and children with each other. 
1:50:00  The Talmud
1:51:00  We are either the slaves of God or the slaves of our government.
1:53:00  Legitimate and illegitimate offspring
1:54:00  The Gods Must Be Crazy
1:55:00  G K Chesterton
1:57:00  The family is a microcosm of society.
1:58:00  Evil is natural.
1:59:00  Religious principles regulate our behaviour towards each other.
2:02:00  The merchants
2:03:00  Philosophers and the worship of Mammon
2:05:00  Artificial wombs
2:06:00  Israel is not a Torah theocracy.
2:07:00  The purpose of Jews
2:08:00  The Evil Inclination
2:09:00  Stephen J James, Thomas Baden-Riess and Vincent Bruno
2:10:00  Jon Vance

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