
Thursday, 22 February 2024

Vincent Bruno's 2nd Ketamine treatment with Mindbloom

Vincent talks about his ketamine treatment.

2:00  Spiritual experiences
4:00  Supernatural feeling
5:00  Pseudo-spiritual experiences
7:00  "my soul twisted"
12:00  "keeping me in bondage"
13:00  All religions are attempts to get to God.
18:00  The desire for spirituality
20:00  Vincent is always talking about religion. 
21:00  Vincent's afterlife
23:00  Evil must exist for us to tell the difference between good and evil. 
24:00  Mormon Satan
25:00  The most powerful deity conceivable is the Abrahamic God.
26:00  The divine bargain of regarding this life as an examination hall
27:00  Angels are automatons.
28:00  Humanity is above angels. 
29:00  God and His global Milgram experiment
31:00  Secular Koranism
32:00  It's all for the best.
33:00  No pain, no gain. 
34:00  God does not only punish sodomites, He also punishes adulterers and fornicators. 
35:00  Lowering our expectations
36:00  Martha Welch
38:00  Therapist, sorcery and pharmaceuticals
41:00  The reason for Vincent's three different spiritual experiences
43:00  The answer
45:00  Parents can reward and punish a child.
47:00  SteveUK
50:00  Rumours of the Church of England abolishing the Trinity  
51:00  Emo Monk wanting to be Harry Potter
52:00  Magical thinking
53:00  Yuval Harari's Sapens
54:00  We all create narratives about ourselves and our people. 
55:00  Emo Monk
56:00  Living off grid like nomads
57:00  Lost and lacking in self-awareness
58:00  Hippy fathers
59:00  Jews and Muslims v hippies
1:00:00  Our governments are breeding us.
1:02:00  Are we happier in a matriarchy or patriarchy?
1:04:00  Empire is an objective measure of human achievement.
1:06:00  Happiness is not the point of life, but achievement.

Happiness is balancing the short term, medium long, long term and our afterlife.

1:08:00  A  magic invisible friend
1:09:00  Some parents are the chief priest and priestess of the Cult of Santa
1:10:00  Vincent believed in God when he was five.
1:11:00  Illustration of the Holy Spirit
1:13:00  The moral system
1:14:00  Oral contracts are treated as enforceable.
1:15:00  Contracts are treated as sacred.
1:16:00  Yuval Harari
1:17:00  Nationalists are not unfit for the purpose discussing the national interest.
1:19:00  A moral system that is ignored
1:20:00  Dilly Hussain interviewing Griffin, Dowson and Collett
1:21:00  Global breeding programme of marriage

Youth bulge

1:22:00  Migrants joining the armed forces and the police
1:23:00  Trump
1:24:00  Taking marriage seriously
1:25:00  Dating apps
1:26:00  Unmarriageable bachelors
1:27:00  The business model of neoconservatism

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