
Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Talking to Doooovid about his debate with Daniel Haqiqatjou on Judaism and Islam with Judas

3:27:00 Claire Khaw appears.
Judaism has lower standards than Islam because it cares more about outward appearances and its scripture does not express a position on hypocrisy. The Koran condemns hypocrites whose final destination is hell cursed by God. 

3:30:00  Isn't the final edition more authoritative than the first edition?

3:33:00 Maimonides influenced by Islam tidied up the lose ends of Judaism.
The symbiotic relationship of rivalry between Judaism and Islam can only be resolved by rabbis acknowledging the greater authority of the final edition of divine revelation.

3:38:00 Doooovid does not seem to understand emunah - knowledge that God exists - and bitachon - belief that He will act with justice

3:41:00 A Jew shopping around for a rabbinical opinion he prefers is better than a Jew just doing his own thing.

3:55:00 Hypocrisy and atheism

3:56:00  You are more likely to obey if you believe.

3:58:00  Consequentialism

4:01:00  Judaism has lower standards.

4:02:00  I do not think Daniel Haqiqatjou is an antisemite.

4:07:00 Christopher Jon Bjerknes

4:12:00 Rabbi Barclay inciting antisemitism

4:14:00  JUDAS joins
4:15:00  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi
4:18:00  Joseph Cohen
4:24:00  Rabbi Mizrachi's greatest critics are Jews.
Islam is more popular than Orthodox Judaism.
4:25:00  Halsey embarrassed himself with Nick Fuentes.
4:26:00  Rabbi Shmuley is an unholy rabbi. 
4:27:00  Chief Rabbi Sacks and Mirvis 
4:28:00  Rabbi Zobin
4:29:00  The Disputation of Paris 1242
4:32:00 Caligula
Philo of Alexandria
4:45:00 “Rabbi Mizrachi would win the debate but we would be expelled.”
Daniel Haqiqatjou is “very dangerous”.
5:07:00  Judas accuses Doooovid.
John Gischala is married to a Muslim.
5:21:00  Rabbi to the goyim
5:34:00  CK leaves.

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