
Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Discussing dialectical materialism, reproductive rights, the Trinity and the Messiah Substitute with Vincent Bruno

5:00  Vincent's therapist doesn't think Vincent has low self-esteem.
7:00  Narcissism and monomania?
8:00  Having beliefs grounded in principles and values
9:00  Jimmy Chen thinks I am a fanatic and fundamentalist. 
10:00  Liberalism and Communism have the same features.

The definition of religion

11:00  Moral systems include religions and secular political ideologies.
12:00  Narratives of Nazism

The Whig interpretation of history

13:00  Marxism believes in progressing towards a workers' paradise
14:00  Dialectical materialism

Hegel's thesis, antithesis and synthesis

15:00  Class struggle
16:00  Liberalism is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie while Communists support a people's democratic dictatorship.
17:00  The middle class is a buffer class.
18:00  Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism.

Estates of the Realm

19:00  Class struggle is unnecessarily divisive.
20:00  Liberalism is about individual liberty which includes sexual liberation.
21:00  Sex segregation in the animal kingdom
22:00  Pride of lions
23:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme. 
24:00  The Pink Swastika
28:00  Married parents should be privileged above non-parents and sex offenders.
29:00  Our laws should be fair enough.
30:00  Matriarchy is a society run by cowardly men afraid of immoral women. 
31:00  How to restore the patriarchy ASAP
32:00  Unfit parents
33:00  Islamic divorce
36:00  Artificial wombs
37:00  Pseudo-communal living
38:00  Why is there only one rooster?
39:00  The birth of the child is just the beginning of parenthood
40:00  Polyamorous households
41:00  The Pill
42:00  Free love
43:00  Relearning the painful lessons of history 

The eternal and universal laws of God

44:00  Even orphans should be honest, reasonable and principled.
45:00  Being a member of the gang

Our inherited identity

46:00  Choosing our religion is expressing our moral agency and capacity for moral reasoning.


47:00  No Chinese person would think Chinese people would behave better than Jews if they were made the Chosen People of God.

48:00  Why Jews were made God's  Chosen People
50:00  Moses and his people were very low status.

53:00  The story of humanity is a continuing one.
Christians have  not noticed they have been cursed by God.

55:00  Islam runs towards Christians.  

56:00  Why did God not give gentiles their own revelation for 600 years?
57:00  The Trinity
58:00  Constantine the Great calling the Council of Nicaea to get Christian bishops to agree on Christian doctrine
59:00  Demigods

E Michael Jones said Arianism is easier to believe than the Trinity.

1:00:00  Athanasius anticipated how Jews would argue against Christians and for this reason insisted on the Trinity.

I solve the Mystery of the Trinity.

1:01:00  The Messiah
1:02:00  Even Ultra Orthodox rabbis don't want an Torah theocracy.
1:03:00  It is unimaginable that the Messiah would not be English-speaking if he is due to arrive.

Is Rabbi Mizrachi the Messiah?

Will Vincent acknowledge me as the Messiah Substitute?

1:06:00  Vincent Bruno, Lord Protector of Gay Rights
1:07:00  Domestic Partnership Agreement
1:09:00  Civil partnership
1:10:00  Avoiding inheritance tax at 40%
1:11:00  The abolition of no fault divorce
1:12:00  Class war
1:13:00  Meritocracy is not a caste system.
1:14:00  Islam regulates gender relations, labour relations, consumer relations and international relations.
1:17:00  Secular Koranism is an incentive scheme for married parents.
1:18:00  Status is incentive enough.
1:21:00  Vincent just has to acknowledge me as Messiah Substitute.
1:22:00  Disobedient Muslims have never obeyed
1:23:00  Dumb Jews, Christians and Muslims who don't even know they are cursed by God
1:25:00  Carol blocked me.
1:26:00  Stephen J James is jealous!  

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